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Kriokk the Usurper (Kree-ock)

Kriokk (a.k.a. the Usurper)

Kriokk the Usurper, born as the second prince of Lemuria, grew up in the shadow of his elder sibling, the heir apparent. From his earliest days, he felt the sting of being overlooked, fueling a fierce determination to prove himself. As a young prince, his wanderings led him to the legendary Crystal Caverns of Lemuria, where he discovered his innate ability to manipulate and control crystals. This newfound power, combined with his outspoken nature, alarmed the Lemurian council, leading to his exile from the kingdom he once called home.   Banished and embittered, Kriokk roamed distant lands, harnessing his powers and gathering knowledge. The pain of exile intensified his ambition, and he dreamt of a Lemuria where he would reign supreme. During his years away, he encountered various cultures and beings, each experience sharpening his vision for a new Lemuria. He also amassed a loyal following, individuals who believed in his vision and his rightful claim to the throne.   With a loyal army by his side, Kriokk returned to Lemuria, launching a coup against his elder sibling and the ruling council. The kingdom was taken by surprise, and after a fierce battle, Kriokk emerged victorious, declaring himself the ruler of Lemuria. Under his reign, Lemuria underwent significant transformations. He fortified the kingdom's defenses with his crystal-based powers and established the Crystal Guard, an elite force loyal only to him.   Yet, Kriokk's rule was not without challenges. His aggressive policies and expansionist vision led to diplomatic tensions with neighboring realms. And within Lemuria, whispers of dissent grew. His relationship with his family, especially his niece Mis'kia, was fraught with tension and underlying conflicts.   Despite his authoritarian rule, Kriokk was not a one-dimensional tyrant. His charisma and vision inspired many, and his deep connection to Lemuria's crystals was as spiritual as it was powerful. But beneath his tough exterior lay the scars of his past— the pain of being overshadowed, the bitterness of exile, and the weight of the crown he now bore. In the grand tapestry of Earth-618, Kriokk the Usurper stands as a testament to ambition, resilience, and the complexities of power.  



Birthright and Shadows

In the grandeur of Lemuria's royal palace, a second prince was born, Kriokk. Celebrations echoed throughout the kingdom, but the young prince's destiny was to be overshadowed by his elder sibling, the heir apparent. As the years passed, Kriokk's childhood was marked by a growing sense of being overlooked. His early fascination with crystals hinted at a latent power within him. But as he matured, a simmering ambition and resentment towards his elder sibling began to brew.  

The Crystal Caverns and Exile

Kriokk's adolescent years were transformative. His wanderings led him to the legendary Crystal Caverns. Mesmerized by their beauty, he spent time honing his unique abilities amidst the shimmering crystals. However, his growing powers and outspoken nature didn't sit well with the Lemurian council. Deemed a potential threat to the stability of the kingdom, a young Kriokk was exiled from Lemuria, a decision that would have lasting repercussions.  

Years in Exile

Banished from his homeland, Kriokk roamed distant lands, harnessing his powers and gathering knowledge. The pain of exile fueled his ambition. He encountered various cultures, civilizations, and beings, each experience sharpening his vision for a new Lemuria. During these years, he also built a network of loyalists, those who believed in his vision and his claim to the Lemurian throne.  

The Return and the Great Betrayal

With a loyal army and a burning desire to reclaim his birthright, Kriokk returned to Lemuria. The kingdom was taken by surprise as Kriokk and his forces launched a coup. The royal palace, once his home, became the battleground. Emerging victorious, Kriokk declared himself the ruler of Lemuria, imprisoning those who had once banished him.  

The Reign of Crystals

Kriokk's rule is transformative. He fortifies Lemuria's military with his crystal-based powers, creating an indomitable force. The Crystal Guard is established, a testament to his might and vision. Diplomatic ties are redefined as Kriokk's ambitions became evident.  

