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Maximillian DeVere (Duh-Vear)

Max(imilian) DeVere (a.k.a. Thespian Titan)

In the heart of Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, a figure of resilience and duality emerges—Maximilian DeVere, known to the world as Thespian Titan. Born into a lineage of classical actors, Max was always destined for the stage. Yet, his love for heroism, fueled by the colorful pages of comic books, added a modern twist to his classical roots. Tragedy struck early in his life, claiming his parents and his left eye, but it also imbued his performances with an emotional depth that captivated all who watched him.   As one of the last surviving Inhumans, Max found his latent abilities activated by the Terrigen Mist, granting him superhuman strength, durability, and maneuverability. These powers didn't just make him a hero; they made him a symbol, a living blend of classic drama and modern heroism. His weapon of choice, a technologically advanced lance named "Dramatis Personae," became an extension of his multifaceted personality, embodying both tradition and innovation.   Financially supported by a stipend from Nichols Industries, Max founded the Art Club at the academy. Despite initial skepticism from faculty, his undeniable talent and passion soon won them over. His life became a balancing act, juggling academics, personal relationships, and the responsibilities of being a student leader and a superhero. Yet, his commitment never wavered. Whether in the classroom, on the stage, or in the heat of battle, Max gave his all.   Today, Max continues to navigate the complexities of life with unwavering resolve. His journey is far from over, and the next act promises even more challenges and triumphs. But whatever roles await him, Max is ready to play them to the fullest, forever embracing his identity as the Thespian Titan. In Earth-618, he stands as a testament to the enduring power of art, the complexity of heroism, and the resilience of the human spirit.  



The Prologue - A Family of Thespians

Maximilian "Max" DeVere was born in London, England, to Olivia and Richard DeVere, both of whom were illustrious figures in the world of classical theatre. Olivia was known for her powerful portrayals of Shakespearean heroines like Lady Macbeth and Ophelia, while Richard was celebrated for his roles as Hamlet, Macbeth, and King Lear. Their home was a treasure trove of literature and art, filled with first editions of classic plays, theatrical costumes, and memorabilia from their illustrious careers.   From the moment he could read, Max was encouraged to explore the rich tapestry of stories that filled their home library. His parents would often perform impromptu scenes for him before bedtime, bringing the characters to life in a way that captivated young Max's imagination. They also took him to numerous theatre productions, exposing him to the magic of live performances from a very young age.   However, Max's interests weren't confined to the stage alone. His uncle, a comic book artist, introduced him to the world of superheroes when he was just five years old. Max was instantly hooked. The vibrant illustrations and tales of heroism fascinated him as much as the complex characters of Shakespearean drama. He would often be found either nose-deep in a comic book or practicing soliloquies from "Hamlet" or "Romeo and Juliet."   As he grew older, Max began to see parallels between the heroes and villains in comic books and the complex characters in classical plays. Both worlds explored themes of justice, morality, and the human condition, albeit in different settings and styles. This realization led him to dream of a unique form of storytelling that combined the best of both worlds.   His parents, recognizing his passion, enrolled him in acting classes and supported his participation in local theatre productions. Max excelled, his performances imbued with a depth and understanding that belied his young age. His portrayal of young Romeo in a local production was particularly well-received, earning him accolades and even some local fame.   But it wasn't just the applause that drove Max; it was the ability to become someone else, to explore different facets of human emotion and morality through his roles. Whether he was reading about Spider-Man's struggles with responsibility or grappling with the complexities of Hamlet's character, Max was enthralled by the endless possibilities that storytelling offered.   This dual love for classical drama and modern heroism became the cornerstone of his identity, setting the stage for the unique path he would later carve out for himself as the Thespian Titan.  

The Transformation - From Actor to Thespian Titan

The world came crashing down for 12-year-old Max on a fateful winter evening. The DeVere family was returning from a theatre awards ceremony where Olivia and Richard had been honored for their contributions to the arts. The atmosphere in the car was jubilant, filled with laughter and the joy of the evening's events. But in a split second, everything changed. A drunk driver ran a red light, colliding with their car at a high speed. The impact was devastating.   Max woke up in a hospital bed days later, disoriented and in pain. The doctors informed him that he had survived, but his parents had not. The news shattered his world, leaving him in a state of shock and grief that words could hardly describe. Adding to the tragedy, Max learned that he had lost his left eye due to the impact, a fact made all too real by the bandages that covered half of his face.   The loss of his eye became a constant, painful reminder of the accident and the immense loss he had suffered. But it also became a symbol of his resilience and his determination to honor his parents' legacy. Max had to adapt to the new physical limitation, but he refused to let it define him. Instead, he channeled the pain and loss into his craft.   As he returned to the stage, those who watched him perform noticed a marked change. His portrayals gained a new layer of emotional depth, resonating with audiences on a level that few actors his age could achieve. Whether he was playing a tragic hero or a dastardly villain, Max brought a raw, emotional intensity to his roles that left audiences spellbound. Critics began to take note, praising the young actor's ability to convey complex emotions with a maturity well beyond his years.   The eye patch he wore became a part of his identity, both on and off the stage. It served as a visual reminder of the hardships he had overcome, adding a layer of complexity to his characters and performances. Max even incorporated it into his later superhero persona, Thespian Titan, turning what could have been a symbol of vulnerability into one of strength and resilience.   Though the accident was a dark chapter in his life, it also shaped him in ways he could never have anticipated. It instilled in him a sense of urgency and a deeper understanding of the fragility of life, qualities that he would carry with him as he ventured further into the worlds of theatre and heroism. The tragedy became a part of his narrative, a painful act in the play of his life that set the stage for the person he would become.  

