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Dramatis Personae

Dramatis Personae is a legendary lance, intricately forged centuries ago by Lysandra, the leader of "The Arcane Players," a theater troupe renowned for their magical performances. Created with Moonstone masks representing comedy and tragedy, and imbued with the essence of theater through a powerful ritual, the lance possesses the unique ability to blur the lines between reality and fiction. Lost to time, it was rediscovered in an ancient theater and eventually came into the possession of Maximillian DeVere, the Thespian Titan. In his hands, Dramatis Personae has been reawakened, symbolizing the enduring spirit of drama and the inseparable bond between art and magic.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Dramatis Personae, the iconic lance of Thespian Titan, is a marvel of both craftsmanship and arcane engineering. Its functionality is derived from the harmonious integration of its various components. Here's a breakdown of how each part contributes to the lance's overall functionality:  
  1. Starsteel Shaft: The primary structure of the lance, the Starsteel shaft serves as the conduit for the weapon's magical energies. Starsteel is known for its ability to channel and amplify magical energies, making it the ideal core for the lance.
  3. Arcane Runes: Engraved meticulously along the shaft, these runes act as magical circuits. They guide and regulate the flow of magical energy throughout the lance, ensuring that its power is evenly distributed and can be harnessed effectively by the wielder.
  5. Moonstone Masks: The masks of comedy and tragedy, carved from Moonstone and set into the lance's head, serve multiple purposes. Moonstone is a gem known for its ability to store and release magical energy. The masks can absorb ambient magical energy from the surroundings and release it when needed. Additionally, they symbolize the duality of theater, representing the balance of power within the lance.
  7. Leather Handle: Treated with special elixirs, the leather handle not only provides a comfortable grip but also acts as an insulator. It ensures that the wielder is protected from any unwanted magical discharges that might occur during combat.
  9. Ethereal Bindings: Woven throughout the lance, these bindings connect the various components, ensuring that the lance functions as a cohesive unit. They also act as secondary magical circuits, complementing the arcane runes and providing additional pathways for the flow of magical energy.
  11. Ritual of Binding: The spells and incantations performed during the Ritual of Binding imbue the lance with its final magical properties. This ritual ensures that all the components work in harmony, allowing the lance to function at its optimal capacity.
  Functionality: When Thespian Titan wields Dramatis Personae, he taps into the stored magical energy within the Moonstone masks. As he channels his intent, the arcane runes guide this energy throughout the lance, amplifying and focusing it based on the wielder's desires. Whether he wishes to unleash a powerful magical blast, create a protective barrier, or manipulate the environment, the lance responds by drawing upon its stored energy and the ambient magical energy it continuously absorbs.   The Ethereal Bindings and the Starsteel shaft work in tandem to ensure that this energy is harnessed effectively, allowing Thespian Titan to utilize the lance's power with precision and control. The leather handle ensures that he remains insulated from any potential magical backlash, allowing him to wield the lance with confidence.   In essence, Dramatis Personae is a masterful blend of art and arcane science, a weapon that responds to its wielder's will, channeling the vast reservoirs of magical energy it contains to achieve the desired effect.

Manufacturing process

Creating Dramatis Personae, the iconic lance of Thespian Titan, is a meticulous process that combines both traditional craftsmanship and arcane arts. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the creation process:  
  1. Starsteel Preparation: The raw Starsteel is first purified in the Starsteel Forge, reaching temperatures that can melt this rare metal. During this phase, any impurities are removed, ensuring the metal's integrity and magical conductivity.
  3. Lance Forging: Once purified, the Starsteel is taken to the Arcane Anvil. Here, it's shaped into the primary structure of the lance. The metal is hammered, bent, and elongated to achieve the desired form.
  5. Rune Designing: Using the Magical Quills, the initial designs of the arcane runes are sketched onto the lance's shaft. These designs act as a blueprint for the subsequent engraving process.
  7. Rune Engraving: With the Rune Engraving Kit, the craftsman meticulously carves the runes into the lance. These runes are essential for channeling the lance's magical properties.
  9. Moonstone Carving: The Moonstone Carving Set is used to shape the Moonstone into the iconic masks of comedy and tragedy. These masks are then set into specific grooves made on the lance's head.
  11. Leather Handle Crafting: The leather, treated with special elixirs from the Alchemical Workbench, is wrapped around the lance's handle. The Enchanted Leatherworking Tools ensure a tight fit, providing a comfortable and firm grip.
  13. Ethereal Binding: Using the Ethereal Loom, the craftsman weaves the Ethereal Bindings throughout the lance. These bindings connect the various components, ensuring that the lance functions as a single, cohesive unit.
  15. Magical Calibration: The Arcane Calibration Rods are used to test the lance's magical flow. Adjustments are made to ensure that the energy is balanced and that the lance's magical properties are optimized.
  17. Final Assembly: With all components prepared, the lance is assembled. The Moonstone masks are affixed, the leather handle is secured, and the Ethereal Bindings are tightened.
  19. Ritual of Binding: In a specially prepared ritual circle, mages perform a series of spells and incantations. These rituals bind the lance's components together and imbue it with its final magical properties. The tomes guide the mages through this intricate process.
  21. Quality Assurance: Once the rituals are complete, the lance undergoes a series of tests. Its durability, magical output, and overall performance are assessed to ensure it meets the desired standards.
  23. Final Touches: Any final adjustments or embellishments are made. This could include polishing the Starsteel, reinforcing the Ethereal Bindings, or adding any additional decorative elements.
  The creation of Dramatis Personae is a testament to the collaboration between skilled craftsmen and powerful mages. Each step is crucial, ensuring that the lance is not only a weapon of great power but also a masterpiece of artistry and craftsmanship.


