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Jason Morgan

Jason Morgan (a.k.a. Jase)

Jason Morgan is a talented and down-to-earth individual who balances his life between being a dedicated football player and a passionate musician. With inhuman strength as his unique ability, he navigates his world with a friendly and approachable demeanor, forming strong connections with friends like Starflower. Jason's desire to make the most of his abilities drives him to excel in both sports and music, and he's always eager to lend a helping hand or provide support to those around him. His warm tone of voice and genuine kindness make him a beloved figure in his community, and his friendships play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of Earth-618.  




Jason Morgan's story begins in the bustling city of New York, where he was born to loving parents on a crisp autumn day. His early years were filled with the ordinary joys of childhood – playing in the park, discovering his interests, and forming bonds with his family. Growing up in a neighborhood known for its diversity, Jason was exposed to a wide range of cultures and perspectives, shaping his open-minded and accepting nature from an early age.  

Uncovering Strength

As Jason transitioned into his teenage years, he started displaying remarkable physical abilities that set him apart from his peers. His inhuman strength became evident as he effortlessly lifted objects that would leave others struggling. Initially, he kept this extraordinary talent hidden, not fully understanding its origins or implications.  

Juggling Passions

High school brought new challenges and opportunities. Jason's love for sports, particularly football, flourished, and he quickly gained recognition as a star athlete. His dedication to the game and his team led him to push his physical limits, showcasing his strength on the field. At the same time, Jason's musical talents also blossomed, and he found solace in playing the guitar and drums.  

Friendship and Discover

y It was during his high school years that Jason crossed paths with Starflower, a unique individual who would become one of his closest friends. Their shared experiences of having extraordinary abilities created an unbreakable bond between them. As they spent time together, Jason discovered the joy of connecting with someone who truly understood his struggles and aspirations.  

Embracing Identity

With the guidance of his family and friends, Jason learned to embrace his superhuman strength as a part of his identity. He recognized the responsibility that came with his abilities and made a conscious choice to use them for the greater good. This newfound confidence allowed him to excel in football, gaining recognition not only for his physical prowess but also for his leadership on and off the field.  

Navigating Relationships

As Jason's relationships deepened, he found himself grappling with complex emotions. His friendship with Starflower took on a new dimension as he realized his feelings for her had evolved into something more. His genuine affection for her created both excitement and trepidation, prompting him to consider the impact of their connection on their lives as superheroes.  

Striving for Balance

Throughout his journey, Jason learned the importance of balance. He juggled his commitment to football, music, and his responsibilities as a friend and protector. With Starflower by his side, he faced challenges head-on, whether on the field, in their personal lives, or when confronting the various adversities that emerged within their dynamic world.  

A Hero's Path

Jason's dual passions for football and music converged with his desire to make a positive impact. As he honed his abilities and embraced his role as a superhero, he considered adopting a moniker that would reflect his commitment to both his strength and his empathy. His interactions with fellow superheroes, including Starflower and others, shaped his perspective and fueled his determination to contribute to the greater good.  

A Bright Future

As he moved forward, Jason's journey continued to unfold, marked by personal growth, challenges, and triumphs. His strength, both physical and emotional, served as a pillar of support for those around him. With the unwavering camaraderie of Starflower and their friends, Jason Morgan embarked on a path defined by resilience, friendship, and a commitment to creating a brighter future for Earth-618.  


  Jason is the embodiment of the gentle giant archetype. He exudes kindness, empathy, and a deep sense of responsibility. While his inhuman strength could easily lead to arrogance, Jason remains humble and grounded. He's a loyal friend who values connections and is always willing to lend a helping hand. Despite his introverted tendencies, he's a great listener and offers thoughtful advice when needed.  


