Xinx Crystal
Condensed Weave magic within a crystalline form. It is a very powerful energy source if harvested.
Material Characteristics
Forming as a blue crystal though inert the is a feint pulsing if psychical contact is made.
Geology & Geography
This crystal is exclusively found in the Zrigast city ruins however small pockets can be found across the globe where ever a massive magical event has taken place.
Origin & Source
When an immense amount of Weave magic is unleashed the ambient bleed of raw energy condenses into a crystalline structure.
Life & Expiration
No halflife and the crystals will be inert without a catalyst.
History & Usage
Within Ealathra the Use of Zinx was Rox of the WIB but in alternate realms it has been discovered long before.
Everyday use
When combined with a specific catalyst it can give off a consent output of magical energy which can be further reacted to create a certain element where that's fire for combustion, lightning for electricity or cold for cooling systems.
Cultural Significance and Usage
The technology behind the Xinx crystal is highly restricted to Rox of the Xinx Crystal Investigation Bureau. Many kingdoms desire this secret as this power source could advance there technology years ahead.
Industrial Use
It can be used to power vehicles air ships. and act as a coolant for more advanced machinery.
The Crystals can be mined like any ore however they may be undocumented risks to long-term exposed to the crystal's particulates that can dispute into he air.
Manufacturing & Products
The Crystals are mined and then ground down to the required mass for output.
The micro particles from inhaling the powder can remain in the system indefinitely and if the user is magically inclined they would find next time they cast a spell the energy might be overcharged or the particles cause internal damage.
The crystals themselves are blank potential and as such any wrong catalyst could have unseen dangers. an example of this would be the city of XIn which managed to convert their xinx crystal into a creature that would infinitely create crystalline monsterities.
Reusability & Recycling
Once the crystal has reacted it cannot be used for anything else and once its energy has been depleted it crumbles into a dull blue sand.
Ideally, you want the unreacted crystal stored in a lead box that's air tight so that the risk of outside contamination is limited.
Law & Regulation
Xinx Crystal Investigation Bureau regulates the crystals and only ships out crystals that have been catalysed and put into bespoke systems.