The Transformation - From Actor to Thespian Titan

The Terrigen Mist event was a global phenomenon that changed the lives of many, but for Max, it was a personal renaissance. He had always known he was different, but the activation of his latent Inhuman abilities confirmed it in a way he could never have imagined. As the mist enveloped him, he felt an overwhelming surge of energy course through his veins. When it cleared, Max discovered that he had undergone a transformation that went beyond the physical; it was as if the very core of his being had been altered.   He quickly realized that he had gained superhuman abilities—strength that could lift cars, durability that made him nearly impervious to harm, and maneuverability that allowed him to leap great distances. At first, these newfound powers were both exhilarating and daunting. Max grappled with the ethical implications, questioning how he should use these abilities. Should he become a hero like those he had admired in comic books, or should he keep his powers a secret?   The answer came to him on the stage. During a performance of "Hamlet," Max found that his powers allowed him to bring an unprecedented level of physicality and dynamism to his role. It was then that he realized the unique opportunity he had—to blend his love for acting with his newfound abilities. Thus, Thespian Titan was born.   Max saw his alter-ego as a way to breathe new life into classic stories. He began to adapt plays, incorporating elements of heroism and morality that resonated with modern audiences. His performances as Thespian Titan became events unto themselves, drawing crowds who were eager to see how he would meld the worlds of drama and superhuman feats. Whether he was portraying Macbeth with the ability to lift an entire castle set or playing Romeo with the agility to leap from the balcony to Juliet in a single bound, Max brought a fresh, exhilarating perspective to timeless tales.   His dual identity also allowed him to explore complex themes in a way he had never been able to before. As Thespian Titan, he could delve into the moral complexities of heroism, the burden of power, and the eternal struggle between good and evil—themes that had fascinated him since his childhood. His performances became more than mere entertainment; they were thought-provoking explorations of human nature, amplified by his superhuman abilities.   But being Thespian Titan was not without its challenges. Max had to navigate the ethical responsibilities that came with his powers, especially as he became a more public figure. He also had to balance his life as a student, an actor, and a hero—a juggling act that tested the limits of even his superhuman endurance.   Yet, despite the complexities and challenges, Max embraced his new identity with the same passion and dedication that had defined him throughout his life. Thespian Titan became an extension of his artistic vision, a unique fusion of drama and heroism that captivated audiences and challenged conventional storytelling. And so, Max continued to evolve, both as an actor and as a hero, forever committed to exploring the complexities of the human condition.  

The Manhattan Academy for the Gifted - A Stage for New Beginnings

When Max stepped onto the campus of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, he felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The academy was a haven for young individuals with extraordinary abilities, and Max saw it as the perfect stage to further explore the blend of classic drama and modern heroism that had become his life's work. However, he also knew that his unconventional approach to the arts might not be readily accepted in an institution that often valued tradition and academic rigor.   Undeterred, Max founded the Art Club, envisioning it as a sanctuary for those who wanted to push the boundaries of conventional storytelling. He wanted to create a space where students could explore the rich tapestry of human emotions and moral complexities through the lens of both classic drama and the extraordinary abilities that many of them possessed. The club would be a place where Shakespeare could meet superheroes, where Greek tragedies could be reimagined with the inclusion of modern-day dilemmas.   Initially, Max faced skepticism from some faculty members. They questioned the validity of blending classical art forms with the fantastical elements of heroism. To them, it seemed like an audacious experiment that risked diluting the purity of the classics. But Max was not one to back down from a challenge. He organized the club's first performance, a modern adaptation of "Othello," where the characters grappled not just with jealousy and betrayal but also with the ethical implications of using their powers to manipulate human emotions.   The performance was a resounding success, leaving both the audience and the skeptical faculty members captivated. Max's portrayal of Othello was a tour de force, his superhuman strength and agility adding a visceral intensity to the character's emotional turmoil. But it wasn't just the spectacle that won them over; it was the depth and nuance with which the play explored timeless themes, made even more compelling by the inclusion of superhuman abilities.   The success of the performance marked a turning point for Max and the Art Club. Faculty members began to see the value in his innovative approach, recognizing that his blend of classic drama and modern heroism offered a fresh, relevant perspective that resonated with the students and enriched the academy's artistic community. Grants and sponsorships started coming in, allowing the club to expand its activities and reach a wider audience.   As the Art Club grew, so did its impact. Students from various disciplines joined, each bringing their unique abilities and perspectives to the table. Under Max's leadership, the club became a melting pot of creativity and innovation, a place where each member could contribute to the collective artistic vision. It wasn't long before the Art Club was considered one of the most influential and progressive organizations on campus, a testament to Max's passion, talent, and unwavering belief in the transformative power of art.   And so, Max's journey at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted became another pivotal chapter in his life, one that affirmed his belief in the limitless possibilities of storytelling and the profound impact it could have on both the individual and society.  

The Patronage of Nichols Industries - A Financial Encore

Max's enrollment at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted came with its own set of financial challenges. The academy was a prestigious institution, and tuition fees reflected that status. However, Max found financial relief through a stipend provided by Nichols Industries, a corporate entity with a vested interest in nurturing young talents with extraordinary abilities. This stipend was more than just a scholarship; it was a lifeline that allowed Max to fully immerse himself in his academic and artistic pursuits without the burden of financial stress.   The stipend came with conditions, of course. Students had to maintain good grades, abide by the academy's rules, and generally stay out of trouble. For Max, these conditions were hardly a constraint; they aligned well with his own disciplined nature and commitment to excellence. The financial support from Nichols Industries allowed him to focus intently on his studies, both in theatre arts and in the broader curriculum that the academy offered. It also gave him the freedom to invest in the Art Club, turning it into a vibrant hub of creativity and innovation.   One of the most significant investments Max made was in high-quality materials for his performances, most notably his signature lance. This wasn't just any lance; it was a custom-designed, state-of-the-art piece that incorporated both traditional elements and modern technology. The lance became an extension of Max himself, a symbol of his unique blend of classical artistry and modern heroism. It featured in many of the Art Club's performances, adding a layer of spectacle and meaning that captivated audiences.   The financial freedom afforded by the Nichols Industries stipend also allowed Max to explore other avenues of artistic expression. He was able to bring in guest lecturers, organize workshops, and even take the Art Club on field trips to renowned theaters and art galleries. These experiences enriched not just Max but all the members of the Art Club, providing them with a well-rounded education that went beyond the walls of the academy.   In essence, the stipend from Nichols Industries didn't just make Max's attendance at the academy financially feasible; it empowered him to realize his artistic vision without compromise. It gave him the resources to elevate the Art Club from a mere extracurricular activity to a transformative experience for everyone involved. And in doing so, it affirmed Nichols Industries' belief in the potential of young talents like Max, making them an integral part of his journey towards artistic and personal fulfillment.  

