The Day the World Changed

A GURPS game In the world of Earth 1.0
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Sessions Archive

12th Sep 2024

The Beginning of the End (Part 8) - Death's Arrival

Faced with a possible standoff and violence likely, the group were surprised by the appearance Stria - the woman who had helped our heroes returned from the refinery. She called upon the group to make their intentions clear or leave town. Rosemary, still inclined to enter the Library, inched the situation closer to a shoot out.

Stria spoke of how the group needed to make a decision. If they entered the Library, they would be putting a prophecy in motion - one that others before had claimed but falsely. Those claims had nearly cost Mazy (who turned out to be Stria's sister) her life by the hand of Shark, who's intent was to keep control of his town through ignorance.

Convincing Stria that they would see any consequnce through seemed to relax her. Suddenly and almost two fast to see, Stria gunned down the two guards.

Entering the Library, our heroes encountered a very different scenario. The prophecy to which Stria had eluded seemed to be coming into play as each of our heroes was identified by a strange and mystic name:

  • Rosemary - the One who Restores Science and Learning
  • Sam - The One who Walks in Two Worlds
  • Frank - The One who Speaks to God and Machines
  • Alice - The One who Heals More Than Wounds
  • Klaus - The Father of Evil

Not only did our heroes receive these names but strange powers also. Rosemary the ability to absorb books, Frank the ability to turn zombies to dust - the result also leaving him in cross-shaped tattoos. Also, each of our group found completeness in being joined with those who's footsteps that walked in on their earlier journey.

Having collected what they needed, our heroes set off to rescue Klaus and face Grom. Once they had reached the meeting place, Grom called for Pugna, one of the few respected traditions - involving single combat between Wheels and Grom. Combat that would only end with the death of one of them...

29th Aug 2024

The Beginning of the End (Part 7) - Confrontation is imminent

Rosemary, unaware of Klaus' disappearance had set out early to visit the gentleman colloquially known as The Librarian. While a few gaps in her understanding of the events of the world during our heroes' "absence", it was clear that the collection of books held could be of value in restoring civilisation. It seemed that this view was not supported by Shark and that the Librarian's presence was only tolerated within Shark Town as long as he did not create waves.   It was unclear whether Mazzy, Shark's lieutenant, supported this view or not.   Hours passed as Rosemary spend time with the Librarian and there it was that Sam and the others brought the news of Klaus' disappearance and the note from Grom.   That evening, plans were discussed and argued surrounding Klaus' rescue. Importantly though, Rosemary also felt that further information should be researched within the books that she had begun to review that day.   Upon arrival at the Librarians the next day, they found it guarded by two of Shark's men who refused entry to Rosemary to the point of physically restraining her ability to approach the house. Tensions escalated and weapons were drawn as a peaceful settlement to proceedings slipped away   Suddenly a shot rang out, though its source was unknown...

15th Aug 2024

The Beginning of the End (Part 5)

It has been a couple of weeks since our heroes departed the Science Division at Ayers Rock. Forced into a couple of detours from the planned return to Canberra, they find themselves in a strange shanty-like town going by the name Shark's Compound, though the reasons behind the name have not been discovered. The trip to Shark's Compound resulting from a discovery that the state of Victoria had collapsed into the Indian Ocean, supposedly as a result of the nuclear wars some twenty or more years previous.   Our group was met by Mazzy, the lieutenant to the mysterious "Shark", who also has a history with Wheels and believed her dead at the hands of Grom.   Needing funds and to reconsider their travel plans, our heroes took up the offer of work by escorting a tanker doing a run from Shark's Compound to the Refinery and back. On the trip, they were attacked by members of Grom group, though Grom himself was absent. Successful in their trip, the our heroes return to Shark's Compound to undertake some repairs in preparation to continue their journey.   While the preparations underway, Rosemary had heard of a man living up the hill who had a collection of books. The Librarian he was known as. Frank supervised the repairs and modifications to their vehicles and Sam had strange visions of a dark tower surrounded by death.   In the morning, it was discovered that Klaus was missing. A note was found indicated our heroes must bring Wheels to "the place they should have travelled to"...