Dramatis Personae, the iconic lance of Thespian Titan, has a history as rich and dramatic as the theater itself. Its tale is one of passion, magic, and the enduring spirit of performance.  

Act I: The Origin

Centuries ago, in a time when magic and artistry were intertwined, a renowned theater troupe known as "The Arcane Players" traveled across the lands, performing plays that were said to be so captivating that they could invoke real emotions and even manipulate reality. The troupe's leader, a mage named Lysandra, believed that the essence of theater was a form of magic itself. She sought to create an artifact that would embody the spirit of drama, comedy, and tragedy.  

Act II: The Creation

Lysandra spent years collecting materials and arcane knowledge. She journeyed to the Moonlit Isles to obtain the Moonstone masks, representing comedy and tragedy. With the help of master blacksmiths and fellow mages, she began the intricate process of forging the lance. The Moonstone masks were embedded into the lance, and powerful enchantments were cast upon it. The final touch was a ritual where the entire troupe performed a play, channeling their energy and passion into the lance, giving it life and purpose. Thus, Dramatis Personae was born.  

Act III: The Legacy

The Arcane Players used Dramatis Personae in their performances, and legends say that the lance could bring stories to life, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. However, as time passed, the troupe disbanded, and the lance was lost to history. It became a myth, a story told in hushed tones in theaters across the land.  

Act IV: Rediscovery

Centuries later, during an excavation in an ancient theater, archaeologists uncovered Dramatis Personae. It was then displayed in a museum, its true powers dormant and forgotten. That was until a young Maximillian DeVere, who would later become Thespian Titan, visited the museum on a school trip. Drawn to the lance, he felt an inexplicable connection. Through a series of events, he became its rightful wielder, awakening its dormant powers.  

Act V: A New Era

With Dramatis Personae in his possession, Maximillian embraced his destiny as Thespian Titan. The lance became an extension of his will, a tool and weapon that amplified his theatrical abilities. As he rose to prominence at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted and beyond, the legend of Dramatis Personae was reborn, now intertwined with the legacy of Thespian Titan.   In the present day, Dramatis Personae stands as a symbol of the timeless bond between art and magic, a testament to the power of theater and the enduring spirit of drama that flows through the ages.


