Lower Southside, Arkham

Here are narrow, twisting lanes and crowded tenements. Some Irish and Poles live here, but from High Street south the area is mostly Italian.

The Southside is located on low marshy ground in a pocket between French Hill and South Hill. The air is muggy in the summer, cold and damp in the winter. Most of the wood buildings show signs of decay. A few single homes still exist. On Powder Mill Street, south of Saltonstall, stand several good examples of late eighteenth century wooden row houses.

Badly lit, always the subject of calls for reform but never changing, the neighborhood is overcrowded, noisy, and inhabited by some of Arkham’s poorest citizens. Tiny shops, markets, and restaurants can be found here, often unmarked and known only to neighbors, pressed in between tenements and apartments.

Notable Locations


  • Arkham - Lower Southside


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