4th Jul 2024

The Beginning of the End (Part 1)

Having been initially overlooked, Sam managed to follow his companions and release them from their captivity - brought upon by their attempt to work with rather than against the border patrols. In the ensuing fire fight, our heroes managed to escape what seemed to be a certain kangaroo trial and likely execution fate.   Their escape was short lived as they were pursued - not by border guards - but some of the local bandits hunting for fuel supplies and weaponry. When one of the bandits showed to be a massive giant human-like creature, it seemed that flight was a better option than fight.   Leaving behind the New Aboriginal Territory, our heroes eventually found their way to Woomera. Once a small town essntially supporting the space tracking station, Woomera was now a shanty town, fenced away from the world by a collection with anything that could be found to create a walled town.   Leaving their vehicles, our heroes sought to greet with the members of the Woomera community, only to discover an aged woman - a girl child of some of the CSIRO support staff from their own era. Marissa recognised the travellers for who they were, understanding that they had come from the past.   A whispered message sent inside, "It truly is them. Tell the Warrior" brought great interest from all of the Woomera citizens. After a short time, the gathered crowd parted, revealing the mysterious and seemingly rebel leader known as The Road Warrior...

27th Jun 2024

The Return (Part 3)

Our heroes departed the CSIRO complex underneath Ayers Rock only to discover a very different world from the one they new back in 1956. Even the borders had changed in that a new territory, "New Aboriginal Territory" now existed as part - or replacing - Northern Territory.   Discovering a check point somewhere within the boundaries of New Aboriginal Territory, our heroes found trouble with the locals and had to shoot their way out of an escalating situation. Followed by the "border" guards, another fire-fight unsued resulting in the death and injury of some of the patrol. Seeking to aid the wounded, our heroes ultimately submitted themselves to arrest to be taken before the Governor of New Aboriginal Territory   Among the crimes they have been accused of committing was one of being part of the outlaw element lead by someone known only as The Road Warrior...

20th Jun 2024

The Return (Part 2)

As our heroes investigate through the CSIRO Science Division Head Office, they discover that the complex is not totally empty. A few of the zombies at least still remain in residence even as - it appears - all living beings have left.

‌ A discovered sign indicating a departure to Banshee lead to a destroyed area of the complex that once housed a "tunnel" that could take people to the planet Banshee - supposedly the new home for at least some of the human race.

‌ Finally discovering Mr Smith's Office - after many twists and turns due to construction collapses - our heroes inadvertently set off a trap to protect Mr Smith's secrets - totally destroying his desk and notes. Through a few fragments, a few discoveries were able to be made:

‌ Dr Vanessa Hellstromme - grandaughter of Dr Hellstromme whome they had encountered in their alternate selves - had workedwith CSIRO to develop the tunnel to Banshee A spacecraft - The Unity - had been built to house workers in space while the tunnel was being built The CSIRO Headquarters had been placed in a temporal stasis, essentially pausing time from the outside world. Inside the complex it was January 1957 however outside, the world had moved on beyond the lives of our heroes to 2047 The only way to reach Banshee was via The Unity and to reach The Unity, travel to the Space Tracking Station at Woomera was necessary

Our heroes discovered that certain parts of the complex - Area 6 - had been damaged and was succumbing to age. It also provided a passage to the outside world. The passage out led to an underground garage within the CSIRO Headquarters where two futuristic vehicles remained.

Finding the vehicles to be still in working order, our heroes prepared for travel to Woomera, some thirteen or so hours from Ayers Rock...

13th Jun 2024

The Return (Part 1)

Our heroes have returned from the past where they attempted to discover the origins of the strange virus turning people into zombies. The intended destination of their trip through the tunnel was to take them to an alternate Earth at the turn of the century. Initially finding themselves in what seemed to be fiction come to life through the Island of Dr Moreau, they suddenly found themselves returning to the tunnel back at CSIRO.   Strangely, they brought back memories of others - almost as if they had been other people in an American West that never existed. An America of 1879 where the Civil War seemed endless and a strange discovery known as Ghost Rock allowed for strange and fantastic inventions. Inventions that seemed to be corrupted by Dr Darius Hellstromme, a scientist who was self-proclaimed Governor of New Orleans.   As part of his experiements, he was creating automatons - steel man-like beings that contained a brain of a man who was otherwise dead. Within this America of the past existed countless zombie-like beings, though whether Hellstromme was the ultimate creator of the creatures or merely someone who had taken advantage of their creation was unclear.   Back in the Science Division Head Office laboratory underneath Ayers Rock, our heroes find the complex devoid of life. The laboratory containing the Time Tunnel showed signs of the combat that occurred upon our heroes' departure but no bodies - human or zombie could be found. The date discovered on the computers was 3 January 1957, some two months after our heroes left.

