The Trenches Settlement in Earth - 2045 | World Anvil
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The Trenches


A city district that has been long plaged by gang warfair.


The Trenches is a district situated within the city of Neo Bureris , characterized by its pervasive poverty and notorious nickname derived from the relentless gang warfare that plagues its streets. Despite its proximity to the bustling heart of the city, The Trenches remains a lawless and dangerous enclave, where residents live in constant fear of violence and exploitation. Gang warfare is a defining feature of life in The Trenches, with two prominent factions, Razor Killers  and the 1st street Hunters, vying for control over the district's territory. These rival gangs engage in frequent skirmishes and turf wars, each striving to maintain dominance while simultaneously avoiding attracting the government's attention. Although both factions endeavor to keep the violence below levels that would provoke government intervention, clashes between them are a common occurrence, and residents often find themselves caught in the crossfire.   Despite the chaos that reigns in The Trenches, the presence of the corporation Storm Associates  adds an additional layer of complexity to the district's dynamics. Operating from their offices within the district, Storm Associates utilizes bribery and coercion to keep the warring gangs at bay, ensuring the relative stability necessary for their business interests to thrive. By maintaining a delicate balance of power through underhanded dealings, Storm Associates exerts influence over The Trenches, further entrenching the district in a cycle of corruption and violence.


Nightclub: Frontier.


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