  1. Starflower (Best Friend): Jason and Starflower share a close and supportive friendship that developed through their shared interests in music and their time at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. Their bond is rooted in mutual respect, trust, and understanding. While Starflower has a crush on Jason, he values their friendship deeply and acts as a pillar of support in her life.
  3. Julia (Close Friend): Julia and Jason have a close friendship that has developed over time. Despite their differing personalities, they share mutual respect and support for each other. Julia's protective nature aligns well with Jason's calm and caring demeanor.
  5. Rose (Close Friend): Jason and Rose share a friendly camaraderie within their circle of friends. He appreciates Rose's psychic abilities and often seeks her insights and advice. Their interactions contribute to the dynamic of the group.
  7. Tommy/Starflower's cat (Friend): Tommy's protective nature extends to those close to Starflower, including Jason. Jason appreciates Tommy's presence and the bond he shares with Starflower's pet.
  9. Ned Nichols (Respectful Acquaintance): Jason respects Ned Nichols for his contributions as the founder of Nichols Industries and the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted. While he is aware of Jet-Black's abilities and reputation, his interactions with Ned are limited.
  11. Kendra Nightingale (Professional Relationship): Jason interacts with Kendra Nightingale through her role at The New York Bulletin, where he occasionally provides information about school events or achievements. Their interactions are friendly and respectful.
  13. Other Students at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted (Classmates): Jason maintains various friendly relationships with his fellow students at the Academy. His approachable nature and willingness to help others make him well-liked among his peers.
  15. Football Teammates (Teammates): As a football player, Jason has developed bonds with his teammates on the school's football team. They share a common passion for the sport and work together to achieve their goals.
  17. Music Band Members (Bandmates): Jason's role in the school band has led to close friendships with his fellow band members. Their shared musical interests and collaborative efforts create a strong sense of camaraderie.
  19. Family (Siblings and Parents): Jason maintains a close relationship with his family members. They provide him with support and encouragement in his pursuits, both academically and athletically.
  21. Community (Local Community): Jason's friendly and approachable nature extends beyond his immediate circle of friends, allowing him to build connections within his local community.
  23. Superhero Community (Associates): While not a full-fledged superhero himself, Jason's interactions with the superhero community are mostly limited to his friends' involvement. He respects their efforts and is there to provide moral support when needed.
  These relationships contribute to Jason's well-rounded personality and his ability to connect with a diverse range of individuals.  




  1. Inhuman Strength: Jason possesses incredible physical strength, allowing him to lift, carry, and manipulate objects that would be impossible for an ordinary human. His strength also extends to his physical strikes, making him a formidable combatant.
  3. Increased Endurance: Jason's body can endure physical exertion and stress far beyond that of an average person. He can withstand injuries and continue fighting even in the face of pain.
  5. Enhanced Speed: While not superhumanly fast, Jason's speed is above average, allowing him to move quickly and react swiftly in various situations.
  7. Agility: Jason's agility is heightened, giving him enhanced flexibility, coordination, and balance. This agility contributes to his prowess on the football field and his ability to navigate through challenging environments.
  9. Stamina: Jason's stamina is remarkably high, enabling him to engage in physical activities for extended periods without tiring quickly.
  11. Superhuman Reflexes: Jason's reflexes are enhanced, allowing him to react rapidly to incoming threats or situations.


  1. Enhanced Combat Skills: While not possessing formal combat training, Jason's combination of strength, endurance, and reflexes gives him an advantage in physical combat situations.
  3. Athleticism: Jason's physical attributes make him an exceptional athlete in various disciplines, including football and music performance.
  5. Leadership Skills: Jason's innate sense of responsibility and dedication to his friends and team members make him a natural leader in group settings.
  7. Musical Talent: While not a superpower in the traditional sense, Jason's musical abilities allow him to connect with others through his music, providing comfort and joy to those around him.
  Jason's combination of these superpowers and abilities makes him a formidable and well-rounded individual, capable of contributing both on the field and in the world of superheroes.  


