Cult of Tiamat Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Cult of Tiamat


  1. High Priest/High Priestess: The supreme leader of the cult, believed to be the mouthpiece of Tiamat herself.
  2. Dragonlords: Elite leaders commanding significant influence and power, overseeing regions and executing the High Priest/High Priestess’s commands.
  3. Scalebinders: Senior priests and priestesses responsible for major rituals, dark magics, and the indoctrination of new members.
  4. Wyrmguard: The cult’s militant arm, comprised of fierce warriors and dragon-blooded beings who enforce the cult’s will.
  5. Acolytes: Devoted followers aspiring to rise in the cult’s ranks, often involved in espionage, recruitment, and minor rituals.
  6. Draconics: Various dragonkin and dragon-blooded creatures serving the cult, revered as semi-divine beings.


The Cult of Tiamat is steeped in a culture of ruthlessness, ambition, and absolute loyalty to the Dragon Queen. Members are encouraged to pursue power by any means necessary, viewing strength and domination as virtues. The cult values cunning and deceit, often employing subterfuge and treachery to achieve its ends. Rituals and ceremonies are grand and fearsome, designed to inspire awe and terror. Hierarchical and meritocratic, the cult rewards those who demonstrate loyalty and capability, often through displays of power or successful conquests. The cult’s influence permeates through secret societies and hidden enclaves, with its members always seeking to expand Tiamat’s reach.

Public Agenda

The Cult of Tiamat seeks to establish a world dominated by dragons and dragonkin under Tiamat’s rule. They aim to subjugate or destroy all opposition, spreading fear and chaos to destabilize societies and pave the way for Tiamat’s reign. The cult often infiltrates governments and institutions, working from within to corrupt and weaken them. They also strive to amass wealth and magical artifacts, using them to bolster their power and influence. Publicly, the cult may masquerade as a legitimate religious or political group, hiding their true intentions behind a veneer of respectability.


  • Temple of Five Flames: The central stronghold of the cult, a massive fortress-temple dedicated to Tiamat.
  • Hidden Shrines: Numerous secret temples and shrines scattered across Ealathra, serving as meeting points and bases of operation.
  • Dragon Hoards: Vast treasuries filled with gold, jewels, and powerful artifacts.
  • Wyrmguard Legions: Armies of fanatical warriors, dragon-blooded beings, and summoned draconic creatures.
  • Arcane Knowledge: Tomes of dark magic and ancient dragon lore, used to enhance the cult’s power.
  • Spy Network: A vast network of spies and informants embedded in various societies, gathering intelligence and sowing discord.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Serve Tiamat Unquestioningly: Absolute loyalty to Tiamat and her earthly representatives.
  2. Pursue Power: Seek strength and power in all forms, and use them to dominate others.
  3. Embrace Chaos: Use chaos and fear as tools to destabilize and conquer.
  4. Exalt Dragons: Revere all dragons as manifestations of Tiamat’s power, particularly chromatic dragons.
  5. Crush Weakness: Show no mercy to the weak; only the strong are fit to rule


  • Dark Sacrifices: Ritualistic offerings, often involving blood and valuable treasures, to appease Tiamat and gain her favor.
  • Conquest Rites: Ceremonies held after successful conquests or significant victories, celebrating Tiamat’s glory.
  • Wyrm Communion: Meditative and magical rituals to commune with Tiamat and chromatic dragons, seeking guidance and power.
  • Desecration of Enemies: Rituals to desecrate holy sites of rival deities and curse their followers.
  • Dragonbinding: Magical rites to bind draconic power to the cult’s leaders, enhancing their abilities and securing their loyalty.

Power, Domination, Conquest.

Religious, Cult
Notable Members
Related Species


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