The Lance - A Symbol of His Journey

Max's weapon of choice, a lance, is far from ordinary. Dubbed "Dramatis Personae," this lance is a masterpiece of engineering and artistry, a perfect blend of the old and the new. It pays homage to the classical knights and paladins of yore, evoking a sense of chivalry and valor. Yet, it also incorporates cutting-edge technology, making it a formidable tool in combat and a captivating prop in theatrical performances. The lance is a physical manifestation of Max's dual passions for tradition and innovation, a symbol of his complex identity as both an actor and a hero.   The lance itself is a work of art, crafted from a unique alloy that combines durability with lightweight maneuverability. Its design is intricate, featuring engravings that echo the themes of classic dramas Max loves, from Shakespearean tragedies to Greek epics. But the lance is not just for show; it's a highly functional piece of equipment. It's equipped with various technological enhancements, including a retractable blade for close combat, energy projectors for ranged attacks, and even a small holographic projector that can display lines of dialogue or emotive symbols during performances.   "Dramatis Personae" also has a few hidden features that Max keeps up his sleeve for special occasions. It can emit different types of energy, allowing Max to adapt to various combat scenarios. It has a built-in AI that can analyze opponents' movements, offering Max real-time tactical advice. And perhaps most impressively, it can interface with the cybernetic eyepatch Max wears in combat, providing him with enhanced targeting and situational awareness.   The lance has become a staple in the Art Club's performances, adding a layer of spectacle that leaves audiences in awe. It's also a topic of fascination among the students, many of whom are eager to learn more about its capabilities and the technology behind it. For Max, the lance is more than just a weapon or a prop; it's a part of him, an extension of his personality and aspirations. It embodies his love for the dramatic arts and his commitment to being a hero, making it a central element in his ongoing journey of self-discovery and artistic expression.   In essence, "Dramatis Personae" is not just a lance; it's a character in its own right, with its own backstory, capabilities, and role to play in Max's life. It's a testament to his ingenuity and creativity, a symbol of his ability to bring together disparate worlds in a harmonious blend. And just like Max himself, it defies easy categorization, existing as a unique fusion of tradition and modernity, drama and heroism, form and function.  

The Balancing Act - Student, Actor, Hero

In the bustling corridors of the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Maximilian "Max" DeVere is a figure of many facets. As a student, he is diligent and focused, always striving to excel in his academic pursuits. His professors often comment on his intellectual curiosity and his ability to weave complex themes into his essays and discussions. As the president of the Art Club, he is a visionary leader, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of performance art. He organizes workshops, collaborates on projects, and mentors younger students, all while ensuring that the club remains a sanctuary for creative expression.   But beyond the academy's walls, Max takes on another role—that of Thespian Titan, a superhero committed to justice and the greater good. His responsibilities in this capacity are immense, from battling villains who threaten the peace to aiding in disaster relief efforts. Being one of the last surviving Inhumans adds another layer of complexity to his life. He grapples with the weight of his people's legacy, a constant reminder of the unique abilities and challenges that come with his Inhuman heritage.   Max's life is a whirlwind of activity, a delicate balancing act that requires immense discipline and mental fortitude. He often finds himself stretched thin, juggling the demands of his academic life, his leadership in the Art Club, and his responsibilities as a superhero. Personal relationships, too, require his attention, and he makes it a point to be there for his friends and loved ones, even if it means sacrificing his own time and well-being.   Yet, despite the pressures and challenges, Max's passion for acting and his commitment to making a positive impact on the world never waver. They are the constants that anchor him, the driving forces that keep him moving forward. Whether he's reciting lines from a Shakespearean play, mentoring a young artist, or facing down a formidable foe, Max does it all with unwavering dedication and a deep sense of purpose.   His life may be a complex tapestry of roles and responsibilities, but Max embraces it all with open arms. He thrives in the chaos, finding joy in the challenges and fulfillment in the victories, no matter how small. For Max, every day is a new act, a fresh opportunity to make a difference and leave his mark on the world. And as he looks to the future, one thing is clear: the story of Maximilian DeVere, the Thespian Titan, is far from over. It's a narrative still in the making, a drama unfolding in real-time, and its next act promises to be even more captivating than the last.  

The Unwritten Future

As Maximilian "Max" DeVere stands on the precipice of the future, he is fueled by a dual passion that has defined his life: his love for the stage and his commitment to heroism. The curtain has yet to fall on his journey, and the acts that await him are tinged with the promise of new challenges, greater triumphs, and performances that will leave an indelible mark on both his audience and the world at large. He often finds himself contemplating the roles that lie ahead, whether they are characters in a play or real-life situations that demand the intervention of Thespian Titan. Each one is a new opportunity, a blank script waiting to be brought to life through his unique blend of classical training and modern heroics.   Max is keenly aware that the path ahead is fraught with complexity. The world is ever-changing, and the lines between good and evil, right and wrong, are increasingly blurred. He knows that he will be called upon to navigate moral dilemmas that challenge his beliefs and ethical boundaries. Yet, this complexity excites him; it offers a chance to delve deeper into the human condition, to explore the shades of gray that make life's stories so compelling. Whether he's interpreting the conflicted heroes of Shakespeare or grappling with the ethical quandaries that come with being a superhero in a world dominated by corporate interests, Max is ready to embrace it all.   His eyes, one blue and the other covered by a cybernetic eyepatch, look forward with a gaze full of determination and a touch of wonder. They are the eyes of someone who knows that the next act of his life is about to begin, and he is more than ready to play his part to the fullest. With script in one hand and his technologically advanced lance, "Dramatis Personae," in the other, Max is poised to step onto the stage of the future. And as he does, one thing is abundantly clear: Maximilian DeVere, the Thespian Titan, is far from taking his final bow. The spotlight awaits, and Max is ready to shine, forever cherishing and embodying his dual identity in a world that desperately needs both heroes and artists.  


