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Biometric Student Identification Device

The Biometric Student Identification Device, or BSID, stands as a crucial piece of technology within the educational landscape. Designed to seamlessly integrate with the daily lives of students in this advanced, corporatized society, the BSID serves as both a key and a safeguard, granting access to educational resources while ensuring security and personal data protection.   The BSID is a sleek, wearable device, typically weighing around 200 grams and measuring approximately 5 by 3 inches. Though it appears modest, this device is packed with cutting-edge technology. It utilizes advanced biometric scanning, including fingerprint, retinal, and voice recognition, to authenticate the identity of its wearer. Beyond simple identification, the BSID is embedded with microchips, reinforced with a nanofiber mesh, and encased in an alloy of lightweight metals and polymers designed to withstand daily wear and tear.   Obtaining a BSID is a carefully regulated process, with each device being custom-manufactured to meet stringent specifications. The materials used are sourced from specialized suppliers, and the assembly involves precision tooling and advanced fabrication techniques. This meticulous process ensures that each BSID is both secure and reliable, able to store and protect sensitive student information while facilitating smooth interactions within the educational system.   The cost of a BSID reflects its sophistication and importance, ranging from 500 to 1,500 Global Credits, depending on the customization and features required by the institution or student. This significant investment underscores the device's role not just as an identification tool, but as a gateway to a world of learning, social interaction, and personal growth within the high-tech environment of Earth-618.   In this era where technology and education are intertwined, the BSID is more than just a device—it's a symbol of the future, where students are empowered by technology yet bound by the protocols that ensure their safety and privacy. As such, the BSID is both commonplace and exclusive, an essential tool for those navigating the complex educational systems, but not something to be taken lightly or easily replaced.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The BSID is a multifunctional device, combining biometric identification, genetic analysis, and real-time tracking into a single, compact unit. Its inner workings can be broken down into several key components:  
  1. Biometric Scanner: The BSID contains a highly sensitive biometric scanner that can read a wide range of physical characteristics, including fingerprints, retinal patterns, and even unique energy signatures emitted by certain superpowered individuals. This scanner ensures that only the designated user can activate the device.
  3. Genetic Analyzer: Embedded within the BSID is a sophisticated genetic analyzer capable of reading and storing the genetic profile of the user. This feature allows the device to confirm the identity of the user at a genetic level, making it nearly impossible to forge or duplicate.
  5. Tracking Chip: The BSID includes a micro-tracking chip that continuously monitors the location of the user in real time. This chip is linked to a global satellite network controlled by Monarch Industries, allowing for precise tracking anywhere on Earth. The tracking chip also has an emergency beacon function, which can be activated in case of distress.
  7. Security Features: The BSID is equipped with several layers of security, including encrypted communication protocols, self-destruct mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access, and a failsafe that can deactivate the device remotely if it is compromised.
  9. Data Storage and Access: The BSID stores all collected data in a secure, encrypted format within its internal memory. This data can be accessed by authorized personnel through a secure connection, allowing for remote monitoring and analysis. The device also includes a limited AI assistant that can provide real-time feedback and alerts to the user based on the data it collects.
  11. User Interface: The BSID features a holographic user interface that allows the user to interact with the device and access its various functions. The interface is customizable and can display vital signs, location data, and other relevant information in real-time.

Manufacturing process

  1. Design and Prototyping: The process begins with designing the BSID, including selecting materials and simulating its functionality. A prototype is created for testing before mass production begins.
  3. Injection Molding: The durable polymer casing is molded into shape, creating the exterior shell of the BSID.
  5. Circuit Board Assembly: The internal electronics, including the microprocessor, memory, and NFC module, are assembled on the PCB using SMT equipment.
  7. Sensor Integration: The biometric sensor is carefully integrated into the device, calibrated to ensure it accurately reads fingerprints or retinal patterns.
  9. Battery Installation: The zero-point energy battery is installed and securely connected to the circuit board using battery spot welders.
  11. Final Assembly: All components are assembled into the polymer casing, and the device is sealed with water-resistant seals to protect it from moisture.
  13. Calibration and Testing: Each BSID undergoes thorough testing to ensure the biometric sensor functions correctly, the display is clear, and the battery holds a charge.
  15. Quality Control: The devices are inspected for defects, and those that pass are marked with a unique identifier using laser etching.
  17. Packaging and Distribution: The completed BSIDs are packaged and prepared for distribution to educational institutions, ready for use by students.


