Motorhead Yakuza Organization in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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Motorhead Yakuza


The Motorhead Yakuza are a formidable force in the Neo Bureris  underworld, their roaring engines and flashing neon marking their presence wherever they roam. As a motorcycle gang, they embody the spirit of rebellion and lawlessness, tearing through the streets with reckless abandon. Specializing in the illicit trade of narcotics and cyberware, the Motorhead Yakuza operate on the fringes of legality, exploiting every opportunity to profit from the city's darkest vices. They are masters of evasion, using their highly modified bikes to outmaneuver law enforcement and rival gangs alike. With speed and agility as their allies, they remain one step ahead of capture, disappearing into the labyrinthine streets of the city whenever the heat becomes too intense.
Illicit, Gang


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