  Maximilian "Max" DeVere, also known as Thespian Titan, is a complex individual whose personality is a tapestry of contrasts and harmonies. He is deeply passionate about both the arts and heroism, a duality that defines him. Max is resilient, having overcome a tragic past that left him both physically and emotionally scarred. This resilience manifests in his unwavering determination to make a positive impact on the world, both as an artist and a superhero.   Intellectually gifted, Max is an avid reader and thinker who enjoys delving into complex themes in both drama and real life. He's a method actor, immersing himself so deeply in his roles that he often blurs the lines between fiction and reality. This intense focus can sometimes make him neglectful of personal relationships, a flaw he continually strives to address.   His leadership qualities shine through in his role as the president of the Art Club at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, where he fosters an environment of creativity and inclusivity. Max is compassionate and dependable, always there to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on. However, his need for perfection can sometimes border on obsession, affecting his mental well-being.   Max's voice carries a blend of authority and warmth, often peppered with theatrical flair and famous quotes. He is fluent in multiple languages, including English, Latin, and some Shakespearean dialects, reflecting his rich educational background. Despite his many talents and complexities, Max remains grounded, continually striving for personal growth and greater understanding of both himself and the world around him.   In summary, Max is a harmonious blend of contrasts—strong yet vulnerable, intellectual yet emotional, traditional yet innovative. His life is a constant balancing act as he navigates the challenges and joys that come with being a student, an artist, a leader, and one of the last surviving Inhumans. Through it all, his love for the stage and for heroism remains his guiding light, making him a truly unforgettable character in the world of Earth-618.  


  1. Chroma Ghost (Violet Mercer): As the Vice-President of the Art Club, Violet and Maximillian work closely together. They share a mutual respect for each other's artistic talents. Maximillian appreciates Violet's meticulous attention to detail in stage design, and she, in turn, admires his leadership and theatrical skills.
  3. Grit Guardian (Oliver Sandwell): Oliver and Maximillian are good friends, both being members of the Art Club. Maximillian is often amazed by Oliver's sand sculptures and appreciates his sunny disposition, which lightens the mood during stressful times.
  5. Trisha Kings: As the faculty liaison for the Art Club, Trisha and Maximillian interact frequently. Trisha is impressed by Maximillian's dedication to the club and his ability to bring people together. She often serves as a mentor, offering him advice on how to navigate the complexities of leading a diverse group.
  7. Parents (deceased): Maximillian's memory of his parents helps shape and mold the person he's become; their love for theatre is what motivates Max to become a well-known theatrical actor.
  9. Art Club Members: Maximillian is well-liked by the general membership of the Art Club. His charisma and genuine passion for the arts have earned him the respect and admiration of many.
  11. Academic Advisors: Maximillian maintains a professional relationship with his academic advisors. They are impressed by his ability to balance his academic responsibilities with his commitments to the Art Club.
  13. Local Artists: Through various Art Club activities, Maximillian has built connections with local artists and theater directors. These relationships often provide valuable opportunities for the club, such as guest lectures or collaborative projects.
  15. Corporate Sponsors: Given the unique corporate-dominated landscape of Earth-618, Maximillian has learned to navigate relationships with potential corporate sponsors. These relationships are often tricky, requiring him to balance the club's artistic integrity with the practicalities of funding.
  17. Rival Clubs: Maximillian has a competitive but respectful relationship with the leaders of other clubs within the Academy. While they may vie for resources and attention, there's a mutual acknowledgment of each other's contributions to the school community.
  19. General Student Body: Among the general student population, Maximillian is known as a charismatic and talented individual. While he has his detractors, most students respect him for his contributions to the Academy's cultural scene.




  1. Superhuman Strength: Max possesses incredible physical strength, allowing him to lift heavy objects and deliver powerful blows.
  3. Enhanced Durability: His body is highly resistant to physical damage, including impacts, extreme temperatures, and certain types of energy attacks.
  5. Advanced Maneuverability: While not necessarily fast, Max can move with exceptional agility and precision, making him a formidable opponent in combat.
  7. Leaping Abilities: Max can leap great distances and heights, adding a vertical dimension to his combat capabilities.
  9. Enhanced Stamina: Max can exert himself at peak levels for extended periods without tiring.
  11. Accelerated Healing: While not instantaneous, his healing rate is faster than that of an average human, allowing him to recover from injuries more quickly.


  1. Emotional Resonance: Though not a traditional "superpower," Max's deep emotional range and method acting skills allow him to connect with people on a profound level, influencing their perceptions and actions.
  3. Tactical Acumen: Max possesses a keen understanding of combat tactics and strategy, honed through both his classical education and real-world experience.
  5. Weapon Mastery: Max is highly skilled in the use of his technologically advanced lance, "Dramatis Personae," which he uses both in combat and performances.
  7. Cybernetic Eye: His combat eyepatch is equipped with various technological enhancements, providing him with tactical advantages like enhanced vision modes.
  9. Method Acting: Max is a highly skilled actor, capable of immersing himself deeply into any role he takes on. This skill allows him to understand and portray complex characters with authenticity.
  11. Public Speaking: Max's background in theatre has made him an eloquent and captivating public speaker, useful for both performances and leadership roles.
  13. Leadership Skills: As the president of the Art Club and a natural leader, Max has the ability to inspire and guide others effectively.
  15. Emotional Intelligence: Max's innate empathy and understanding of human emotions make him exceptionally skilled at reading people and situations.
  17. Strategic Thinking: Max possesses a keen strategic mind, useful for both stage productions and combat scenarios.
  19. Cultural Knowledge: Being raised in a family of classical actors, Max has a deep understanding of various forms of art, literature, and history.
  21. Multilingual: Max is fluent in English and has a working knowledge of other languages like Latin and French, often used in classical texts.
  23. Weapon Proficiency: Apart from his lance, Max is trained in the use of other weapons like swords and daggers, skills he picked up from his classical training.
  25. Hand-to-Hand Combat: While not his primary focus, Max has received basic combat training, making him capable in unarmed situations.
  27. Technological Savvy: Max has a good understanding of the technology that goes into his equipment, particularly his cybernetic eye and lance.
  29. Networking: Max has built a wide range of contacts in both the acting world and among other students and faculty, making him well-connected.
  31. Resource Management: Thanks to his stipend from Nichols Industries, Max has learned to manage resources effectively, particularly for Art Club activities and personal projects.
  33. Adaptability: Max's diverse interests and skills make him highly adaptable, capable of adjusting to new challenges and environments.
  35. Teamwork: Max understands the value of collaboration and is skilled at working effectively in a team, both as a leader and a member.


  Maximillian possesses extraordinary strength, a gift that often becomes a double-edged sword. While his power is invaluable in combat, it's a challenge in everyday life. Maximillian struggles to control his strength, especially during emotional or stressful moments. Simple tasks can lead to unintentional damage or injury. In the theater, a realm of precision, this poses unique challenges, from handling delicate props to interacting with fellow actors. This lack of control not only affects his professional life but also impacts his personal relationships, as those around him tread cautiously, especially when sensing his heightened emotions. It's a constant battle for Maximillian, striving for mastery over his own might.  


