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Kendra Nightingale

Kendrick Aleese Nightingale (a.k.a. Kendra)

Kendra Nightingale is an African-American woman who graduated from University of Wyoming with Masters Degree in Communications. She's served in the field of journalism throughout the New York region for nearly a decade before becoming the lead editor for The New York Bulletin. There she met Jet-Black and was quickly incorporated into Nichols Industries where she has served as an Executive Director even to this day.


Birth and Early Years

Kendra was born into a loving and supportive family. Her parents embodied the ideal nuclear family as she grew up. Her father was a city worker (sewage maintenance) and her mother was a substitute teacher. The pair loved their children unconditionally and would constantly remind them they are loved no matter who they become.

She excelled through school, continually charting near the top of her class year in and year out. Her social skills and development were on par with other children her age as she seemed to work well independently or with a group of peers.

Derek O'Donovan

Her older sister, Amy (short for Amanda) was a supportive and patient older sibling. Kendra learned a lot of life lessons vicariously through her sister's mistakes, but the pair grew nearly inseparable in the process. With only but a couple years separating the two, the sisters ended up in high school together; Amy already in grade 11 when Kendra began high school.

It was unfortunately only a matter of time before something would find its way between the sisters to tear them apart; that something was named Derek O'Donovan. The boy was one year older than Kendra and took a liking to her once she entered high school. A "budding romance" of sorts blossomed that saw Derek take sympathy over the freshman and decided to tutor the young woman.

Six months passed by and as the Spring Prom arrived, tragedy struck. Derek and Kendra were to attend the dance together, but to her dismay, Kendra found Derek later that night tongue-tied with her sister, Amy. The two were heavily intoxicated with alcohol and bereded Kendra upon their discovery. Derek and Kendra relationship ended nearly immediately after and the strain placed upon the sisters' bond was irreparable.


Kendra's parents saved religiously to put both her and her sister Amy through college; however, only Kendra was capable of pursuing her parents' wishes. She enrolled at the University of Wyoming first in journalism, and then switching to communications as her major. She graduated with honors after exceling through her programs ahead of her peers.

Early Career

After graduating, Kendra moved to New York to pursue her career in communications. She worked countless, dead-end jobs as entry-level positions before finally getting a chance to prove herself. She was hired on as an upstate radio station's manager, broadcasting small town news to a more remote area of New York state. While her time there was short, she discovered a fondness for delivering news that mattered; an ideology she pursues still until this day.

She spent only a few years managing that radio station before be getting another, larger opportunity in New York at 3NY (National News New York a trendy radio station that served the greater New York area. A flash-in-the-pan success story that was falter before Kendra had even arrived.

After that gig inevitably failed, she had a string of bad job opportunities that led no where. She had nearly given up, returning to various part-time jobs to get by in New York, when the opportunity of a lifetime approached her.

The New York Bulletin

In late 2017, she was offered an opportunity to assist the then head editor of The New York Bulletin who at the time was David Maurer. She worked well with the other journalists and severely helped David who struggled with personnel issues involving addiction(s). By early spring of 2018, she had superseded David and began her decades long career as head editor for The New York Bulletin.

Kendra struggled to gain the publication credibility, much of its previous audience built upon trashy tabloid articles. She decided to rely on what she had previously found so much success and joy in and that was reporting on locals news that mattered most. The publication began to grow a loyal, dedicate fanbase that found value in the stories more focused on local events.

When the Honorary Avengers burst onto the scene in 2020, she saw an opportunity to exploit their popularity to further grow The New York Bulletin's readers. The publication's efforts were often overshadowed by the Daily Bugle's smear campaigns, but Kendra strived to provide an alternative perspective on current events.

Jet-Black & Nichols Industries

Jet-Black sought to purchase a media outlet in order to harbor a positive public image of the Honorary Avengers. As such, he approached the then owners of The New York Bulletin and purchased the publication at the end of 2020. It was during this period of negotiations that he and Kendra began a business relationship as he placed her in charge of the publication.

By the beginning of 2021, the entire publication had moved its daily operations into The Flatiron Building where Nichols Industries HQ is located. Jet-Black placed her in charge of the daily operations of the publication; a position she took very seriously. Under her supervision, The New York Bulletin thrived and expanded.

Despite her best interest, and her strong belief in professionalism in the workplace, the pair began a closer relationship during this time; an on-again, off-again relationship that morphed and changed over the years into something more.


Kendra is somewhat of a reserved individual who has difficulty opening up to individuals. She is kind, caring, and compassionate, but only to those who have endeared themselves to her. She carries an air of professionalism about her and strives to maintain a professional appearance and demeanor.


Kendra Nightingale has been in a relatiosnhip with Derek O'Donovan, Jet-Black (Ned Nichols), and Headmistress Hope.


Kendra has no powers.


Expert Businesswoman: Kendra is well-respected in the journalism world, able to command people's respect when she speaks and garner attention from her publicaitons. She is known for the loyalty she commands from and returns to those who she works with, as well as her impeccable business ethics.

Expert Wordsmith: She always was good with her words, either in print or through vocalization. She knows how to elicit a certain response when she tries. She can craft sentences and phrases with meaningful precision and can recite most speech at near verbatim, in three different languages.

Multilingual: She is capable of fluently speaking English, German, and Spanish. She can read and write English, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian.


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kendra is a lean, fit, African-American woman who is physical active often running in marathons.

Mental characteristics


She is pansexual.


Graduate of the University of Wyyoming with a Masters' Degree in Communications.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her primary failure in life has been the failed relationship with Jet-Black and Headmistress Hope.


Kendra Nightingale

Ex (Important)

Towards Headmistress Hope



Headmistress Hope

Ex (Trivial)

Towards Kendra Nightingale



Current Status
Operating Manager of the New York Bulletin holocast.
Date of Birth
July 13th
Wyoming, U.S.
Black, Short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden Brown
118 lbs


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