BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Gnarly Grimman

Gnarly Grimman is a witch of the wilds and a security expert (He wasn't sure what to pick for his O-Levels). Often taking a nihilistic approach to life he often doesn't care about endangering himself or others.              
Witch You are a cunning practitioner of ancient magic who can cast spells at will. Magic spells may change any single situational detail which only you perceive at the moment of casting (such as making a shoe untied or causing a highway exit to be missed), but may not outright break the laws of physics. Words of magic burn the tongue, and each spell you cast costs 1 HP. Your odd charm never returns upon use, but you may choose to gain a new one as an advancement reward.  
  • Odd charm (ignore death and fully heal, consumable), +1 CREATIVE
  • Security If you have a reasonable amount of prep time and the coast is clear, you can use your anti-security kit and attempt to breach any lock or crack any safe by rolling +REFLEXIVE. You may also disarm traps you know about and can physically reach by rolling +TACTICAL.  
  • Anti-security kit (three uses), +1 REFLEXIVE
  • ROLE: Nihilistic Describe how you arrived at the ultimate conclusion—nothing truly matters. Advance if you showed no fear of death and no selfpreservation instinct at any point during the mission.
    War die + 1 d6 at next mission
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations


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