School of Applied Sciences

Headquartered in the new Charles Tyner Laboratory Annex, the Dean is Dr. Lawrence Abbott, an engineer by training. The school represents his ambitious dream of a science fully interactive with modern society. Dominant among the disciplines are engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, and metallurgy.

In engineering, the rising star is Frank H. Pabodie, age 32, who is presently running final tests on a powerful new drill of his own radical design. The drill will take geological core samples during the upcoming Antarctic expedition. He has also designed fuel-warming and quick-start devices for the airplanes to be used by the explorers.

Faculty-member Prof. Woodbridge, 36, has spent time with Robert Goddard, the liquid-fuel-rocket proponent. Woodbridge occasionally launches experimental rockets from a field south of town. Electrical engineer Dr. Hamlin Hayes, a young man despite his thin white hair, is presently developing special storage batteries better resistant to the intense cold of the Antarctic.


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