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Session Report 0 - Operation A Bridge Too Far

General Summary

Classification: TOP SECRET   To: [Lord Smythe]   Subject: Infiltration and Neutralization of Suez Canal Monitoring Station  


To infiltrate and neutralize the Suez Canal Monitoring Station, thereby disrupting enemy surveillance and operations.  

Mission Overview:



  FIST Strike Team Echo commenced the operation with a high-precision High Altitude Low Opening (HALO) jump over the desert terrain adjacent to the Suez Canal Monitoring Station. The team executed the jump with commendable precision, achieving a near-perfect landing with minimal complications reported. Initial Infiltration:   Upon landing, Strike Team Echo initiated the infiltration phase of the mission. The team encountered negligible resistance during initial penetration, allowing for a swift and unobstructed entry into the facility. Securing the Operations Room:   Utilizing advanced tactics, Team Echo successfully gained access to the main operations room by strategically cutting the power supply and disabling the laser grid security system. Once inside, the team efficiently neutralized seven armed hostiles, ensuring control of the operations hub.  

Continued Neutralization:

  Following the successful operations room breach, Team Echo proceeded to eliminate three additional security personnel encountered within the facility. Armoury Breach and Structural Sabotage:   The team expertly infiltrated the station’s armoury and secured high-grade explosive ordnance. These explosives were strategically placed to compromise and destroy the structural integrity of the monitoring station.  

Casualty Report:

  Regrettably, during an encounter with station security forces shortly before the detonation of the explosives, Operative Lord Smeg was lost in action. His body was completely atomized during the engagement, rendering recovery impossible. His sacrifice significantly contributed to the mission’s success and will be duly honored.  

Mission Outcome:

  The Suez Canal Monitoring Station was completely destroyed, effectively neutralizing the enemy’s surveillance capabilities in the region. The mission was executed with exceptional precision and tactical prowess, culminating in a decisive success.  

Operational Assessment:

  FIST Strike Team Echo exhibited exemplary operational efficiency and combat effectiveness. The team’s ability to overcome minimal initial resistance and achieve total structural demolition of the target underscores their superior training and execution capabilities

Rewards Granted

Shnash - + 1 Trait   Gnarly - + 1D6 War die   Bart - + 1 Trait     Lord Smeg - Death

Character(s) interacted with

"Mr President"
TOP SECRET F.I.S.T Report   F.I.S.T Strike Team Echo Operation   Date: 25th July 1963 21:00 - 02:00 26th July 1963   Subject: Infiltration and Neutralization of Suez Canal Monitoring Station
Report Date
26 Jul 2024
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