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Sign Speech or Unloshei (eun-lo-shi)

Sign Speech is a language commonly used among shadow elves and especially the Black Knights. It is a language created with hand and arm motions. This language has both a set of movements for near communication and a second whole motion set for far off communication. The main advantage of this language is that it is silent, so there is no need to reveal your position by sound, and the keen eyesight of the shadow elves makes it easier for them to see less obvious and revealing motions while communicating.

Writing System

Since this is a variant of old Phelrogan, the alphabet has remained almost exactly the same. The only difference between the Sign Speech and Phelrogan alphabet is in the use of the letter C, which is not present in Phelrogan.

Geographical Distribution

Sign Speech is spoken almost exclusively among shadow elves, and is known to very few others. The only other group that is likely to know this language are Amatrian professors or rangers.


Sign Speech is a relatively new language that derived from old Phelrogan, or High Elvish. Both language share nearly the same alphabet, written form and sentence structure. Sign Speech, is essentially a silent variant of Phelrogan.


The vocabulary


There are no sounds used in this language.


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