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Willard "Will" McCray

Written by theredhead23

Willard McCray (a.k.a. Will)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Willard "Will" McCray was born in the year 2120 to parents Edward and Jane McCray in what is now called New Boston after the Great Nor'easter of 2076 flooded the original Boston. His father worked as an engineer and construction worker on many projects pulling historic buildings and landmarks up out of the water and placing them on stilts in New Boston. His mother was a preschool teacher. He was the only child his parents had due to infertility issues. His parents tried to hide the fact that they were unable to have any more kids, but Will often heard his mother sob at night about it. Once he finished his mandatory school (12 years of standard school and 4 years at a state university), he joined the Earth Defense Force (EDF). Due to his Bachelor of Professional Studies, he was able to move up the ranks a bit faster. While in the EDF, he earned two more degrees, a Bachelor Of Science In Space Operations and a Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science. It took him longer with the other two degrees due to his training and work schedule but those degrees helped him improve his chances of getting more promotions. In 2154, he metMallory "Lori" Turner,a fellow member of the EDF, and after two years of dating, they married. But the union was not to last after almost two years of marriage, he came home to find Lori in their bed with her lover Jakob Sullivan. The divorce was bitter and messy and they did not part on good terms.
After his failed marriage, he turned to alcohol. This near-destructive relationship almost cost him his career with the EDF and created a hollow shell of the once overly ambitious young man he was. Luckily, since the EDF put in so much time, money, and energy, they weren't going to lose him. He was grounded - literally - on Earth. After he was rehabilitated, he was temporarily demoted and relegated to a monotonous desk job, watching robotic arms shift through dirt. Day in and day out, he was in charge of supervising the arms and dirt. The job was a far cry from the glory he once envisioned. Now when he looks in the mirror he only sees an old man who failed at almost every key milestone in life.
After turning 49, he realized that he had nothing to show for his life. He decided to buy himself a new toaster for his bath after work. Maybe then he will be remembered.
During the novel, he meets a woman named Bea, and when they first meet, he tries everything to get rid of her and avoids helping her. But he eventually gives in and helps her. He is reinstated as a captain to bring Bea back to her planet.  During this time, Will enforces talking about professional topics with the crew and with Bea. But during this time, Bea slowly breaks down his walls and they start to bond.  When he realizes that he is developing feelings for Bea, he pushes her away. When the ship gets damaged because two different alien species are fighting, the ship is hit in the crossfire. After checking on most of the crew he finds out that Bea was in the area that was heavily damaged.  Instead of following protocols, Will puts his second in command in control, and he rushes to find her. He finds her unharmed and she is helping other crewmembers get to safety. Will tries to stop her for a moment to see if she is hurt but she asks him why he is talking to her now. Will stops her for a moment and admits that he cares about her and the moment he thought that she was hurt, he panicked. After that and while they are waiting for the closest Earth spaceship to help them, Will becomes glued to Bea. He eats his meals with her, he spends his free time with Bea. He doesn't want her to get hurt. As their adventures go on, the two of them get closer and closer.  Will is unaware that he has let his guard down when he is with Bea. He let her pass his walls and let her get closer than anyone else before. Their relationship becomes very serious and very intimate. Just as Bea is being sent to the surface of Planet Babylonia 6413, the doctor tells him that she is pregnant and demands that he open an investigation. After the shock passes, he tells the doctor that he is the one who has been with her because he loves her. He then decides that he has to get to the surface and talk with Bea. He gathers a skeleton landing crew to go with him to the very least to tell her that she is pregnant. Once on the surface, and after several things events happen that almost result in his and the crew's deaths.  Will finds Bea and tells her that she is pregnant and he will support whatever she chooses.  He also goes on about how he will go wherever she decides to go - if she wants to stay on her home planet, then he will stay with her and help raise their child.  If she chooses to return to the ship, he will be there for her and promises to take care of her and their child. He tells her that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and that he will follow her wherever she chooses.  He's even willing to give up his career so he can be there for her and their child because he doesn't want to miss a thing. At the end of the novel, Will is permanently promoted to Captain of the flagship. He is planning their wedding and Bea shows signs of pregnancy. He can't image what life would be like if he did take a bath with a toaster.

Gender Identity





Bachelor of Professional Studies Bachelor Of Science In Space Operations  Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science


Officer with the Earth Defense Force (EDF) but currently he is a supervisor of dirt.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed marriage - Divorced in 2158

Mental Trauma

After being betrayed, he has pushed everyone away due to his fear of being rejected again.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Intelligent, Loyal, informed, well-educated, well-read

Vices & Personality flaws

Self-doubt, sarcastic, guarded


Willard "Will" McCray

Friend/ Romantic Interest (Vital)

Towards Bea “B - 481957”



Bea “B - 481957”

Guide/ Protector/ Friend/ Romantic Interest (Vital)

Towards Willard "Will" McCray



Willard "Will" McCray

Ex-husband (Important)

Towards Mallory "Lori" Turner



Mallory "Lori" Turner

Ex-wife (Trivial)

Towards Willard "Will" McCray



Current Status
Currently, Will is trying to rebuild his life after nearly a decade of destroying it.
Current Location
Short, black, start of receding hairline
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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Aug 5, 2024 21:27 by Shalyn

Loved it! I really hope he manages to turn his life around. I would enjoy hearing about his experiences in EDF before his divorce. They sound like they might be really interesting. Thanks for the fun read!