Olaf Olson

Olaf Olson (a.k.a. Ollie)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very thin and not particularly athletic, Olaf looks every bit the shopkeeper.

Facial Features

short forehead, long face, high cheekbones

Identifying Characteristics

Has a large scar on his left hand

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Olaf Olson was born in Arkham to Arnie and Lena Olson who both immigrated from Sweden and is an only child.



Works at F&M Trains and Toys - 233 E Church St Monday through Saturday.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Eagle Scout

Failures & Embarrassments

His parents were extremely proud of his degree and it was expected that Olaf would move to the big city of Boston or New York to pursue a career. However, first is mother died unexpectedly and his father has taken sick. Olaf felt the need to stay in Arkham to take care of his father which meant he had to settle for the retail job at F&M. He tries not to be bitter and is dedicated to the care of his father, but it does weigh on him at times.

Intellectual Characteristics

Hard working, but not overly bright. Olaf is detailed oriented and a hard worker. What he lacks in brains he makes up with pure determination.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Will not eat octopus under any circumstance but refuses to say why.

While his parents would strongly disapprove of it, Olaf attends every community dance he can and while he isn't a particularly good dancer, he enjoys it immensely and is getting better.

Personality Quirks

Constantly juggles in the store even while serving customers or answering the phone.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1892 AD 28 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fair and freckled
Quotes & Catchphrases
"It is what it is."
Known Languages
English and Swedish.


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