Earth 1.0

July 1956

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The two decades immediately following World War II were a strange and schizophrenic time in history. On the surface, Western civilisation seemed to be at its zenith – almost a paradise. The dream was a close, loving, well-fed, and well-educated family, living in a small-but-comfortable house packed with technological luxuries and conveniences in a safe, attractive, friendly suburban neighbourhood. For many people, this dream was reality.   Beneath the surface, however, there was a darker side to the ’50s. The Cold War cast the shadow of nuclear annihilation across the happy face of civilisation. Paranoia ran rampant, officially sanctioned in the name of rooting out Communist infiltrators. Traditionally downtrodden groups like women and racial minorities were beginning to rise, slowly but implacably, to demand equal rights and this terrified those they were rising against.   This tension between the outward appearance of utopian prosperity and the internal chaos of fear and hatred is what forms the fundamental basis of what can only be called “Atomic Horror.”