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Howard the Duck

Howard Duckson (a.k.a. Howard the Duck)

"Aw, clam up, bud! You don't even know the meaning of the word! Finding yourself in a world of talking hairless apes--Now that's absurdity!"

—Howard the Duck


Manhattan Academy for the Gifted

After the devastating events of the Red Serpent Rising on Earth-618, Howard the Duck, a beloved and eccentric character, finds a new calling as a teacher of Applied Vigilantism at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. The aftermath of the Red Serpent Rising left a void in the superhero community, with many heroes lost or retired, and the need for guidance and training became more crucial than ever.

Howard, known for his wit, intelligence, and unique perspective on the world, steps forward to share his experiences and knowledge with the next generation of aspiring heroes. Despite his unconventional appearance, Howard's reputation as a seasoned adventurer and his understanding of the challenges and responsibilities of being a superhero make him an ideal candidate for the position.

As a teacher, Howard brings his own brand of humor, wisdom, and street-smarts to the classroom. He offers practical lessons in combat techniques, problem-solving, ethics, and the importance of using one's abilities responsibly. Howard's unorthodox teaching methods and his ability to connect with his students on a personal level make him a favorite among the students at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted.

His classes are not just about theoretical knowledge but also involve practical exercises, where students can apply their skills in real-world scenarios. Howard believes in hands-on experience and encourages his students to think creatively, adapt to unexpected situations, and embrace their unique talents.

Despite initially raising eyebrows among the academy's administration and some traditionalists, Howard's unconventional teaching style and his genuine passion for guiding young heroes prove to be highly effective. Over time, his reputation as an educator and mentor grows, and he becomes an integral part of the academy's faculty.

Through his teaching role, Howard the Duck not only imparts valuable knowledge but also instills in his students a sense of confidence, empathy, and the importance of standing up for what is right. His presence at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted brings a touch of humor, humanity, and a reminder that heroes can come in all shapes and sizes.

In the aftermath of the Red Serpent Rising, Howard's unexpected transition to becoming a teacher symbolizes the resilience of the superhero community and their commitment to nurturing the next generation of defenders. His unconventional journey inspires both students and fellow heroes, reminding them that even in the face of tragedy, there is always a place for hope, growth, and new beginnings.


Howard possesses a distinctive and multifaceted personality that sets him apart from other characters in the Marvel Universe. He is known for his razor-sharp wit and a quick tongue that delivers clever comebacks and sarcastic remarks. He has a dry sense of humor and often uses satire to comment on the absurdities of the world around him.

Howard's experiences and observations have made him somewhat cynical about life and the world. He tends to have a jaded outlook, often questioning the motives and actions of others. His sarcasm and cynicism serve as a defense mechanism against the chaos and injustices he encounters.

Despite his diminutive stature, Howard is highly intelligent and resourceful. He possesses a keen intellect and a knack for problem-solving, often finding creative solutions to challenging situations. His resourcefulness comes from his street-smarts and his ability to think on his feet. Howard may be a small duck, but he possesses remarkable courage and tenacity. He's not one to back down from a fight or shy away from standing up for what he believes in. Howard's bravery is often demonstrated in his unwavering commitment to doing the right thing, even in the face of overwhelming odds.

He is fiercely independent and values his autonomy. He prefers to navigate the world on his own terms and is not easily swayed by the expectations or judgments of others. He relies on his own abilities and instincts, often resisting the influence or control of outside forces. While Howard may project a tough exterior and a cynical demeanor, he also possesses a compassionate and empathetic side. He cares deeply for those he considers friends and is willing to go to great lengths to protect and support them. Howard's compassion is often hidden beneath layers of sarcasm and gruffness.

His experiences as an anthropomorphic duck from another dimension provide him with a unique perspective on human society. He often serves as a cultural observer and commentator, offering satirical critiques of social norms, politics, and popular culture.

Overall, Howard the Duck's personality can be described as a complex blend of wit, cynicism, intelligence, bravery, and compassion. His distinctive personality traits make him a compelling and memorable character in the Marvel Universe.




Howard the Duck possesses a unique set of powers and abilities that are derived from his Duckworldian physiology and his training in both physical and mystical disciplines.

Duckworldian Physiology: Howard's body shares similarities with both ducks and humans. He has hands instead of wings, is covered in feathers, and possesses enhanced physical attributes. He can survive in the vacuum of space without the need for protective gear.