  1. Dramatis Personae: His signature lance, equipped with various technological enhancements for combat and performances.
  3. Cybernetic Eye Patch: A high-tech eye patch that replaces his missing left eye, providing him with various in-combat benefits like enhanced vision and targeting.
  5. Art Club Supplies: As the president of the Art Club, Max has a collection of art supplies, costumes, and props for club activities and performances.
  7. Theatrical Scripts: A collection of scripts from classical to modern plays, often annotated with his own notes and interpretations.
  9. Personal Journal: Max keeps a journal where he writes down his thoughts, ideas for performances, and sketches for characters.
  11. Combat Boots: Heavy-duty boots designed for both style and practicality, providing enhanced grip and protection.
  13. Communicator: A small, high-tech device that allows him to stay in contact with other members of the Art Club and emergency services.
  15. Armor Maintenance Kit: A set of tools and materials used for the upkeep of his paladin armor.
  17. Portable Stage Lights: Compact, battery-operated lights that can be set up quickly for impromptu performances or events.
  19. First Aid Kit: A basic first aid kit equipped with essentials for treating minor injuries.
  21. Memory Drives: USB drives containing recordings of his performances, both for self-review and archival purposes.
  23. Smartphone: Loaded with various apps for scriptwriting, line memorization, and other theatre-related tasks.
  25. Backstage Passes: A collection of passes from various theatre productions he’s been involved in or attended.
  27. Voice Modulator: A small device that allows him to alter his voice, useful for certain roles or disguises.
  This collection of items offers a glimpse into Max's life, showcasing his interests, responsibilities, and the tools he uses to navigate the challenges of being a student, an actor, and a superhero.  


  One aspect worth noting about Thespian Titan, or Max, is his relationship with technology. While his lance "Dramatis Personae" is a technological marvel, Max has a nuanced view of technology's role in society, especially in Earth-618 where corporations dominate. He sees technology as a tool to enhance human potential, not replace it. This perspective often puts him at odds with those who view technology as the end-all solution to humanity's problems.   Another intriguing facet is Max's relationship with the Inhuman community. Being one of the last surviving Inhumans, he carries a sense of responsibility and perhaps, a burden of guilt. He's torn between the desire to integrate into human society and the need to preserve the legacy of his nearly extinct race. This internal conflict adds another layer to his already complex character.   Additionally, Max has a mentor-mentee relationship with some of the younger students at the academy. His leadership isn't just confined to the Art Club; he's someone younger students look up to for guidance. This dynamic is interesting because Max himself is still figuring out his path, making him a relatable figure to those who are also in the process of self-discovery.   Lastly, Max has a keen interest in philosophy, often quoting from philosophical texts during his performances or even in casual conversations. This intellectual bent is not just for show; it's a reflection of his constant quest to understand the human condition, a theme that is ever-present in both his acting and his heroism.   In summary, Thespian Titan is not just a blend of classic drama and modern heroism; he's a complex individual navigating multiple layers of identity, responsibility, and existential questions, making him a compelling character in the intricate tapestry of Earth-618.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Maximilian "Max" DeVere, known as Thespian Titan, is in peak physical condition, a necessity given his superhuman abilities and active lifestyle. Standing at 6'2" and weighing 190 lbs, he presents an imposing yet agile figure. His physique is well-toned and muscular, a testament to his rigorous training regimen and Inhuman genetics. Despite the loss of his left eye, which has been replaced by a cybernetic implant, Max is a picture of resilience and strength. His physical prowess is not just for show; it's a crucial aspect of his identity, both as a student leader and as a hero.

Identifying Characteristics

Maximilian "Max" DeVere, also known as Thespian Titan, is a striking figure with a blend of classical and modern aesthetics. Standing at 6'2" and weighing 190 lbs, he has a well-defined, muscular physique that speaks to his physical prowess. His blonde hair is usually styled in a way that gives him a regal yet approachable look. One of his most distinguishing features is his blue eye, which contrasts sharply with the cybernetic eyepatch that covers where his left eye used to be. The eyepatch itself has a sleek design, with a dark blue color that complements his outfit.   His skin bears a few scars, subtle but noticeable, each telling a story of battles fought and hardships overcome. These scars, along with his missing eye, add a layer of depth to his appearance, making him look like a man who has faced adversity and emerged stronger.   When he's in his superhero persona as Thespian Titan, his modernized paladin armor becomes his defining feature. The golden pauldrons and central chest piece are intricately designed, with engravings that glow faintly when activated. His white gauntlets and heavy boots are built for both form and function, providing protection while allowing for agile movement. The armor is draped in colors of blue and yellow, symbolizing the duality of his heroic and tragic sides.   Overall, Max's appearance is a harmonious blend of his theatrical flair and superheroic identity, making him a memorable and captivating individual.

Apparel & Accessories

As a student, Max opts for a casual yet stylish wardrobe that reflects his artistic inclinations. He's often seen wearing a blue bomber jacket over black long-sleeve shirts, paired with dark jeans and comfortable sneakers. His golden chest piece, a part of his superhero attire, is usually worn even when he's out of costume, serving as both a fashion statement and a symbol of his dual identity. He also wears a sleek, dark blue eyepatch that covers his missing left eye, blending seamlessly with his ensemble.   When he assumes his superhero persona as Thespian Titan, Max dons a modernized suit of paladin armor that is both functional and aesthetically striking. The armor is primarily blue and yellow, with golden embellishments that add a regal touch. His golden pauldrons and central chest piece are intricately designed, offering optimal protection without sacrificing mobility. His white gauntlets are fortified, and his boots are heavy-duty, designed for both stability and agility. His combat eyepatch transforms into a more cybernetic-looking piece, providing him with in-combat benefits such as enhanced vision and tactical data. Overall, his apparel and accessories are carefully chosen to reflect both aspects of his life, harmonizing his roles as a student, an artist, and a superhero.