30th May 2024

The Return (Part 0)

Our intrepid heroes have returned but have they returned as they left...   Planning to discover the source of the sudden epidemic that changes normal human beings into ravaging brain-thirsty zombies, our heroes were to travel back through time. After travelling to the CSIRO Special Sciences Investigation Centre, located beneath Ayers Rock, their preparation was cut short by an attack of the zombies. Zombies it also seemed that were controlled by Klaus' daughter Liesel.   Ushered quickly into the Time Tunnel, the battle around them impacted the co-ordinate setting for the tunnel and plummeted our heroes into both a change in time and worlds. It had always been researched within CSIRO the possible existence of alternate earths but no firm evidence had been discovered. The heroes arrival on the Island of Dr Moreau - a fictional character in their world - seemed to provide that evidence.   Escape from the island came through stowing away on a steam powered airship was suddenly interrupted...   In their world - and in their minds - no time had passed, yet our heroes suddenly had memories of other people. People who existed in an 1870's United States west that never existed in their own world.   On that side trip, it was discovered that a Dr Darius Hellstromme was also connected to the creation of these zombies. Further, it was discovered that there was a connection between these alernate earths by the discovery of both a 1956 Melbourne Olympics logo and the bodies of fellow CSIRO members who had apparently gobe in search of our heroes.   Among that gruesome discover was note:   "Day 10. water ended. Companions dead. Not long for me. Agency tried but tunnel failed. Mr Smith needs to know. Others to follow."   It was signed Commander Maija "Wheels" Riika.   Beside the the discovered bodies was some form of advance-powered wheelchair   Now our heroes find themselves back inside the tunnel where they started from...

27th Apr 2023

The Arrival (Part 8)

With the volcano erupting all around you, you managed to board the strange via the box-like cabin that hangs below the apparently steam-powered airship. Rather than reality, this seems something more from a Jules Verne or H.G. Wells novel.   Despite the strangeness of this island and its occupants, the airship seems to be the only means of escape. Though finding yourselves locked within the confines of the airship entry portal, escape may seem a strange word...

13th Apr 2023

The Arrival (Part 7)

Having defeated the Beast, the way looks partially clear between warring Manimals and Men and the constant fireballs from the erupting volcano   Escaping by the previously unseen gate at the rear of the compound, you follow the tracks of Moreau and company who left before you   What you find is a massive vessel, shaped somewhat like helium airship - the Hindenburg in your world but obviously not a balloon as such. Something much different...

6th Apr 2023

The Arrival (Part 6)

Chaos, fire...   Chaos, attack...   Chaos, the end of the world...   This is what you see and hear all around you. The mountain that sits in the centre of the island has come alive and volcanic rock rains down upon you all. Montgomery, Moreau and selected individuals have escaped through a previously unseen gate from the compund   The now-called "manimals" have attacked the compound at the exact same time   As you decide to leave and follow the direction of Moreau, the Beast steps up before you, blocking your way...

23rd Mar 2023

The Arrival (Part 5)

"Doctor Moreau"...   A few of you remember the name Moreau. He was a highly regarded physiologist in London but someone who undertook gruesome experiments in vivisection. Having been publicly exposed for his actions, he had to flee England and was lost in history   Except that Doctor Moreau is a fictional character created by H.G. Wells...