  Jason doesn't possess any specific paraphernalia related to his superpowers, as his abilities are innate and physical in nature. However, he does have some personal items and accessories that are important to him:  
  1. Football Gear: As a skilled football player, Jason owns a set of football gear, including a helmet, pads, and cleats. These items are crucial for his performance on the field.
  3. Musical Instruments: Jason plays the guitar and enjoys making music with his friends. He owns a high-quality acoustic guitar and takes it with him to band practice and other musical events.
  5. Music Sheets: Jason often carries around music sheets and notes for the songs he plays on his guitar. He uses these sheets to practice, compose new music, and collaborate with his bandmates.
  7. Wristbands: Jason wears wristbands, not only as a fashion statement but also as a subtle reminder of his dedication to his friends and his responsibilities as a protector.
  9. Headphones: Jason owns a good pair of headphones that he uses to listen to music and unwind. Music is a source of comfort and inspiration for him.
  11. Cellphone: Like most people in the modern age, Jason carries a cellphone with him. He uses it to stay in touch with his friends, family, and teammates.
  13. Backpack: Jason uses a backpack to carry his school books, football gear, and other essentials. It's also where he keeps his guitar when he's on the go.
  15. Team Jersey: Jason proudly wears his football team's jersey during games and practices. The jersey represents his commitment to teamwork and competition.
  17. Personal Journal: Jason keeps a personal journal where he occasionally writes down his thoughts, ideas, and song lyrics. It's a way for him to reflect on his experiences and emotions.
  While Jason's paraphernalia isn't directly related to his superpowers, these items are integral to his identity, hobbies, and connections with others.  


  Jason's favorite genre of music to play on the bass guitar is classic rock. He finds solace in the rhythm and energy of the songs.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jason possesses a robust and well-maintained physical condition. As a football player and someone with inhuman strength, he is naturally muscular and physically imposing. His body showcases a combination of lean muscle and defined bulk, a testament to his dedication to maintaining his physique.   His height of 6'2" grants him a commanding presence, allowing him to stand out in a crowd. His weight of 220 lbs is well-distributed across his frame, contributing to his powerful build. Jason's physical condition is a result of his regular training, both on and off the football field.   With a strong core and broad shoulders, his posture exudes confidence and an air of capability. His physical attributes are not just for show; they serve as a reflection of his determination and hard work in both sports and his everyday life. Jason's physical condition aligns perfectly with his active and engaged lifestyle.

Identifying Characteristics

Jason possesses a set of identifying features that contribute to his unique and memorable appearance. His most striking feature is his rich, mahogany skin tone that exudes warmth and vitality. This skin tone showcases his heritage and adds to his distinctiveness.   His hair, a crown of tightly coiled black curls, adds to his charismatic charm. The curls have a natural bounce to them, and they frame his face in an appealing and stylish manner. His expressive, almond-shaped eyes are a deep shade of brown, often reflecting his emotions and thoughts with clarity.   Jason's face carries a friendly and approachable demeanor, with a well-defined jawline that adds a touch of ruggedness to his features. His smile is infectious, capable of putting others at ease and brightening their day. Though he has no visible tattoos or piercings, his engaging presence and unique combination of features make him easy to recognize and remember.

Apparel & Accessories

Jason's choice of apparel reflects his laid-back yet stylish personality. He often opts for a comfortable and casual wardrobe that effortlessly blends his interests in music and athleticism. You can usually find him in a well-fitted T-shirt featuring a favorite band's logo or a clever graphic, which he pairs with jeans or athletic shorts.   His footwear of choice varies between sneakers, running shoes, and even flip-flops during warmer weather. Jason's love for music is also evident in his accessories. He's often seen wearing a leather bracelet adorned with a simple, engraved pick-shaped charm as a nod to his guitar-playing skills.   In colder months, he layers with hoodies or zip-up jackets that showcase a balance between functionality and style. On special occasions, he might dress up in a button-up shirt or a casual blazer, effortlessly transitioning from his relaxed everyday look to a more refined appearance.   While Jason's style is not overly flashy, it captures his genuine and approachable nature, making him someone who's easy to connect with and get to know.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

