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Tomi Shishido (a.k.a. Gorgon)

Gorgon, once known as Tomi Shishido, emerged from Tokyo's tumultuous Corporate Age as a mutant of formidable power and ambition. Gifted with the ability to petrify others with a glance, he navigated a world where corporations wielded immense influence, shaping societal norms and laws. Rising through the ranks of The Hand, a clandestine organization blending mysticism with ruthless pragmatism, Gorgon carved out a reputation as a shadowy figure feared and respected across Earth-618.   His journey is marked by strategic cunning and a relentless pursuit of power. In the face of global upheavals like The Symbiote Invasion, Gorgon defended his territory and expanded his influence, leveraging alliances and arcane knowledge to further his dark ambitions. His leadership of the Hand solidified his control over Tokyo's underworld, manipulating corporate entities like Yashida Corporation to serve his agenda while delving deeper into ancient rituals and artifacts that augmented his abilities.   Now, Gorgon's focus turns towards unlocking the full potential of The Beast, a malevolent entity from ancient lore. His clash with Clan Oshiro and the emergence of Emissary as a key player in his plans underscore his determination to wield ultimate power. As Earth-618 teeters on the brink of cataclysm, Gorgon stands poised as a figure of dread and fascination, embodying the convergence of mutant prowess, dark mysticism, and corporate machinations in a world where every move holds dire consequences.  



Origins and Early Life

  In the sprawling metropolis of Tokyo, amidst the rise of corporate dominance in the early 21st century, a boy named Tomi Shishido was born with an extraordinary gift and burden. Mutant abilities manifested within him at a young age, granting him the power to petrify others with a single gaze. Growing up in a world where mutants faced increasing discrimination, Tomi quickly learned to conceal his powers, wary of the fear and prejudice that surrounded him.   As corporations seized power and reshaped society, Tomi saw opportunity amidst the chaos. The Adversarial Seed era of 2020-2022 marked a turning point. Corporations competed fiercely for control, and Tomi navigated this new landscape with cunning and ambition. His abilities caught the attention of powerful figures within the shadowy underworld of Tokyo, paving the way for his ascent into leadership of the Hand—a secretive organization that thrived on both mysticism and corporate intrigue.  

Ascendance in the Corporate Age

  Under Tomi's leadership, the Hand became a formidable force, its influence extending far beyond the city limits of Tokyo. During the Red Serpent Rising from 2027 to 2030, a period of occult upheaval, Tomi delved deeper into dark magic and ancient lore. He sought artifacts and rituals capable of summoning entities of immense power, including The Beast (Krahllak), a malevolent force from the depths of myth and legend.   The Symbiote Invasion of 2037 brought global turmoil, testing Tomi's resolve and strategic prowess. As the world fought against extraterrestrial symbiote invaders, Tomi defended his territory and expanded his influence, solidifying his grip over the Hand and its intricate web of alliances. His leadership was marked by a combination of ruthless pragmatism and a thirst for arcane knowledge, making him a formidable adversary in both mystical and corporate circles.  

Reign as Leader of the Hand

  From the shadows, Tomi orchestrated complex schemes, manipulating corporations like Yashida Corporation to serve the Hand's insidious agenda. He forged alliances with dark entities and mystical beings, amassing a collection of artifacts that augmented his formidable abilities. With each passing year, Tomi's ambition grew, driven by a vision of ultimate power and dominion over both the material and mystical realms.  

Conflict with Clan Oshiro and Emissary

  Tomi's pursuit of power brought him into conflict with Clan Oshiro, a lineage of powerful mystics guarding ancient secrets in Japan. Their resistance posed a challenge, but Tomi remained undeterred. His focus turned to Brianna James, known as Emissary, whose unique abilities and connections posed a threat to his grand designs. Tomi saw in Emissary a potential key to unlocking The Beast's true potential—a weapon of unparalleled destruction that could cement his legacy as a dark force to be feared and obeyed.  

Current Machinations and Future Ambitions

  As tensions escalate and ancient prophecies intertwine with corporate machinations, Tomi prepares for a climactic confrontation. His plans hinge on harnessing The Beast's power, a perilous gambit that could reshape Earth-618's destiny. In the shadows of Tokyo's towering skyscrapers, Gorgon—the name whispered in fear and reverence—stands poised to unleash a darkness that threatens to engulf not just the city, but the entire world.  


  Gorgon, also known as Tomi Shishido, embodies an unwavering ambition tempered by ruthless pragmatism and a profound mastery of dark arts. His personality is marked by an insatiable hunger for power, driving him to exploit every opportunity and manipulate allies and enemies alike with charismatic cunning. He views compassion as a weakness and hesitation as a luxury he cannot afford, demonstrating a relentless pursuit of dominance and control. Gorgon's strategic brilliance complements his mystical adeptness, making him a formidable adversary who calculates every move with precision, whether commanding the Hand's global network or pursuing ancient artifacts to augment his power. His imposing presence and commanding aura instill fear and respect, shaping him into a central figure in Earth-618's complex landscape of corporate intrigue and mystical conflict.  


