Fizz Fusion Recipe Controversy

The Fizz Fusion Recipe Controversy refers to an attempt by the soft drink company Fizz Fusion to revitalise sales after a formula change in 2062. The advertising campaign was poorly received, and has since become the target of numerous conspiracy theories involving nanomachines, shadowy corporations, and the New World Order.

In 2060, Fizz Fusion determined that their existing recipe was too expensive and began the process of switching to a cheaper formula for their flagship product: Supernova. Although initial testers approved of the adjusted taste, upon release of the product in 2061, it was met with widespread criticism by consumers. Comparisons were drawn to the New Coke formula of the 1980s, where the Coca-Cola Company attempted to change Coca-Cola's taste in order to improve sales. Rather than admit defeat, Fizz Fusion embarked on an advertising campaign to draw new customers in.

Fizz Fusion quickly put out an aggressive campaign targeting young men, which they had identified as an underserved demographic. Slogans such as "join the fight", "supercharging your energy levels", and "hypercharge your neuro-core" were used, with a science fiction-themed campaign. Ultimately, this did little to change the sales of the new Supernova drink, which dropped by 28% in the first quarter of its introduction.

However, the advertising campaign caught on with conspiracy theorists. Between the flavour change and advertising slogans, a popular theory emerged that Fizz Fusion had laced the drinks with nanomachines that would reprogram a drinker's mind to become a 'sleeper agent'. Who this sleeper agent was for was a matter for debate, with the preferred options being the United Nations, the Global Business Council, the Protocol, and shadow artificial intelligence cabals. None of these theories ever achieved credibility, and mostly faded out when Fizz Fusion returned to their old formula in 2063.


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