The BSID represents the pinnacle of bio-security technology in Earth-618, symbolizing the increasing power and influence of corporate entities over individual freedoms. It plays a crucial role in the enforcement of superhuman registration laws, corporate-sponsored superhero initiatives, and the containment of rogue or unregistered superpowered beings. Its existence highlights the tension between personal privacy and corporate/governmental control in the world of Earth-618.
Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic
Creation Date
Subtype / Model
Owning Organization
The Biometric Student Identification Device (BSID) is a common yet highly controlled piece of technology within advanced educational institutions on Earth-618. These devices are widely used in well-funded schools that have embraced cutting-edge biometric systems. Most students in these schools possess a BSID, making it a familiar item in these specific environments. However, outside these institutions, the BSID remains relatively uncommon, as it is not available for general public use, and its distribution is tightly regulated.   Obtaining a BSID is no simple matter. The devices are issued exclusively by the institutions themselves, which have partnered with select manufacturers and regulatory bodies. Students cannot simply purchase a BSID; they must go through a thorough registration process. This process involves providing biometric data, verifying their identity, and meeting the specific requirements set by their school. Consequently, the BSID is primarily accessible to students at technologically advanced and well-funded institutions, while less affluent schools may not have access to such technology, limiting its broader availability.   Once issued, the BSID is closely tied to the institution's database, restricting its use to the specific school that provided it. Each BSID is locked to the biometric signature of the registered student, ensuring that only the rightful owner can use it. This biometric locking mechanism is a critical security feature, making it impossible for unauthorized individuals to utilize the device. Any attempts to bypass or hack the BSID's security measures are logged and reported to the school's administration, highlighting the device's robust security framework.   The functionality of the BSID is tailored to the needs of the issuing institution, granting students access to specific buildings, resources, and services within their school. If a student transfers to a different institution, their BSID may need to be reprogrammed or replaced entirely, depending on the compatibility between the systems of the two schools. This institution-specific design reinforces the device's restrictive nature, ensuring that it remains secure and controlled.   The production and use of BSIDs are also subject to stringent regulatory oversight. Schools and manufacturers must comply with privacy laws, ensuring that biometric data is handled securely and ethically. Regular audits and inspections are conducted to ensure that the BSID systems function correctly and that there is no misuse of the technology.   In essence, the BSID is a common device within certain educational environments but remains difficult to obtain and highly restrictive in its use. Its distribution is controlled, its security measures are robust, and its functionality is closely tied to the institution that issues it, making it both accessible to those who need it while ensuring it is secure from misuse.
50 grams
6 cm length, 3.5 cm width, 0.5 cm thickness
Base Price
500-1,500 GCs
Raw materials & Components
The BSID (Biometric Student Identification Device) is designed for use in educational institutions, combining durability, security, and user-friendliness. Here’s a breakdown of its materials and components:  


  1. Durable Polymer Casing:  
    • Purpose: The outer casing is made from a high-strength, lightweight polymer that is both durable and resistant to wear and tear from daily use by students.
    • Properties: Impact-resistant, lightweight, and available in various colors for customization.
  3. Biometric Sensor (Optical or Capacitive):  
    • Purpose: Integrated into the device for fingerprint or retinal scanning, ensuring secure and accurate student identification.
    • Properties: High sensitivity, quick response time, and low power consumption.
  5. Smart Card Chip:  
    • Purpose: The core of the device, storing the student’s biometric data and personal information. It’s also used for accessing school resources, such as libraries, cafeterias, and secure areas.
    • Properties: Encrypted, tamper-resistant, and capable of storing large amounts of data securely.
  7. NFC (Near Field Communication) Module:  
    • Purpose: Allows the BSID to communicate with NFC-enabled systems for quick check-ins, payments, and access control.
    • Properties: Low power consumption, quick communication range, and secure data transmission.
  9. OLED Display:  
    • Purpose: A small, energy-efficient display that shows basic information, such as the student’s name, ID number, and status (e.g., access granted/denied).
    • Properties: Bright, energy-efficient, and durable under regular use.
  11. Rechargeable Zero-Point Energy Battery:  
    • Purpose: Powers the device throughout the school day with enough capacity to last multiple days without recharging.
    • Properties: Lightweight, long-lasting, and safe for portable devices.
  13. Water-Resistant Seals:  
    • Purpose: Protects the internal components from accidental exposure to water or moisture.
    • Properties: Durable, flexible, and effectively seals the device against liquids.


  1. Microprocessor: A low-power chip that handles the device's operations, including biometric data processing and communication with school systems.
  3. Memory Module: Stores the biometric data and other relevant student information securely within the device.
  5. USB-C Port: Allows for charging and data transfer between the BSID and administrative systems when needed.
  7. Bluetooth Module: Provides wireless connectivity for updating the device's firmware or syncing with other school systems.
  1. Injection Molding Machines: Used to create the polymer casing for the device in various shapes and colors.
  2. PCB (Printed Circuit Board) Assembly Line: Assembles the internal circuitry, including the microprocessor, memory module, and biometric sensors.
  3. Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Equipment: Places and solders small components, such as the NFC module and Bluetooth chip, onto the circuit board.
  4. Laser Etching Machine: For marking each device with a unique identifier or serial number, ensuring traceability.
  5. Biometric Sensor Calibration Tools: Specialized equipment for testing and calibrating the biometric sensors to ensure accuracy and reliability.
  6. Battery Spot Welders: Safely attach the battery to the internal circuit without damaging sensitive components.
  7. Clean Room Facilities: For assembling the sensitive electronic components and biometric sensors, keeping them free from dust and contaminants.
  8. Quality Control Testing Stations: Ensures each device meets performance and durability standards before packaging.


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