  1. Analytical Thinking: Jason has a knack for analyzing situations and approaching problems with a logical mindset. This skill is particularly evident in his approach to football strategies and his ability to assess various aspects of a situation before making decisions.
  3. Problem-Solving: He is adept at finding creative solutions to challenges, both on and off the field. Jason's problem-solving skills make him a valuable asset in group projects and collaborative endeavors.
  5. Attention to Detail: Jason pays close attention to details, which is evident in his academic performance, music practice, and football strategies. His thoroughness helps him excel in tasks that require precision and accuracy.
  7. Open-Mindedness: He is open to new ideas and perspectives, which allows him to adapt to different situations and collaborate effectively with a diverse range of individuals. This quality makes him a great team player and friend.
  9. Strategic Planning: Jason's ability to think ahead and plan strategically is reflected in his football strategies and his role within the school band. He can anticipate potential outcomes and adjust his approach accordingly.
  11. Emotional Intelligence: He possesses a good understanding of human emotions and is empathetic towards others. This emotional intelligence allows him to connect with people on a deeper level and offer support when needed.
  13. Research Skills: Jason knows how to conduct research and gather information effectively. Whether it's for academic projects or personal interests, he can navigate resources and extract relevant information.
  15. Effective Communication: He communicates clearly and concisely, both in written and verbal forms. His ability to convey ideas and concepts makes him a great collaborator and contributor in group discussions.
  17. Adaptability: Jason is quick to adapt to new situations and environments. This trait serves him well as he navigates various aspects of his life, from academics to sports to social interactions.
  19. Continuous Learning: He has a thirst for learning and improving himself. Jason is open to acquiring new skills and knowledge, which helps him stay well-rounded and open to growth.
  These intellectual characteristics complement Jason's friendly and approachable nature, making him a well-liked and respected individual among his peers.

Personality Characteristics


Jason's motivation is driven by a deep desire to make the most out of life and leave a positive impact on the world around him. He values personal growth and self-improvement, always seeking to better himself both physically and mentally. His love for music, athleticism, and the arts fuels his determination to excel in these areas and inspire others along the way.   Additionally, Jason's experiences with the superhero community and his friendship with Starflower have shown him the potential to use his abilities for the greater good. He's motivated by the opportunity to protect and support those in need, embracing his role as a hero-in-training. His caring nature and strong sense of responsibility further motivate him to step up and contribute positively to his community.   Ultimately, Jason's motivation is centered on fostering meaningful relationships, pursuing his passions, and using his unique gifts to create a brighter future for himself and those around him.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


  1. Athletic Excellence: Jason's prowess in football showcases his physical strength, strategic thinking, and teamwork skills. He excels in understanding the game, making split-second decisions, and contributing to his team's success.
  3. Musical Talent: Jason's musical abilities extend beyond his athletic pursuits. His proficiency in playing the guitar allows him to express himself through music, connecting with others on an emotional level.
  5. Leadership: While not always seeking the spotlight, Jason's natural leadership qualities emerge when needed. His ability to motivate and guide his friends showcases his knack for stepping up and taking charge.


  1. Technology: Jason's focus on physical activities and personal interactions sometimes leaves him less adept at handling complex technology or gadgets. He might require assistance with modern devices or digital tasks.
  3. Academic Challenges: While not unintelligent, Jason's interests and priorities lean more toward his athletic pursuits and friendships. Academic subjects that don't directly align with his passions may require more effort on his part.
  5. Inexperience with Multiverse Concepts: Due to his grounded nature, Jason might struggle to grasp complex concepts related to the multiverse or advanced scientific theories. Such discussions may be a bit overwhelming for him.
  Overall, Jason's strengths lie in his physical prowess, interpersonal skills, and artistic talents, while he might need assistance with certain technological or academic aspects of life.