Specialized Equipment

Dramatis Personae

  he lance, affectionately named "Dramatis Personae" by Max, is a marvel of engineering and artistry. It's a symbol of his dual identity, embodying both the classical and modern elements that define him. The lance is about eight feet in length when fully extended, but its retractable design allows it to collapse to a more manageable size for storage or for combat in confined spaces.   The engravings on the lance are not merely decorative; they are imbued with micro-circuitry that activates various functions. For instance, the lance has a "Heroic Mode" and a "Tragic Mode," each suited for different combat scenarios. In Heroic Mode, the lance emits a radiant light, capable of disorienting enemies and even dispelling illusions. In Tragic Mode, the lance can emit a low-frequency sound wave that induces a sense of dread and hesitation in foes, making them easier to subdue.   The lance's energy-based capabilities are powered by a compact but potent energy core housed within the shaft. This core is rechargeable and has multiple settings, from stunning electrical discharges to concentrated energy beams for ranged attacks. The lance can also channel Max's own Inhuman energy into devastating blasts, although doing so requires a great deal of focus and can be draining for him.   The targeting system is a masterpiece of technology. It syncs with his cybernetic eyepatch to provide real-time data on distance, wind speed, and enemy movement, allowing Max to make incredibly accurate throws or thrusts. The lance is also equipped with a gyroscopic stabilizer, ensuring that it always lands point-first when thrown.   "Dramatis Personae" is more than just a weapon; it's a statement of Max's philosophy and a testament to his complex personality. It's a tool that allows him to express himself, both as an artist and as a warrior. With it, Thespian Titan is not just a fighter; he's a performer, making every battle a dramatic spectacle that captivates friend and foe alike.  

Cybernetic Eyepatch

  The cybernetic eye patch that Thespian Titan, Maximillian DeVere, wears is not just a testament to his resilience but also a symbol of his adaptability and resourcefulness. Crafted from sleek, matte-black alloy with a central lens that glows a soft blue, the eye patch seamlessly integrates with his facial features, giving him a distinctive and memorable appearance.   The cybernetic eye patch is more than just a prosthetic. It's a piece of advanced technology that grants Maximillian enhanced visual capabilities. The central lens can switch between various modes, including infrared, night vision, and even a magnification mode that allows him to see distant objects with clarity. Additionally, it has a built-in heads-up display (HUD) that can project data, maps, and other relevant information directly into his line of sight.   After a tragic accident on stage during one of his performances, Maximillian lost his eye. Refusing to let this setback define him, he sought out the best cybernetic engineers in Earth-618. Collaborating with them, and investing a significant portion of his resources, he designed the eye patch not just as a replacement but as an upgrade. The eye patch serves as a constant reminder of the risks of his profession and his determination to overcome any obstacle.   Beyond its practical applications, the cybernetic eye patch has become a part of Thespian Titan's identity. It's a symbol of his dedication to his craft, his resilience in the face of adversity, and his belief in the fusion of art and technology. Many who see it are reminded of the tales of his legendary performances and the accident that could have ended his career but instead gave rise to the iconic Thespian Titan known today.

Mental characteristics


Maximilian "Max" DeVere identifies as bisexual. His sexuality is an integral part of his identity, but it doesn't define him entirely. Max is open about his sexuality and is a strong advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, both within the academy and in the broader society. His bisexuality adds another layer to his complex personality, and he is comfortable with his attractions to multiple genders.   Max's openness about his sexuality has made him a role model for other LGBTQ+ students at the academy. His advocacy work often intersects with his role in the Art Club, where he ensures that the club is an inclusive space for all, regardless of their sexual orientation. This inclusivity is reflected in the performances and projects the Art Club undertakes, often featuring LGBTQ+ themes and characters to promote diversity and representation.   In relationships, Max is known for his emotional depth, compassion, and understanding, qualities that make him a caring and supportive partner. His bisexuality is accepted and respected by his peers, and it adds to the rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives that he brings to his roles, both on and off the stage.


Maximilian DeVere's educational journey is as rich and complex as the roles he plays on stage. From a young age, he was homeschooled by his parents, both of whom were Shakespearean actors. This early education was steeped in the classics, from literature to history, providing him a well-rounded foundation. His parents also enrolled him in specialized acting classes, where he honed his craft from a young age.   After the tragic loss of his parents, Max continued his education at a prestigious performing arts high school. Despite the emotional turmoil, he excelled academically and was often the star of school productions. His unique blend of classical training and modern sensibilities caught the attention of several scouts and mentors.   Upon graduation, Max received multiple scholarship offers but chose to enroll at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, thanks to a generous stipend from Nichols Industries. Here, he majored in Theatre Arts and quickly became a standout student. His academic achievements were equally impressive, maintaining a high GPA while also founding and presiding over the Art Club. His club became a haven for students interested in exploring the intersection of classic drama and modern heroism, earning him accolades from the faculty, despite initial skepticism.   Max's educational accomplishments also include several awards for his performances, both in and out of the academy. He has received recognition at student film festivals and even had the honor of performing at a few off-Broadway shows. His senior thesis, a modern reinterpretation of Hamlet set in the world of Earth-618, received widespread acclaim and was considered a masterstroke of blending traditional theatre with contemporary themes.   As he looks toward the future, Max is considering further studies, possibly a Master's in Fine Arts or even a Ph.D. in Theatre Studies. However, for now, he remains committed to his roles as a student, the president of the Art Club, and, of course, as the Thespian Titan.

Mental Trauma

Maximilian DeVere, or Max, has endured significant mental trauma, most notably stemming from the devastating car accident that claimed the lives of his parents when he was just 12 years old. The event left him with not only physical scars but deep emotional ones as well. Losing his parents at such a young age and in such a tragic manner led to feelings of loss, abandonment, and guilt. The accident also cost him his left eye, serving as a constant, visible reminder of the tragedy, which has had lasting psychological effects.   Additionally, the weight of being one of the last surviving Inhumans adds another layer of emotional complexity. The near-extinction of his people and the responsibilities that come with his unique abilities can often feel like a heavy burden, leading to moments of existential crisis and identity struggles.   His dual life as a student, the president of the Art Club, and a superhero also takes a mental toll. The constant juggling of these roles, each with its own set of challenges and expectations, can be mentally exhausting and has led to periods of anxiety and stress.   Max's method acting approach, where he immerses himself deeply into his roles, can sometimes blur the lines between fiction and reality, adding another layer of psychological complexity. This deep emotional involvement in his roles can sometimes trigger past traumas or create new emotional challenges.   Despite these traumas, Max has shown incredible resilience. He's sought professional help to manage his emotional struggles and has the support of a close-knit circle of friends. His involvement in the arts also serves as a form of therapy, allowing him to channel his complex emotions into his performances.

