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Xinx Tech

The turning point in technology was where magic as accessible to all.


Xinx Tech can generate a constant Heat, Wind, Electric or Cold source output for a period of years depending on its size.


A very specific factory and combinations of metals are required to build this tech all of which designs are proprietary.

Social Impact

Because of Xinx tech, Travel is a becoming faster. Achiculture is becoming more reliable. However if the secrets of this tech were  to leak into the wrong hands it could create weapons of untild destructiion.
Access & Availability
Very rare as you have to apply to XCIB to get access to the the tech to employ into your devices
The catalysts that activate the Xinx crystals are secret and the housing the tech comes in is proprietary and tamperproof.
Rox of the XCIB had known about the crystals for some time prior but commercialised them as Xinx technology so that kingdoms could use them to power ships and water purifiers.
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