Likes & Dislikes


  Music, spending time outdoors, helping others, playing football  


  Arrogance, bullying, unfairness, being the center of attention

Personality Quirks

Jason has a habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically when lost in thought. He also tends to have a calm and soothing presence that makes people feel comfortable opening up to him.


Jason maintains a diligent approach to hygiene, ensuring that he presents himself well and takes care of his overall well-being. He takes regular showers and maintains his personal grooming routine to keep his appearance clean and neat. His inhuman strength allows him to effortlessly perform tasks like lifting heavy objects, which includes moving furniture and cleaning. His hygiene routine includes using appropriate skincare products to maintain healthy skin.   As an athlete and someone who engages in physical activities like football and music, he's accustomed to sweating and exerting himself. Therefore, he takes special care to shower after workouts or practices to stay refreshed. He also pays attention to oral hygiene, regularly brushing his teeth and using mouthwash to keep his breath fresh.   Overall, Jason's commitment to maintaining good hygiene reflects his responsible and disciplined nature, both as an athlete and as a person who values his own well-being and the impression he makes on others.


Social Aptitude

Jason possesses a range of social aptitudes that make him a well-rounded and engaging individual within his circle and the broader community:  
  1. Empathy and Approachability: Jason's friendly and down-to-earth demeanor makes him approachable and relatable to others. His genuine concern for people's feelings allows him to connect on a deeper level, making him an excellent listener and supportive friend.
  3. Adaptability: Jason's ability to get along with various social groups stems from his adaptable nature. He's comfortable interacting with different personalities, which makes him well-liked and respected by a diverse range of people.
  5. Team Player: As a football player and a musician, Jason understands the value of teamwork. He encourages collaboration and fosters a sense of unity, making him an essential part of any group or project he's involved in.
  7. Conflict Resolution: Jason's calm and level-headed approach to situations enables him to mediate conflicts and disagreements. He seeks common ground and aims for positive outcomes in interpersonal matters.
  9. Honesty and Integrity: Jason's strong moral compass guides his interactions. He values honesty and authenticity, creating an atmosphere of trust and transparency among his friends and acquaintances.
  10.   Humor: Jason's good-natured sense of humor lightens the mood and brings positivity to social situations. His ability to find joy in simple things contributes to creating a welcoming and enjoyable environment.  
  11. Caring and Supportive: Jason's genuine care for his friends is evident in his actions. He offers emotional support, encouragement, and a shoulder to lean on, fostering deep connections with those around him.
  13. Networking: Jason's social connections extend beyond his immediate circle due to his involvement in sports and music. This network allows him to introduce others to new opportunities and experiences.
  15. Inclusivity: Jason values diversity and inclusivity, actively working to ensure everyone feels welcomed and accepted. His open-mindedness helps create a harmonious and diverse social atmosphere.
  Overall, Jason's social aptitudes stem from his empathetic and approachable nature, making him an integral part of various social groups and relationships.