  • Clan Oshiro: A powerful mystical lineage in Japan, adversaries of Gorgon.
  • Brianna James (Emissary): A crucial figure in Gorgon's plans, targeted due to her connection with ancient powers.
  • Arisa Yashida: CEO of Yashida Corporation, manipulated by Gorgon for the Hand's benefit.
  • Silver Samurai: Mythical figure and entity linked to Gorgon's machinations in Japan.
  • The Beast (Krahllak): Ancient entity sought by Gorgon for its destructive potential and dark power.
  • Shiro Yoshida (Sunfire): Former ally or adversary of Gorgon, depending on their shared history in Earth-618's timeline.
  • Wolverine (Logan): A fierce adversary of Gorgon, known for their intense battles over the years.
  • Elektra Natchios: Former ally and adversary, intertwined with Gorgon's role in the Hand and Japanese underworld.
  • Daredevil/Mazoku (Matt Murdock): Crossed paths with Gorgon due to their roles in New York and Japan's vigilante scenes.
  • Iron Fist (Danny Rand): Martial arts rival and occasional ally, involved in clashes against mystical threats alongside Gorgon.
  • Hana Shirogane: CEO of Shirogane Technologies and corporate rival; Hana has refused Gorgon's manipulations (and romantic advancements) in that past.
  • Doctor Strange: Mystic adversary and ally, engaged in battles over the control and use of powerful artifacts and magical energies.


  Gorgon possesses enhanced physical attributes typical of mutants, including superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability. In addition, he has mastered dark magic and sorcery, granting him mystical abilities that amplify his formidable combat skills and strategic prowess.  


  1. Superhuman Strength: Gorgon possesses strength far beyond that of a normal human, allowing him to overpower most opponents in hand-to-hand combat.
  3. Enhanced Speed and Agility: His mutant physiology grants him speed and agility that surpass human limits, enabling swift movements and reflexes.
  5. Enhanced Durability: Gorgon's body is highly resistant to physical injury, able to withstand powerful impacts and attacks without significant harm.
  7. Petrifying Gaze: Gorgon's eyes emit a potent energy that induces petrification in those who meet his gaze directly. This power is swift and irreversible unless countered by powerful mystical or technological means. Victims caught within the gaze of Gorgon find their bodies gradually transforming into stone, starting from where the gaze first makes contact.
  9. Dark Magic and Sorcery: Through intensive study and communion with mystical forces, Gorgon has mastered dark magic. His abilities include:  
    • Mystic Bolts: Ability to project dark energy blasts capable of causing substantial damage.
    • Telekinesis: Limited telekinetic abilities, enabling him to manipulate objects with his mind.
    • Summoning: Proficiency in summoning dark creatures and entities to aid him in battle.
    • Illusions: Skill in creating realistic illusions to deceive and confuse opponents.
    • Mystical Shields: Ability to create barriers of dark energy for defensive purposes.
    • Necromancy: Limited ability to manipulate life force and raise the dead under certain conditions.


  • Master Martial Artist: Gorgon is an expert in multiple forms of martial arts, blending mutant strength and speed with precision strikes and defensive techniques.
  • Tactical Genius: He possesses exceptional strategic acumen, able to plan and execute complex operations to achieve his goals, whether in combat or manipulating global events.
  • Leadership: As the leader of the Hand in Earth-618, Gorgon commands loyalty and fear from his followers, orchestrating their actions to further his agenda.
  • Charisma: Despite his intimidating presence, Gorgon exudes charisma and persuasive power, capable of manipulating others to serve his interests through charm or coercion.
  • Mystical Knowledge: His extensive knowledge of dark magic and mystical lore enables Gorgon to understand and exploit supernatural forces and artifacts to augment his power.
  • Regenerative Healing Factor: Gorgon possesses a limited healing factor that accelerates his recovery from injuries, though not to the extent of some other mutants.