16th Mar 2023

The Arrival (Part 4)

The events since arriving on the uncharted island seem a blur as you fitfully rest / sleep through the night. Something not possible - something even Klaus himself would not think possible - is not only possible but has been achieved   Someone, somehow in this world that was identified to you as Earth 2 or even 2.0 has achieved the impossible. They have taken an animal and somehow created a "man"   The morning is disturbed by the sounds of an argument outside of the cave and some form of gun shot can be heard. Hearded out by the "animal-men", seemingly reluctantly, you find yourselves in the presence of the first "true man" you have seen since arrival   The man - Montgomery - seems beligerent and insists that you come with him to the compound. At these words, you hear many of the animal-men murmur "The Man"   Lead away and walking for several hours, you finally find yourselves in front of a walled structure   This does not seem to be what you signed up for...

9th Mar 2023

The Arrival (Part 3)

Arrival at the island has brought both comfort and concern. There is a safety factor of being back on land but at what cost. An island not chartered, not known and certainly not the location that you were being sent to. London was the planned arrival and you find yourselves very far from London but also in a time that appears to be what was planned but in a technology era that appears very different to what you know of history   Following the left trail - with little knowledge of which is the correct trail during the sunset brings a challenge of how to continue. Some torches supplied by Klaus does bring a little light but also brings the realisation that Frank is missing and apparently taken against his will   The additional light also identified that not all foot prints along the path are not from boots or even barefoot. Some appear to have less toe prints but still be upright...

2nd Mar 2023

The Arrival (Part 2)

The tunnel controls seem to have been changed in the skirmish that occured with the Time Police ending up with perhaps the right era but the wrong location - somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean rather than London   Arrival at this random location leads to further challenges... the randomness of arriving on board a mid-sized vessel in an ocean locaton far from any known land seems a factor that Klaus and Rosemary would enjoy discussing   Having found a way to bring the abandoned vessel back to life, an island is discovered in the distance

9th Feb 2023


The zombies continuing to fight their way through the staff and guards, light fades and sparks fly about you as the tunnel roars to life   As the cavern fades into blackness, you hear Director Van Mortfort's voice above the chaos. "Wait, recall them! Stop the transfer! Someone has hit the controls and changed their arrival location." There is a pause...   "No! it can't be..."   And then silence...

26th Jan 2023

The End or A New Beginning?

The world - as you know it - seems to have turned to complete chaos...   What was supposed to be a celebration for the country - and even on a personal level - with the opening of the 1956 Olympics and be able to watch your friend Maija "Wheels" not only represent her adopted country but carry the flag itself.   And then complete mayhem. Nazi soldiers began gunning down the crowd. Those few soldiers that were shot by police did not die but raised up and continued to fight. Even through the chaos you did notice that the uniforms of the soldiers were from an earlier era and their weapons seemed to be of Russian-make.   Fleeing with the others and meeting up with the CSIRO members, you have been taken on the super fast train to a new location. Here Mr Smith has outlined that the chaos here is affecting other worlds as well.   He then leads you into a massive underground cavern that seems to be a major computer room and one very large man-made tunnel...

5th Jan 2023

The Return? (Part 6)

After recovering from the CSIRO "Training" Camp, you find yourselves a few days out from the biggest sporting event in Australian history. The Games of the XVI Olympiad. The first time the games have been held in the Southern Hemisphere - itself creating difficulty for many countries as it creates a reversal of the seasons.   For you, it is much about your colleague and friend - and relative to one - Maija. This is about her achievement against odds that would crush a lesser girl.

29th Dec 2022

The Return? (Part 5)

Dr Milagre, when "herself" has indicated that the natural order of the infinite worlds not impacting the fate of another has been disrupted and that this fact could alter not just her theories but their may be a real threat to this - and other - worlds.   You know it is now imperative to return to your "Home" world

22nd Dec 2022

The Return? (Part 4)

Chaos temporarily averted following the shoot out, the group discover that Dr Milagre, whom they remember as a fairly arrogant woman in her mid-twenties, to be a teenager (equally arrogant at times) but one who also speaks with the voice of Liesl at times. It is not just her voice but this teenage girl seems to - at times - have the memories of Klause's young daughter   Dr Milagre, when "herself" has indicated that the natural order of the infinite worlds not impacting the fate of another has been disrupted and that this fact could alter not just her theories but their may be a real threat to this - and other - worlds

10th Nov 2022

The Return? (Part 3)

