Miskatonic U Campus

The campus area is an Arkham showplace. Landscaped and kept immaculately clean, the university grounds are a cool and shady place for a summer walk. Almost all of the university’s buildings are found here, including the hospital and the field house. Like the merchant district, the campus is on low ground, which noticeably climbs only south of College Street.

North of Crane Street and west of West Street is a block of substantial residential homes, designed in the Georgian/Federalist style. Many of these large homes are no longer residences, but are maintained as offices by the university or other organizations. This block is as well groomed as any part of the campus. College Street contains, besides campus buildings, many old family homes that have been converted to apartments and boarding houses, where live most of the junior and senior men who do belong to fraternities.

West of Boundary Street are blocks of older, more modest residences. Hill Street is an unlit dirt road nderlain by a foundation of ancient rotting timbers, poking up through the road in places. Residents here lack sewers, and draw water from one of three public wells along the street. This very rustic section of town contains many seventeenth-century homes, and the families of the inhabitants have lived in them for ten generations and more, datable to the first settlement of Arkham.

Notable Locations

Miskatonic University Locations


  • Arkham - Campus


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