  1. Mystical Sword: Gorgon wields a mystical sword imbued with dark magic, capable of:  
    • Slaying Demons: The sword is enchanted to kill supernatural entities such as demons, making it a formidable weapon against mystical foes.
    • Absorbing Power: It has the ability to absorb and channel mystical energies, enhancing Gorgon's own abilities in combat.
  3. Mystical Artifacts: Gorgon collects and utilizes various mystical artifacts, each imbued with unique powers or properties. These artifacts may include ancient tomes of dark magic, enchanted amulets, talismans, and relics of arcane significance. They bolster his mystical abilities and provide strategic advantages in combat and manipulation of supernatural forces.
  5. Sunglasses: Gorgon wears specially crafted sunglasses that filter and dim the intensity of his gaze. These sunglasses are made from advanced materials that can withstand the mystical energy emitted from his eyes. By wearing them, Gorgon can interact with others without the risk of accidentally petrifying them during casual interactions or when not in combat.
  7. Mystical Mask: In situations where he anticipates combat or needs to maximize his abilities, Gorgon dons a mystical mask imbued with protective enchantments. This mask not only conceals his identity but also serves as a barrier against his own petrifying gaze. The mask enhances his focus and control over his powers, allowing him to unleash his full potential without endangering allies or civilians nearby.
  9. Ninjato Blades: Apart from his Demon Sword, Gorgon carries multiple ninjato blades, traditional Japanese swords favored by the Hand. These blades are crafted with precision and imbued with subtle enchantments or enhancements, serving as deadly weapons in close-quarters combat.
  11. Sorcerous Scrolls: Gorgon maintains a collection of sorcerous scrolls containing spells, rituals, and forbidden incantations. These scrolls are meticulously guarded and studied, offering him access to additional magical powers or knowledge that can be employed to achieve his objectives.
  13. Cursed Objects: Some of Gorgon's paraphernalia includes cursed objects or artifacts with malevolent properties. These items might be used to inflict curses upon adversaries, manipulate luck or fate, or serve as traps for unsuspecting foes.
  15. Mystical Wardrobe: Gorgon's attire often includes robes, cloaks, and armor infused with protective enchantments or enhancements. These mystical garments provide him with added resilience against physical and magical attacks, as well as enhancing his presence as a dark sorcerer and leader of the Hand.
  17. Occult Relics: Throughout his conquests and searches for power, Gorgon has acquired occult relics from various cultures and dimensions. These relics possess diverse properties, ranging from enhancing his mystical abilities to granting insights into arcane secrets or allowing him to traverse dimensions and realms.
  19. Alchemical Brews and Potions: Gorgon employs alchemical brews and potions brewed from rare ingredients and mystical substances. These concoctions can bestow temporary enhancements to his physical attributes, bolster his mystical powers, or provide temporary invulnerability to specific types of attacks.
  21. Magical Traps and Wards: Gorgon uses magical traps and wards to protect his strongholds, artifacts, and strategic locations. These defenses range from simple magical alarms to complex barriers that deter and repel intruders, ensuring the security of his sanctums and resources.


  1. Origins and Motivations:  
    • Gorgon's origin lies in his ties to Clan Oshiro and his pursuit of mystical power.
    • Motivated by a desire for dominance and control, Gorgon seeks to harness ancient entities and artifacts to further his goals.
    • His rise to power within the Hand is marked by manipulation, alliances, and ruthless strategies.
  3. Powers and Abilities:  
    • Gorgon possesses superhuman physical abilities, enhanced agility, and strength.
    • His petrifying gaze can turn individuals to stone, countered by sunglasses or a special mask.
    • The Demon Sword, capable of slaying entities like The Beast, is a key weapon in his arsenal.
  5. Relationships and Alliances:  
    • Allies include Hand operatives, dark entities, and manipulated corporate leaders like Arisa Yashida.
    • Enemies range from ancient mystics to powerful mutants like Brianna James (Emissary) and Wolverine.
    • Previous alliances with Elektra and conflicts with Daredevil and other Marvel heroes shape his complex network of relationships.
  7. Campaign Impact and Narrative Threads:  
    • Gorgon's influence spans global and interdimensional conflicts, particularly in Japan and New York.
    • He plays a central role in manipulating events related to mutant tensions, corporate intrigue, and mystical threats.
    • Potential storylines involve his pursuit of The Beast (Krahllak), clashes with Brianna James, and alliances with or against other major Marvel characters.
  9. Characterization and Personality:  
    • Gorgon is portrayed as cunning, ruthless, and driven by a thirst for power and conquest.
    • His strategic mind and willingness to sacrifice others for his goals make him a formidable adversary.
    • Despite his dark nature, he exhibits moments of honor and respect within the context of his twisted moral code.
  11. Arcs and Development:  
    • Explore Gorgon's evolution from a skilled warrior to a mystical manipulator and leader within the Hand.
    • Provide opportunities for character growth, dilemmas about loyalty, and personal vendettas that add depth to his narrative.
    • Develop his backstory through encounters with ancient lore, mystical artifacts, and past rivalries that continue to shape his present actions.
Current Status
Leader of the Hand
Current Location
Kyoto, Japan
Yellow, No Iris
Black, Long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
215 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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