Returning to CSIRO the next morning in search of Gabriella met with little success. Whilst Gabriella has been associated with CSIRO, she is not currently employed there.   Also, she was referred to as a teenage girl, which brought some confusion as many of you thought you remembered her as older - perhaps in her middle to late twenties - but certainly not as a teenage girl.   Seeking her out, after convincing Mr Smith (the fact of getting a concession out of Smith itself being an oddity).   The moment you arrived at the address, mental alarm bells starting ringing. Wasn't this the house you had visited previously when looking for the girl that had been kidnapped. The house where you had been attacked by strangers who would rise from the dead?   As you approached the house, attack happened once more. In this instance, the assailants did not rise from death but Klaus was injured.   In the aftermath of the shooting, Klaus moved up the stairs looking for the teenage scientist...

3rd Nov 2022

The Return? (Part 2)

Normal clouds reality...   The return to CSIRO did not go as planned. The place, the surrrounds - everything even - seemed washed of colour, even a little pale. Even the meeting with the normally surly Mr Smith seemed to not have the intensity of "normal"   That night, choosing to stay together at Rosemary's house, each of you experienced a strange dream - a life that was not, perhaps even could not be true. Could not be reality...   Following the strange night and as you discussed what had occurred, Dr McSwain visited, yet dawn had not even arrived   Seeming even more bronzed of skin and her red hair near the colour of fire, she told you that these visions are linked to an alternate future. A future that is leading to a cataclysmic event that would not only bring ruin there but in every other alternate "world"   Even as disbelief continued to grow in your minds, McSwain drew a circle in the air with her arms and some picture - even possibly a portal - appeared before you   It showed a city... acity torn apart by ruin and flames. A city on fire and black smoke filled the skies in all directions   The image and McSwain faded until she was gone   "Seek Milagre..."

15th Sep 2022

The Return?

It is morning and you have just entered the Offices of CSIRO, a place that has been your working environment (when not on field trips) for the last several months   It is a place that has opened your eyes to a number of new possibilities and experiences and - safe to say - given you an opportunity to see the world in a very different way to how others see it. Those "others" do not work within the confines of this workplace   Strangely, what you remember of yesterday was looking at some device that was to take you to the centre of the Earth - in itself another mental challenge as to whether that journey is even possible but then, yesterday CSIRO didn't exist. The world you knew didn't exist   Today seems strangely normal. In your experiences, "normal" is not a true relection of the world around you but more a depiction of a reality that is trying to be hidden. Normal clouds reality...

18th Aug 2022

What Else Could Go Wrong

Mission accomplished... mission failed... what you walked into is very different to where you are now   CSIRO doesn't seem to be CSIRO... the world is definitely not the world you had woken up to yesterday   Right now, guns are pointed, threats are made but no outcome seems to have been reached   What else could go wrong?

11th Aug 2022

New Sydney

11th Aug 2022

New Sydney

Having arrived in "New Sydney" and discovered that the Australia you are in is not the Australia you remember   Randome times, random worlds became the common conversation but more importantly was the question of how to return "home"   This led to a new challenge. There was not the technology in New Sydney to help you home but they could provide you a way to try and discover it. To do that though meant operate on a scientist that had defected from Russia   No simple operation because you had to be shrunk down to microscopic level and be inserted into the blood stream of the injured scientist   Unknown to you, one of the team provided by New Sydney turned out to be a traitor and tried to destroy the Proteus. That planned failed but the ship was damaged. Frank was able to provide repairs but did not have the full time he would have like as the vessel entered the pressure of the heart...

4th Aug 2022

New Sydney

Leaving the wasteland that was now Maralinga, you encountered a strange change in the daylight, just for a brief second on your return to Canberra and CSIRO.   Upon reaching the coordinates that identified Canberra there was nothing. It wasn't as if the city had been destroyed, it was more that it had never existed. Not having much time to contemplate what this actually meant due to a shortage a fuel, you made your way to Sydney.   Reaching Sydney airport, you found it destroyed and no usable runway. Calling for help led you to the city of Sydney where you found a wall, sealing the city just south of the Harbour Bridge. The bridge itself had been turned into a runway.   Without any other choices, you landed on the bridge...

