Cult of Minerolo Organization in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Cult of Minerolo


Nestled within a secluded commune deep in the heart of the Badlands, The Cult of Minerolo is a mysterious group that has carved out its own niche in the world. The members of The Cult adhere to a unique set of beliefs centered around the worship of electrolytes, the fundamental building blocks of life. They speak in the dialect of Potassis, a language infused with reverence for fluids and the natural world. According to their teachings, all fluids are sacred, to be cherished and revered as gifts from the earth.


In their secluded commune, members of the cult engage in rituals and ceremonies aimed at honoring and preserving fluids in all their forms. From collecting rainwater to harvesting dew from the morning mist, every drop is treated with the utmost care and respect. They disapprove of the wasteful ways of the city, viewing its excesses as a violation of the natural order.