Intellectual Characteristics

  1. Analytical Mind: Max has a knack for breaking down complex problems and situations, whether it's analyzing a script or strategizing in combat.
  3. Artistic Intelligence: His deep understanding of art and drama showcases a different kind of intellect, one that understands human emotion, storytelling, and the nuances of performance.
  5. Emotional Intelligence: Max's method acting requires a deep understanding of human emotions, motivations, and behaviors, making him highly emotionally intelligent.
  7. Strategic Thinker: Whether leading the Art Club or fighting as Thespian Titan, Max often thinks several steps ahead, planning for various outcomes.
  9. Cultural Awareness: Raised in a family of classical actors and exposed to various forms of art and literature, Max has a broad understanding of cultural nuances.
  11. Quick Learner: Max adapts quickly to new information or situations, a trait that serves him well in both academic settings and in the unpredictable world of heroism.
  13. Ethical Reasoning: Max often grapples with moral dilemmas, both in the roles he plays and in his life as a superhero. His ability to weigh ethical considerations shows a mature intellectual capacity.
  15. Strong Memory: Essential for remembering lines and historical context, Max's memory is one of his most valuable intellectual assets.
  17. Interdisciplinary Thinking: Max excels at merging different fields of knowledge, notably blending classical drama with modern heroism to create something entirely new.
  19. Critical Thinking: Whether evaluating a script or assessing a dangerous situation, Max's critical thinking skills are sharp, allowing him to make well-informed decisions.

Personality Characteristics


Max's motivations are intricately tied to his passions, his past, and his sense of responsibility. Firstly, his deep love for theatre and the arts serves as a primary motivator. He is driven to not only excel in his performances but also to innovate by blending classical drama with elements of the superheroic world. This creative fusion allows him to explore complex themes and characters, satisfying his intellectual and artistic cravings.   Secondly, the tragic loss of his parents in a car accident serves as a constant motivator to make the most of his life and abilities. It's a painful reminder of the fragility of life, pushing him to seize opportunities to make a meaningful impact on the world and the people around him. This sense of urgency is heightened by his Inhuman heritage, as one of the few survivors of a nearly extinct race.   Thirdly, Max is motivated by a strong sense of duty and responsibility, both as a student leader and as Thespian Titan. He feels a commitment to his community, whether it's the Art Club he presides over or the broader society he protects. This sense of responsibility extends to making a positive impact on people's lives, be it through art, mentorship, or heroism.   Lastly, Max is driven by a need for self-expression and self-discovery. The duality within him—the hero and the anti-hero—compels him to seek roles and opportunities that allow him to explore these conflicting aspects of his identity. This internal journey is not just about understanding himself but also serves as a way to connect with others on a deeper emotional level.   In summary, Max is motivated by his passion for the arts, a sense of responsibility stemming from his past and heritage, a commitment to his community, and a deep need for self-expression and understanding. These motivations make him a complex, multi-dimensional character, ever striving to balance his various roles in life.


Religious Views

Max identifies as agnostic, a perspective influenced by his deep engagement with both classical literature and modern philosophy. While he appreciates the moral and ethical teachings found in various religious texts, he remains open to multiple interpretations of spirituality and the divine. His agnostic views also stem from his life experiences, including the tragic loss of his parents and the existential questions that arose from it.   In the world of Earth-618, where science and technology often challenge traditional beliefs, Max finds himself more aligned with a spiritual humanism. He believes in the potential for good in all people and sees the "divine" as something that can be found in acts of kindness, love, and heroism—themes he often explores in his performances.   His agnostic stance doesn't prevent him from exploring religious themes in his art. In fact, he finds the stories, characters, and moral dilemmas presented in religious texts to be rich material for his performances. However, when it comes to personal belief, Max prefers the freedom to question and explore rather than adhere to a fixed doctrine.

Social Aptitude

  1. Charismatic Leadership: Max has a natural ability to inspire and lead others, especially within the Art Club. His enthusiasm is infectious, motivating those around him to strive for excellence.
  3. Emotional Intelligence: Thanks to his acting background and personal experiences, Max is highly attuned to the emotional states of others. He can read a room well and adjust his approach accordingly.
  5. Persuasive Communication: Whether he's on stage or in a meeting, Max knows how to get his point across. His words are carefully chosen and delivered with conviction, making him highly persuasive.
  7. Conflict Resolution: Max's dual nature allows him to see multiple sides of an issue. This makes him particularly good at mediating disputes and finding common ground.
  9. Networking Skills: Being the president of the Art Club and a theatre arts major, Max has built a wide network of contacts that range from faculty members to industry professionals.
  11. Teamwork and Collaboration: Max understands the value of working together to achieve a common goal. He's adept at delegating tasks and ensuring everyone feels valued in a group setting.
  13. Public Speaking: Years of acting have made Max comfortable with speaking in front of an audience. Whether it's delivering a monologue or addressing the student body, he's at ease when all eyes are on him.
  15. Cultural Sensitivity: As one of the last surviving Inhumans and a student in a diverse academy, Max is sensitive to cultural differences and strives to be inclusive in all social settings.
  17. Empathy and Compassion: Max's own struggles have endowed him with a deep sense of empathy. He's not just a good listener; he genuinely cares about the well-being of others.


  1. Gestures:
    • Dramatic Flourish: When making a point or emphasizing something, Max often uses a sweeping hand gesture, as if he's on stage.
    • Eye Contact: Max maintains strong eye contact when speaking to someone, which can be both captivating and slightly intense.
    • Fist Clench: When he's passionate or determined about something, he'll often clench his fists, sometimes without even realizing it.
    • Chin Stroking: When deep in thought or contemplating, Max has a habit of stroking his chin, as if pondering a complex role.
    • Shoulder Pat: He often gives reassuring pats on the shoulder to friends and club members, a gesture that conveys both his supportive nature and his physical strength.
  3. Ways of Speaking:
    • Theatrical Tone: Max's voice often carries a theatrical inflection, especially when he's excited or passionate about a topic.
    • Old English Phrases: Due to his love for classical drama, Max occasionally slips into Old English phrases or Shakespearean quotes.
    • Articulate: Max is highly articulate and chooses his words carefully, a result of both his acting training and his natural intelligence.
    • Dramatic Pauses: He's fond of using dramatic pauses for emphasis, especially when telling stories or making important points.
  5. Behaviors:
    • Method Acting: Max tends to immerse himself in whatever role he's playing, whether it's a character on stage or his superhero persona.
    • Punctuality: Max is always on time, a habit instilled in him by his parents and reinforced by his disciplined nature.
    • Note-Taking: Whether in class or at an Art Club meeting, Max is often seen jotting down notes or ideas in a small notebook he carries.
    • Active Listening: When someone else is speaking, Max gives them his full attention, nodding and responding in a way that shows he's fully engaged in the conversation.

