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Lord Smeg

Lord Smeg was fatally wounded during the 2nd Suez Crisis. He was a fashionable man who spent his last few hours writhing in pain from multiple leg wounds and the mental image of the memories of a well used toilet. He will be sorely missed (ironically). The body was instantly atomized following his death due to being at the epicenter of 12 Semtex charges.        
Fashionable You may combine multiple pieces of body-sized armor and wear them all at once to gain their cumulative ARMOR score, if you can convincingly explain how they work together as a cohesive outfit. Ƭ Leather jacket (1 ARMOR), -2 REFLEXIVE
Psychometry Once per mission, you can ask any inanimate object you are touching a psychic question. Objects will answer truthfully, but are limited by their experience—a photograph cannot comprehend the passage of time, and a gun can only think in terms of killing. Ƭ Scrapbook (contains one mission-relevant photo), +1 CREATIVE
Date of Death: 26/07/1963   Cause of death: Multiple gunshot wounds when opening a door
Current Location
Date of Death
July 26th 1963
Year of Death
1963 AD
Circumstances of Death
Made into Swiss Cheese
Place of Death
Suez Canal
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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