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Shnash is a highly dangerous and unpredictable individual, known for extreme survival tactics and ruthless combat skills. Exhibiting behavior patterns that include cannibalism, fighting dirty and being seemingly incapable of saying anything but their own name, Shnash is a formidable and morally ambiguous operative.                        
Cannibal Your power grows when you feast upon human flesh. When you have privacy, you may dine upon any corpse and gain 1D6 HP. If you imply to someone that you're going to eat them, roll 1D6—if the result is less than or equal to the amount of people you've eaten during this mission, they lose their nerve and capitulate or flee (referee's choice).   -Chainsaw (1D6+1 DAMAGE), -2 CREATIVE
Dirty You fight using underhanded and dishonorable methods. When you trick-attack an enemy, roll DAMAGE twice and take the higher result.   -Pocket sand (+1 to attack rolls vs. sand victim, one use), +1 FORCEFUL
Bounce BOUNCE: When you deal damage to an enemy in melee combat, they are tossed 1D6 × 10 feet with enough force to knock them clear through a wall (though this deals no additional DAMAGE).   
  • Kinetic gauntlet (1D6 DAMAGE), +1 FORCEFUL
  • Role: Unknown Describe how difficult it is to find a cause, a purpose, or something to fight for. Advance if you overcame a challenge or secured a valuable item far beyond your expected level of ability.
    Aligned Organization
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