Hobbies & Pets

Maximilian "Max" DeVere, also known as Thespian Titan, has a range of hobbies that reflect his multifaceted personality. Theatre, of course, is his first love. When he's not rehearsing for a play or leading the Art Club, Max enjoys diving into the rich world of Shakespearean literature, often reimagining classic tales with a superheroic twist. His love for the stage extends to set design and costume creation, skills that also come in handy for his heroic endeavors.   Max is an avid reader of comic books, drawing inspiration from the heroes and villains that populate their pages. This hobby feeds into his love for storytelling, often inspiring the themes and characters in his own performances. He's also a fan of classical music, finding that it helps him get into the mindset of his roles, whether they be heroes or villains.   Being an Inhuman, Max has a keen interest in the history and culture of his people. He spends time researching Inhuman lore, perhaps even collecting artifacts or writings related to them. This could be a solitary pursuit or part of a larger community effort, possibly even involving expeditions to find lost Inhuman relics.   Physical fitness is another of Max's hobbies, essential for someone with his superhuman abilities. While his powers give him an edge, he believes in maintaining peak physical condition. He engages in a rigorous training regimen, which might include specialized martial arts to complement his super strength and durability.   Lastly, Max has a soft spot for technology, particularly advancements that can aid him in combat. His cybernetic eye patch isn't just a medical necessity; it's a piece of tech he's likely had a hand in customizing, possibly even coding software for it himself.


  1. Tone of Voice:
    • Expressive: Max's tone is often expressive and filled with emotion, befitting his theatrical background.
  3. Pitch:
    • Baritone: Max has a deep, baritone voice that can command attention, especially when he's on stage or in a leadership role.
  5. Accent:
    • Transatlantic: Given his classical training and family background, Max has a transatlantic accent that blends American and British elements.
  7. Dialect:
    • Standard American with British Flair: While he generally speaks in a standard American dialect, his love for Shakespeare often brings out a British flair in his speech.
  9. Impediments:
    • None: Max has no speech impediments, thanks to years of vocal training.
  11. Catch Phrases:
    • "The world's a stage, and we are merely players.": A Shakespearean line he often uses to describe life's complexities.
  13. Common Phrases:
    • "To be or not to be, that is the question.": Used when faced with a dilemma.
    • "All's well that ends well.": Often said after resolving a conflict or completing a task.
  15. Compliments:
    • "Bravo!": His go-to compliment for a job well done.
    • "You've stolen the show!": Used to praise someone who has excelled.
  17. Insults:
    • "A mere understudy.": A subtle dig at someone he finds unimpressive.
    • "You're out of character.": Used when someone acts in a way that he finds disappointing or surprising.
  19. Greetings:
    • "Greetings, fellow thespian!": A warm, theatrical way to say hello.
  21. Farewell:
    • "Exit, stage left!": His unique way of saying goodbye, often accompanied by a dramatic gesture.
  23. Swearing:
    • "What the Bard?!": A unique expletive that combines his love for Shakespeare with his need to vent frustration.
  25. Metaphors:
    • "Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player.": Used to describe the fleeting nature of life and its challenges.
    • "The world is your stage.": A motivational metaphor encouraging others to seize opportunities.

Wealth & Financial state

In the bustling, corporate-driven landscape of Earth-618, Maximilian "Max" DeVere navigates his financial life with a blend of traditional and modern resources. The stipend from Nichols Industries, a cornerstone of student life at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, ensures his basic needs are met. This financial cushion allows him to focus on his studies and his role as the president of the Art Club. Beyond the academy's walls, Max's theatrical talent earns him paid roles in local productions, adding another layer to his financial stability. A family trust, a legacy from his late parents, provides an additional safety net, while potential scholarships and grants tailored for Inhumans like him offer further opportunities.   Max's unique cybernetic eye patch, a marvel of Earth-618's advanced technology, could very well be a sponsored piece of equipment, hinting at future corporate partnerships. His intellectual prowess also opens doors for tutoring and mentorship roles, providing not just income but a chance to guide younger talents. All these elements coalesce to paint a picture of a young man who is not merely surviving, but thriving in a world where superpowers and corporate sponsorships intersect. Max's financial situation is not just stable; it's a platform from which he can leap to greater heights, both as an artist and a hero.
Current Status
Student President of the Art Club
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
190 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
  1. Famous Quotes:
    • "The stage is not merely the meeting place of all the arts, but is also the return of art to life."
    • "In every villain, there's a hero; in every hero, a villain. We are but actors playing our parts."
    • "To be or not to be super—that is the question."
    • "Life's a stage, and we are all but characters in the grand play of existence."
    • "The essence of true heroism lies not in strength, but in the depth of one's character."
    • "Art and heroism are the two sides of the same coin, each incomplete without the other."
    • "In a world of black and white, I choose to live in shades of gray."
    • "The mask we wear on stage is often more real than the one we wear in life."
    • "Our greatest battles are not with our superpowers, but with the human within."
  3. Catchphrases:
    • "Curtain's up!"
    • "Time for the grand finale!"
    • "Enter Thespian Titan!"
    • "Exit, pursued by hero!"
    • "And... scene."
    • "Let's give them a performance they'll never forget!"
    • "Bravo, bravo!"
    • "The show must go on, but so must justice."
    • "In the name of art and justice!"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  1. English: His native language, in which he is highly fluent and articulate.
  3. Shakespearean English: Given his classical acting background, Max is well-versed in the archaic form of English used in Shakespearean plays.
  5. Latin: Often used in classical texts and historical documents, Latin is a language Max has studied to enhance his understanding of classical works.
  7. French: Given the global nature of drama and art, Max has taken the time to learn French, a language rich in theatrical history.
  9. Sign Language: In an effort to be inclusive and communicate with a broader range of people, Max has learned basic sign language.


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