5th May 2022

New Introduction


24th Mar 2022

Maralinga Caves

Our intrepid adventurers discovered that the Central West was not the place of origin of the strange dirt found on the tyres and shoes of their assailants. With help from geologist Dr Emmi Stanton, the likely location was in central South Australia - specifically Maralinga.   Upon approach to the area the group observed a distant explosion. An explosion that blossomed into a mushroom cloud that could mean only one thing. The extent of the UK testing of atomic bombs had moved from off shore Western Australia to the mainland itself.   The impact of the explosion rendered James unconscious and left Sam and Rosemary to attempt some emergency landing, resulting in damage to the undercarriage but little else damage.   Coincidence or not, the landing site was near the target zone, yet the surrounding air was already reaching dangerous radioactive levels. Taking suits, Rosemary, Klaus, Alice and Sam looked to explore the Maralinga Blowhole while James and Frank worked on repairs to the aircraft.   The blowhole seemed to descend to several levels as investigated. Upon the first level a cavern was discovered that contained fifty or so metal - autopsy style tables. Oddly, each table seemed to have a skull sized hole at one end. All tables also showed several brown aged stains that were identified as dried blood.   Travelling lower, the group - lessened by Sam who had succumbed to his PTSD and could not continue - discovered a tunnel that lead to a similar, though larger, cavern that was discovered above.   Here, our adventurers discovered Klaus' wife and also his daughter and her grandfather. Liesel's hair was now white as snow and would account for the train shooter. Tensions rose as Klaus appraoched Liesel to release her from danger. Ludendorff - Liesel's grandfather - theatened to kill Liesl if she did not complete Helene's plans.   Things became uncontrolable when Rosemary and Alive shot and killed Ludendorff. Liesl became unconsolable and seemed to explode in a blinding flash, seemingly fulfulling her mother's desires.

17th Mar 2022

Mystery Bullets Rake Train

Having followed leads that indicated a young blonde child - possibly named Liesel - was responsible for the train shooting, our adventurers investigated a few leads. One resulted in a shoot out in suburbian Melbourne but also the discovery of a quite individualistic dirt on the shoes of the shooters.   Taking this information to Dr Emmi Stanton - a geologist with CSIRO - it was first thought that the dirt was unique to the area in and around Ayers Rock. However further examination showed that the area in question was actually in South Australia. Specifically an area known as the Maralinga Blowhole...

Read the Report
30th Dec 2021

Mystery Bullets Rake Train

Mystery Bullets Rake Train   Passengers lie on floor as window glass flies… Two men and a giri missed death by inches when a hail of bullets raked two crowded railway carriages near Ormond last night. At least seven shots, probably from an automatic rifle, whistled through as the 6.26 p.m. to Frankston was 300 yards from the station. Passengers tumbled to the floor as shots pierced three windows, and lay there until the train reached Ormond. One shot smashed a window half an inch from a 10 year-old girl's head. She had been leaning against the door, and Mr. R. Selby, of Moorabbin rd.. Moorabbin, said the shot would have gone through her head had she been standing up straight. Lucky lurch Mr. A. Hardy, of Como parade, Parkdale, said a middle-aged man had been leaning forward reading a paper when the shots were fired. The train jerked and his head was flung backwards just as a bullet flew through the train in line with where his head had been. Mr. Brian Cazaly, of Patrick st" East Bentleigh, said in his carriage all the seats were occupied, and only some children carrying Show bags were' standing up. If any adults had been standing they would have been wounded, he said. Having now arrived in Melbourne - in a matter of a little over an hour (faster than a flight) by the extraordinary electromagnetic train), it is time to investigate.   Done at the crime scene several casings were discovered - SMG - and a single small footprint.   Getting access to the maintenance yard and with further investigation, it was determined that the shooter was likely between four and four and half foot tall. Investigation within the train turned up a piece of paper stuck under one of the carriage seats. The paper contained only one thing - a pyramid like symbol.   A lead from the investigating police brought the group to a Mr A Hardy's house, who was apparently a witness to the shooting. In discussion, it turned out his son (Angus) had seemed a little blonde girl firing at the train.   Angus also claimed that he knew Rosemary from being taught by her a few years back. Rosemary has no recollection of the boy or even teaching at that school.   As the group were leaving a white Thunderbird pulled up outside and two men fired upon the group. In return fire, one assailant was killed and the other injured. Upon approach, the injured driver of the Thunderbird called out "For Vladimir", and then bit down on something, frothing at the mouth, and dying.   During the shootout, Rosematu had quickly moved to protect Angus. After the incident, Angus said that they were to two men that had pulled up to drive the little girl away from the train shooting. As to how she got there in the first place, Angus replied that she just appeared out of thin air and shot at the train.   At this, Angus cried out the name "Liesl", even as his eyes rolled back into his head and collapsed unconscious.

