Tiamat Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Goddess of Chromatic Dragons

Divine Domains

Divine Domains
  1. Evil
  2. Tyranny
  3. Wealth
  4. Destruction
  5. Dragons

Tenets of Faith

  1. Power Above All: Seek power and dominance in all forms. Those who possess strength must rule, and those who are weak must serve.
  2. Spread Corruption: Sow discord and corruption to weaken enemies and spread Tiamat's influence. Utilize manipulation, deceit, and fear to achieve these ends.
  3. Accumulate Wealth: Hoard wealth and treasure, for these are the symbols of Tiamat's favor and the keys to power. Covet and seize the riches of others.
  4. Serve the Dragon Queen: Show unwavering loyalty to Tiamat and her high priests. Follow her commands without question, for her will is absolute.
  5. Embrace Tyranny: Rule with an iron fist. Crush dissent, and ensure that fear and obedience keep your subjects in line.
  6. Honor the Dragons: Respect and protect chromatic dragons, the chosen children of Tiamat. Aid them in their quests and ensure their supremacy over all other beings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Domination of Ealathra: Tiamat seeks to bring the entire realm of Ealathra under her tyrannical rule, turning it into a domain of chaos and fear.
  • Revival of Ancient Powers: She aims to revive ancient dragons and other powerful beings to strengthen her forces and cement her control over the world.
  • Corruption of the Righteous: Tiamat endeavors to corrupt and subvert the followers of Bahamut and other deities of good, turning them into instruments of her will.
  • Expansion of Her Cult: Spread her cults far and wide, ensuring that her influence permeates every corner of society, from the highest noble to the lowest peasant.
  • Destruction of Bahamut: Ultimately, Tiamat seeks to destroy Bahamut, her eternal rival, and eliminate his influence from Ealathra forever.
  • Gather the Lost Artifacts: Recover ancient, powerful artifacts that can augment her strength and secure her reign over the realms.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tiamat is depicted as a massive, five-headed dragon with each head being a different color: red, blue, green, black, and white. Her scales shimmer with a terrifying beauty, and her eyes burn with an unquenchable fire of hatred and greed. Each head represents different elemental powers and breath weapons, embodying her total control over the chromatic dragons.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Origins and Birth: Tiamat, the Chromatic Dragon Queen, was born from the same primordial essence as Bahamut, brought forth by the breath of the first celestial dragon, Io. Unlike her platinum-scaled counterpart, Tiamat manifested with five distinct heads, each representing one of the chromatic dragons: red, blue, green, black, and white. Her multifaceted nature embodied chaos, greed, and tyranny, setting her on a path of conquest and destruction.     Early Ascendancy: In the early epochs of Ealathra, Tiamat sought to dominate and reshape the world according to her will. She exploited the innate chaos of her being, rallying chromatic dragons and dark forces under her banner. Tiamat’s rise to power was marked by the subjugation of various mortal races and the corruption of once-peaceful lands. Her influence spread like a shadow across Ealathra, instilling fear and obedience.   The Great War Against Bahamut: Tiamat’s quest for dominion brought her into direct conflict with Bahamut. The Dragon War, a cataclysmic struggle between the forces of good and evil, saw Tiamat unleash her full fury. Her chromatic dragons clashed with Bahamut’s metallic allies, and the mortal races were drawn into the fray. The war reached its zenith in a monumental battle where Tiamat and Bahamut themselves fought. Although neither could completely destroy the other, Tiamat’s ambitions were checked by Bahamut’s unyielding resistance.   The Shadow Cults: Despite her setback, Tiamat’s influence never waned. She established secret cults and cabals dedicated to her worship, spreading her doctrine of power and supremacy. These shadowy organizations worked to undermine Bahamut’s teachings, corrupting the hearts of mortals and dragons alike. Tiamat’s priests and warlocks became infamous for their dark rituals and unholy pacts, drawing strength from their malevolent goddess.   The Five-Headed Tyrant's Realm: Tiamat carved out a domain in the Infernal Plane, a twisted reflection of her malevolence. Here, she ruled with an iron fist, her lair a nightmarish fortress filled with hoarded treasures and enslaved souls. From this realm, Tiamat plotted her return to Ealathra, seeking to exploit any weakness and reclaim her lost power.     Corruption and Temptation: Tiamat’s primary strategy involved corrupting influential leaders and heroes, turning them into pawns for her schemes. She offered power, wealth, and domination to those willing to serve her, creating a network of powerful agents within Ealathra. These corrupted individuals sowed discord and chaos, destabilizing regions and paving the way for Tiamat’s resurgence.   Eternal Rivalry with Bahamut: Tiamat’s enmity with Bahamut remains a defining aspect of her existence. The eternal struggle between their followers shapes much of the conflict in Ealathra. While Bahamut represents justice and protection, Tiamat embodies tyranny and destruction. Their ongoing battle serves as a cosmic balance, with the fate of Ealathra hanging in the balance.   The Rise of Drak'karix Shadowflame: In recent times, Tiamat has found a fervent disciple in Drak'karix Shadowflame, a red half-dragon whose fanatical loyalty and ruthless ambition make him a formidable agent. Drak'karix’s quest to revive the red greatwyrm Akenth is a critical part of Tiamat’s grand design, promising to unleash untold devastation upon Ealathra.   Legacy and Influence: Tiamat’s legacy is one of fear and oppression. Her chromatic dragons continue to terrorize the land, and her cults remain ever vigilant, seeking to expand her influence. Statues and relics of Tiamat are hidden in dark places, revered by those who crave her dark gifts. The Five-Headed Tyrant remains a potent symbol of ultimate power and corruption, a constant threat to the peace and stability of Ealathra.   Tiamat’s enduring presence is a reminder of the potential for darkness within every soul, and the unending struggle to resist her malevolent allure. Her followers’ whispers of power and wealth continue to tempt the ambitious and the desperate, ensuring that her shadow looms large over Ealathra, a perpetual threat to the realm’s fragile balance.
Divine Classification

Articles under Tiamat


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