Jason's habitual gestures, ways of speaking, and behaviors are a reflection of his approachable and down-to-earth personality:  
  1. Friendly Smile: Jason often greets people with a warm and genuine smile, which instantly puts others at ease in his presence.
  3. Casual Greeting: He uses friendly and casual greetings like "Hey there," "What's up?" or "How's it going?" to initiate conversations.
  5. High Fives: Jason is known for giving enthusiastic high fives or fist bumps to friends and teammates as a way of showing support and camaraderie.
  7. Easygoing Nature: He maintains an easygoing demeanor, rarely appearing stressed or flustered. This calm attitude helps diffuse tense situations and creates a comfortable atmosphere.
  9. Relatable Conversations: Jason engages in conversations that are relatable and easy to connect with, often discussing topics like sports, music, movies, and everyday experiences.
  11. Active Listening: He's an active listener, nodding and maintaining eye contact to show that he's genuinely interested in what others are saying.
  13. Encouraging Words: Jason frequently offers words of encouragement, whether it's cheering someone on during a game, complimenting a friend's achievements, or providing reassurance in times of need.
  15. Shared Laughter: His hearty laughter is contagious and often triggers laughter in others. He enjoys sharing light-hearted jokes and funny anecdotes.
  17. Relaxed Posture: Jason typically stands with a relaxed posture, exuding a sense of approachability and comfort in his own skin.
  19. Supportive Gestures: He's quick to offer pats on the back, shoulder squeezes, or even hugs to show his support and care for friends and loved ones.
  21. Respectful Tone: Jason's tone is respectful and considerate, reflecting his appreciation for others' perspectives and feelings.
  23. Including Others: He actively includes everyone in conversations, making an effort to ensure that no one feels left out or isolated.
  25. Showing Interest: Jason asks questions to learn more about people, their interests, and experiences, demonstrating a genuine curiosity about their lives.
  27. Loyal Team Player: In sports and music, he's a reliable and dedicated team player, willing to put in the effort for the success of the group.
  29. Open Body Language: His open and non-threatening body language communicates his approachability and willingness to engage in conversations.
  These habitual gestures and behaviors contribute to Jason's likable and relatable nature, making him someone whom people naturally gravitate towards for friendship and support.

Hobbies & Pets

Playing the bass guitar, football, spending time with friends


  1. Speech Style: Jason's speech is characterized by a friendly and approachable demeanor. He communicates with a balanced mix of confidence and humility, creating a welcoming atmosphere in conversations.
  3. Tone of Voice: His tone is warm, inviting, and resonates with sincerity. It carries an underlying sense of kindness and understanding, making others feel comfortable around him.
  5. Pitch: Jason's pitch is generally in the mid-range, neither too high nor too low. It's soothing and easy on the ears, contributing to his affable nature.
  7. Accent and Dialect: He has a neutral American accent with slight regional inflections. His speech reflects a blend of casual colloquialisms and clear enunciation, making it easy for others to understand him.
  9. Impediments: Jason speaks fluently without any noticeable speech impediments. His speech flows smoothly and confidently.
  11. Catchphrases: He often uses catchphrases like "No worries," "Totally," and "For sure" to express agreement, understanding, and support in conversations.
  13. Common Phrases: Jason frequently uses phrases like "How's it going?", "That's awesome," and "I'm here if you need anything," which reflect his friendly and caring disposition.
  15. Compliments: He gives sincere compliments such as "You nailed it!" or "You're really talented!" to acknowledge people's achievements and make them feel appreciated.
  17. Insults: Jason avoids using insults or hurtful language. He's more likely to express his disagreements or concerns in a respectful and tactful manner.
  19. Greetings: His greetings often include upbeat phrases like "Hey there," "What's up?", or simply "Hey!" to initiate conversations on a positive note.
  21. Farewell: When saying goodbye, he might use phrases like "Catch you later," "Take care," or "See you soon!" His farewells are accompanied by a smile and a wave.
  23. Swearing: He tends to avoid strong language or swearing, preferring to keep his language polite and respectful.
  25. Metaphors: Jason occasionally uses metaphors to explain concepts. For example, he might say "Life's like a game; you gotta give it your best shot" to convey the idea of making the most of opportunities.
  Overall, Jason's speech reflects his friendly and relatable personality. He communicates in a way that fosters positive interactions and makes people feel valued and heard in his presence.
Current Status
Student at the Manhattan Academy for the Gifted
Date of Birth
October 15th
Brooklyn, New York
Dark Brown
Black, Short & Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Warm Brown
220 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  1. English: Being his native language, Jason is fluent in English and uses it for communication in his everyday life.
  3. Spanish: Jason has taken the time to learn Spanish, appreciating the multicultural environment around him. While not fluent, he has a good grasp of the language and can hold basic conversations.
  His language skills reflect his openness to different cultures and his desire to connect with people from various backgrounds.


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