23rd Dec 2021

Mystery Bullets Rake Train

Mystery Bullets Rake TRain Passengers lie on floor as window glass flies… Two men and a giri missed death by inches when a hail of bullets raked two crowded railway carriages near Ormond last night. At least seven shots, probably from an automatic rifle, whistled through as the 6.26 p.m. to Frankston was 300 yards from the station. Passengers tumbled to the floor as shots pierced three windows, and lay there until the train reached Ormond. One shot smashed a window half an inch from a 10 year-old girl's head. She had been leaning against the door, and Mr. R. Selby, of Moorabbin rd.. Moorabbin, said the shot would have gone through her head had she been standing up straight. Lucky lurch Mr. A. Hardy, of Como parade, Parkdale, said a middle-aged man had been leaning forward reading a paper when the shots were fired. The train jerked and his head was flung backwards just as a bullet flew through the train in line with where his head had been. Mr. Brian Cazaly, of Patrick st" East Bentleigh, said in his carriage all the seats were occupied, and only some children carrying Show bags were' standing up. If any adults had been standing they would have been wounded, he said.   Having now arrived in Melbourne - in a matter of a little over an hour (faster than a flight) by the extraordinary electromagnetic train), it is time to investigate...

2nd Dec 2021

Mystery Bullets Rake TRain

Passengers lie on floor as window glass flies…   Two men and a giri missed death by inches when a hail of bullets raked two crowded railway carriages near Ormond last night.   At least seven shots, probably from an automatic rifle, whistled through as the 6.26 p.m. to Frankston was 300 yards from the station.   Passengers tumbled to the floor as shots pierced three windows, and lay there until the train reached Ormond.   One shot smashed a window half an inch from a 10 year-old girl's head.   She had been leaning against the door, and Mr. R. Selby, of Moorabbin rd.. Moorabbin, said the shot would have gone through her head had she been standing up straight.   Lucky lurch   Mr. A. Hardy, of Como parade, Pnrkdale, said a middle-aged man had been leaning forward reading a paper when the shots were fired. The train jerked and his head was flung backwards just as a bullet flew through the train in line with where his head had been.   Mr. Brian Cazaly, of Patrick st" East Bentleigh, said in his carriage all the seats were occupied, and only some children carrying Show bags were' standing up.   If any adults had been standing they would have been wounded, he said.

25th Nov 2021

The Secrets of Lake George

Something lurks within the murky waters of Lake George Of the five Duntroon cadets missing for four days now, only the body of Cadet Jorgensen had been recovered Late on the day of the 12th, however a grizzly discovery made - the arm of one of the missing cadets, yet unidentified. The arm appeared to have been torn from the body... As the adventurers were left to investigate around the lake shore, they discover an undiscovered tunnel.   Encountering firstly crabs of immense size near the tunnel that led into the hills beside the lake, the adventurers found a steel plate that nothing could be found to pass through it. The adventurers, however found a tunnel in the ceiling of the cavern that led to a large disused computer room some twenty feet below the ceiling tunnel.   Lowering themselves into the computer room, they were set upon by large spiders whose eyes appeared to be dead to look upon. The beasts themselves also rose when killed until killed a second time.   Searching the room, papers were discovered disclosing some family trees of Klaus' daughter Liesel linking her back to the infamous Dr Poison, whose exploits in the Great War included the invention of a poison gas used upon the allied troops. The connection to this nefarious Doctor came through Liesel's mother, who left Klaus and Liesel soon after her birth and has not been seen since.   The group were surprised by a creature, black in colour and claw-like webbed hands and gills in its neck. Could this be the creature that the unlucky cadets encountered to their doom. Just as combat with this beast seemed inevitable, a strange cry was uttered by the creature followed by a plea for help... Defeating the beasts, the team moved through the cave to find a vertical shaft. This shaft has led them to a cavern that seems like a scientific laboratory. Computers sit idle in the cavern Lowering his friends into the cavern, Frank finds himself at a loss as to how to enter the cavern without falling to his doom...