Dramatis Personae is not just a weapon; it's a symbol, an embodiment of the theatrical arts and the power they hold. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, it represents the duality of theater, with the Moonstone masks of comedy and tragedy symbolizing the range of emotions that the performing arts can evoke. The very name, "Dramatis Personae," which traditionally refers to the list of characters in a play, underscores its theatrical origins and its connection to the world of drama.   The lance's significance extends beyond its theatrical symbolism. In the hands of Thespian Titan, it becomes a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of creativity and expression. Its presence on the battlefield serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the arts remain a potent force, capable of inspiring and rallying those who witness its power.   Furthermore, its intricate design and the arcane rituals involved in its creation highlight the harmonious blend of art and magic. Just as a play can transport its audience to another world, so too can Dramatis Personae transcend the ordinary, channeling magical energies to achieve feats that defy explanation.   For Thespian Titan, the lance is also deeply personal. It's a reflection of his journey, his dedication to the arts, and his commitment to defending the ideals he holds dear. Every time he wields Dramatis Personae, he's not just brandishing a weapon; he's making a statement about the enduring power of art and the indomitable spirit of those who dedicate themselves to its pursuit.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Dramatis Personae is a one-of-a-kind artifact, making it exceptionally rare. Its uniqueness stems not just from its design and the materials used, but also from the intricate arcane rituals and the specific combination of craftsmanship and magic that went into its creation.   While there might be other magical lances or weapons in the world of Earth-618, none possess the exact blend of theatrical symbolism, arcane power, and personal significance that Dramatis Personae holds. Its creation involved specific circumstances, a deep understanding of both theater and magic, and a purpose-driven intent by its creator and its wielder, Thespian Titan.   Furthermore, the Moonstone masks embedded within the lance, representing the masks of comedy and tragedy, are themselves rare artifacts, further elevating the lance's rarity.   In the broader context of Earth-618, where advanced technology and corporate dominance have overshadowed many traditional and magical artifacts, items like Dramatis Personae stand out even more. They serve as reminders of a time when magic and artistry held sway, and their rarity makes them coveted by collectors, historians, and those who understand and appreciate their true value.   In summary, Dramatis Personae is not just rare; it's unique, a singular testament to the fusion of art, magic, and personal will.
~5.5 lbs.
~7 feet
Base Price
250,000 GCs
Raw materials & Components
  1. Starsteel:  
    • Origin: Extracted from a rare meteorite that had fallen to Earth decades ago.
    • Properties: Known for its exceptional durability and its innate ability to channel arcane energies. The metal has a shimmering quality, reflecting light in a way that seems to mimic the stars from which it came.
    • Usage: Forms the core and shaft of the lance, providing it with its primary structure and strength.
  3. Moonstone:  
    • Origin: A gemstone believed to be formed from solidified moonbeams, often found in regions with strong lunar influences.
    • Properties: Glows softly in the moonlight and is believed to have properties that connect with the emotional and spiritual realms. It's also known for its ability to amplify magical energies.
    • Usage: Carved meticulously into the iconic masks of comedy and tragedy at the tip of the lance. The Moonstone masks serve both a decorative and functional purpose, acting as conduits for the lance's magical abilities.
  5. Arcane Runes:  
    • Origin: Engraved by Master Elara, these runes are ancient symbols sourced from old theatrical scripts and magical tomes.
    • Properties: Each rune carries a specific magical property, from protection to amplification of the wielder's abilities.
    • Usage: Engraved along the shaft of the lance. They not only tell a part of Maximillian's journey but also enhance the lance's magical properties.
  7. Enchanted Leather:  
    • Origin: Sourced from creatures of the magical realm, this leather is treated with special elixirs to enhance its durability and connection to the arcane.
    • Properties: Soft to the touch yet incredibly durable. It also has a slight luminescence, making it glow faintly in dim light.
    • Usage: Wrapped around the handle of the lance, providing a comfortable grip and further channeling the arcane energies of the weapon.
  9. Ethereal Bindings:  
    • Origin: Crafted by the circle of mages that Maximillian called upon. These are intangible threads of magic that bind all the components together.
    • Properties: Invisible to the naked eye, these bindings ensure that every part of the lance works in harmony, amplifying its overall power.
    • Usage: Intertwined throughout the lance, they connect each component, from the Starsteel core to the Moonstone masks, ensuring seamless energy flow and structural integrity.
  Together, these materials and components make Dramatis Personae not just a weapon but a work of art, embodying the spirit of theater and the power of the arcane.
To craft the intricate and magical Dramatis Personae, a combination of traditional craftsmanship and arcane techniques would be required. Here are the tools and apparatuses essential for its creation:  
  1. Starsteel Forge: A specially designed forge capable of reaching the extreme temperatures required to melt and mold the rare Starsteel. This forge is often imbued with protective spells to handle the metal's unique properties.
  3. Arcane Anvil: An anvil infused with magical properties, ensuring that the Starsteel retains its arcane qualities during the forging process.
  5. Moonstone Carving Set: A set of precision tools made of enchanted metals, designed specifically for carving and shaping the delicate Moonstone into the masks of comedy and tragedy.
  7. Rune Engraving Kit: Fine chisels and hammers, some of which are imbued with magic, to meticulously engrave the arcane runes onto the lance's shaft.
  9. Magical Quills: Used to draw the initial designs of the runes, these quills are dipped in a special ink that reveals how the arcane energy will flow through the engraved patterns.
  11. Enchanted Leatherworking Tools: Including sharp knives and awls, these tools are used to shape and attach the enchanted leather to the lance's handle.
  13. Ethereal Loom: A magical apparatus that allows the craftsman to weave the Ethereal Bindings throughout the lance, connecting its various components.
  15. Alchemical Workbench: Equipped with flasks, beakers, and alembics, this workbench is used to prepare the elixirs and potions that treat the leather and enhance the lance's magical properties.
  17. Arcane Calibration Rods: These rods, made of various magical metals and crystals, are used to test and calibrate the flow of magical energy through the lance, ensuring it's perfectly balanced.
  19. Protective Gear: Given the magical and potentially volatile nature of the materials, the craftsman would require special gloves, goggles, and robes. These items are enchanted to protect against burns, magical backlash, and any other potential hazards.
  21. Ritual Circles and Tomes: Used by the mages during the final assembly of the lance, these circles and tomes contain the spells and rituals required to bind the lance's components together and imbue it with its final magical properties.
  Crafting Dramatis Personae would be a collaborative effort, requiring the expertise of both skilled craftsmen and powerful mages. The process would be as much an art form as a testament to the mastery of magical weapon creation.


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