The Outer Ring Organization in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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The Outer Ring


a smuggeling ring that brings iligal goods intro the city from the Badlands.


The Outer Ring is a notorious smuggling syndicate operating within the shadows of Neo Bureris , specializing in the illicit transportation of contraband ranging from narcotics and high-tech gadgets to even human trafficking. Renowned for their technical prowess and intricate network of operatives, The Outer Ring has established itself as a formidable force in the criminal underworld, wielding influence that extends far beyond the city limits. Distinguished by their preference for employing cutting-edge technology and expertise, The Outer Ring employs sophisticated methods and tools to carry out their clandestine operations, evading detection and outmaneuvering law enforcement at every turn. With ties that reach beyond the confines of the city, the syndicate boasts connections to distant territories and distant syndicates, facilitating the seamless transportation of goods and individuals across borders and jurisdictions.   In recent times, The Outer Ring has garnered attention for their aggressive pursuit of defectors within their ranks, employing ruthless tactics to root out disloyalty and maintain control over their operations. Rumors abound of their intentions to expand their reach and solidify their dominance in the criminal underworld, with whispers of ambitious plans and clandestine dealings circulating among the city's inhabitants.
Illicit, Gang


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