11th Nov 2021

The Secrets of Lake George

11th Nov 2021

The Secrets of Lake George

Something lurks within the murky waters of Lake George Of the five Duntroon cadets missing for four days now, only the body of Cadet Jorgensen had been recovered Late on the day of the 12th, however a grizzly discovery made - the arm of one of the missing cadets, yet unidentified. The arm appeared to have been torn from the body... As the adventurers were left to investigate around the lake shore, they discover an undiscovered tunnel. Dragging their way through the small tunnel they have discovered strange beings - giant crabs   Defeating the beasts, the team moved through the cave to find a vertical shaft. This shaft has led them to a cavern that seems like a scientific laboratory. Computers sit idle in the cavern   Lowering his friends into the cavern, Frank finds himself at a loss as to how to enter the cavern without falling to his doom...

21st Oct 2021

The Secrets of Lake George

Something lurks within the murky waters of Lake George Of the five Duntroon cadets missing for four days now, only the body of Cadet Jorgensen had been recovered Late on the day of the 12th, however a grizzly discovery made - the arm of one of the missing cadets, yet unidentified. The arm appeared to have been torn from the body... As the adventurers were left to investigate around the lake shore, they came across the vessel used by the cadets. Finding strange, faint claw marks at the bow and stern - claw marks seemingly undiscovered by the military - they continued their exploration, finding drag marks through the undergrowth leading away from the lake...   Investigating the tunnel they discovered, the adventurers discovered a cave system leading into the hills. Their investigation was halted by the discovery of a sealed metal plate in the rock wall and two sets of strange footrprints either side...

14th Oct 2021

The Secrets of Lake George

Something lurks within the murky waters of Lake George   Of the five Duntroon cadets missing for four days now, only the body of Cadet Jorgensen had been recovered   Late on the day of the 12th, however a grizzly discovery made - the arm of one of the missing cadets, yet unidentified. The arm appeared to have been torn from the body...   As the adventurers were left to investigate around the lake shore, they came across the vessel used by the cadets. Finding strange, faint claw marks at the bow and stern - claw marks seemingly undiscovered by the military - they continued their exploration, finding drag marks through the undergrowth leading away from the lake...

7th Oct 2021

The Secrets of Lake George

Something lurks within the murky waters of Lake George   Of the five Duntroon cadets missing for four days now, only the body of Cadet Jorgensen had been recovered   Late on the day of the 12th, however a grizzly discovery made - the arm of one of the missing cadets, yet unidentified. The arm appeared to have been torn from the body...

7th Oct 2021

The Secrets of Lake George

Something lurks within the murky waters of Lake George   Of the five Duntroon cadets missing for four days now, only the body of Cadet Jorgensen had been recovered   Late on the day of the 12th, however a grizzly discovery made - the arm of one of the missing cadets, yet unidentified. The arm appeared to have been torn from the body...

Horror descends from the stars. It crawls from atomic test sites and slithers from black ocean depths. Besides the fear of invasion from space, the people of '50s Earth are threatened by out-of-control experiments, primeval monsters and astronomical disasters - not to mention fears of Communist subversion and atomic annihilation.   Welcome to the 1950's. The world is entering a new age following the horrors of the second world war but what does this new world bring. The weapons of the war still haunt the world and even more are seeping through in the aftermath. Peace exists but tensions grow between the East and West once more. Germany has been dismantled but what of Russia and the Eastern European block. Japan has been silenced but what of the long term effects of America's Manhattan Project...

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Mrs Rosemary Page

Rosemary Page

Llama Test

Samuel Marlowe

Samuel Marlowe


Dr Klaus Schildknecht

Alice Springs

James P McGlinty

Franciszek Wesoloski

Franciszek Wesoloski