  • Enhanced Speed: Through extensive training, Howard has developed enhanced speed, allowing him to move faster than the human eye can see.

  • Super Reflexes and Precision: Howard's reflexes are finely honed, granting him exceptional precision and quick reaction times. He can catch objects with incredible accuracy, even intercepting fast-moving projectiles like knives.

Mystical Training: Howard has received brief tutelage from the Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange, in the mystic arts. Under Strange's guidance, Howard has demonstrated the ability to tap into magical energies and perform various spells and enchantments. He has conjured the Vapors of Valtorr and utilized the Shield of the Seraphim. He has also shown the potential to command mystical artifacts like the Eye of Agamotto and Cloak of Levitation.

It is worth noting that while Howard possesses these powers and abilities, his true strength lies in his wit, intelligence, and resourcefulness. He often relies on his sharp mind and cunning to navigate challenging situations, using his powers as a means of last resort.


  • Martial Arts (Quak Fu): Howard is a master of the little-known martial art called Quak Fu, which he learned from Master C'haaj. This unique fighting style allows him to be a formidable combatant, even against opponents more powerful than himself.

  • Willpower: Through his Quak Fu training, Howard has developed a remarkable level of willpower. He can utilize his strong determination to break down physical barriers and exhibit increased strength, surpassing what would be expected from his size and physicality.

  • Super Fast Learning: As a result of his martial arts training, Howard has gained the ability to learn and absorb knowledge at an incredibly accelerated rate. He can master complex subjects and skills in an exceptionally short amount of time, allowing him to adapt swiftly to new challenges.

  • Genius Intellect: Howard possesses a high level of intellectual potential. While he has allowed his intelligence to stagnate, he has the capacity to be one of the most intelligent beings in his world or any other. His intellect rivals or surpasses that of renowned minds like Albert Einstein or Reed Richards.


Surprisingly, Howard cannot swim despite being a duck. This unusual weakness leaves him vulnerable in aquatic environments and limits his mobility in water-based situations.


Howard the Duck has access to various equipment and weapons that aid him in his adventures:

  • Stogie: Howard is often seen with a cigar, which has become somewhat of a signature accessory for him.

  • Big Freaking Gun (BFG): Howard possesses a powerful weapon, known as the BFG. It is a cannon-like device that can disintegrate anything it fires at. The origin of the weapon is unclear, but it may have been given to him by Morbius the Living Vampire or obtained from A.R.M.O.R.

  • Iron Duck Suit: Howard has utilized a special powered armor known as the "Iron Duck" suit. This suit provides him with enhanced capabilities, including a flamethrower, a lamp, and springs that enable him to leap great heights.

  • Duckmobile and Utility Belt: As Duckman, Howard had access to the Duckmobile, a vehicle tailored to his unique needs. He also possessed a utility belt filled with various gadgets and tools, the specifics of which are unknown.

  • Black Suit: Howard has been shown using a technological armor made of an unknown material. This suit grants him abilities such as shooting laser beams from his hands and eyes. It also includes a mace and a whip-like weapon.

  • Mystic Stuff: During his training in the mystic arts, Howard has been known to utilize mystical artifacts such as the Eye of Agamotto and the Cloak of Levitation. These objects function similarly to their original counterparts, providing Howard with additional powers and abilities.

  • Faculty Access Chip: As a member of the faculty at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted, Howard possesses a unique biometric security clearance in the form of a faculty access chip. This chip grants him authorized access to restricted areas within the academy.

With this array of equipment and weaponry, Howard the Duck is well-equipped to handle a variety of challenges and adversaries that he may encounter in his role as a vigilante and adventurer.


Howard crushed heavily on the massive pink Makluan known as Sapphyra.

Physical Description

Body Features

Howard's body, like those of his entire race, have similar characteristics to those of both common Earth ducks and common Earth human beings. He has hands and arms instead of wings, is covered with feathers, and is unable to fly.

Much of Howard the Duck's history remains congruent (up until Marvel Team-Up #96) with what can be found here:

Historical Differences

Ducktor Doom

Howard the Duck was never brought to Earth-905237 by the Whoatcher.

Civil War

The events of Civil War unfold a bit different in Earth-618; see the adjoining article for full details.

Current Status
Teacher of Applied Vigilantism at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted
New Stork City, New Stork, Duckworld
No Hair At All
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
40 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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