The Legacy and the Future

With Lemuria under his control, Kriokk's gaze extends beyond its borders. He dreams of a world dominated by Deviants, with him at the helm. But challenges loom on the horizon. From within Lemuria to the world above, voices of dissent grew.  


  Kriokk the Usurper is a complex figure, driven by a potent mix of ambition and a deep-seated desire for recognition. From his early days in the royal palace of Lemuria, he has always felt the weight of being the second-born, a feeling that has shaped much of his character. This sense of being overshadowed has given birth to a fierce determination to prove himself, often pushing him to take bold, sometimes reckless, actions. His exile only intensified these feelings, adding layers of bitterness and a thirst for vengeance against those who wronged him.   Despite his ruthless pursuit of power, Kriokk is not without charm. He possesses a magnetic charisma that draws others to him, allowing him to amass a loyal following. He's a visionary, with grand plans for Lemuria and the Deviants, and this vision can be inspiring to many. However, this same vision can also be blinding, making him stubborn and resistant to any form of criticism or dissent.   Underneath his tough exterior, Kriokk is deeply wounded by his past, especially his exile. This pain often manifests as anger and a need to control, leading him to make decisions that prioritize his power and position above all else. Yet, in rare moments of introspection, there's a hint of regret and a longing for genuine connection, especially with his family. But these moments are fleeting, quickly overshadowed by his larger ambitions and the weight of the crown he now wears.  


  1. Mis'kia: His niece and a potential threat to his rule. While he views her with a mix of disdain due to her lineage, there's also a begrudging respect for her abilities and potential. Their relationship is complex, filled with familial ties, political intrigue, and underlying tensions.
  3. Tunak: Kriokk's elder sibling and the former ruler of Lemuria. Their relationship is fraught with rivalry, resentment, and past betrayals. Kriokk's feelings towards Tunak are a mix of envy, anger, and a desire to prove himself superior.
  5. Veskor: Tunak's partner and a significant political figure in Lemuria. Kriokk views Veskor with suspicion, considering them an enabler of Tunak's policies and a potential adversary.
  7. Loyal Generals: Kriokk has a group of devoted generals and advisors who have stood by him, especially during his exile and subsequent return. They are his confidants, strategists, and the backbone of his rule.
  9. The Crystal Guard: An elite force loyal only to Kriokk. He has a professional relationship with them, valuing their skills and loyalty. They serve as his personal bodyguards and enforcers.
  11. Lemurian Council: The ruling council of Lemuria, with whom Kriokk has a tense relationship. While some council members support him, others are wary of his ambitions and methods.
  13. Distant Realms and Leaders: As the ruler of Lemuria, Kriokk maintains diplomatic ties with leaders of neighboring kingdoms and realms. These relationships are often transactional, based on mutual interests and power dynamics.
  15. Exiled Deviants: There are those Deviants who opposed Kriokk's rule and were subsequently exiled. Kriokk views them as traitors and potential threats to his reign.
  17. Common Lemurians: The general populace of Lemuria has a mixed view of Kriokk. While some admire his vision and strength, others are fearful of his authoritarian rule. Kriokk, in turn, views them as subjects to be ruled and protected.
  19. Ancient Entities: Given Lemuria's rich history and mystical roots, Kriokk has had interactions with ancient beings and entities, some of whom he might have sought guidance or power from.




Kriokk's superpowers are deeply rooted in the earth and its crystalline structures, reflecting his connection to Lemuria's core and his royal lineage. These powers not only make him a formidable adversary in combat but also symbolize his claim to the throne and his vision for Lemuria's future.  
  1. Crystal Geokinesis Kriokk possesses the unique ability to manipulate and control crystals at will. This power extends beyond mere telekinesis; he can shape, grow, and even imbue crystals with specific properties.  
    • Crystal Constructs: Kriokk can create weapons, barriers, and structures made entirely of crystal. For instance, he might form a sword for close combat or a crystalline shield to defend against attacks.
  2. Crystalline Traps: He can ensnare enemies in crystal cages or spikes that emerge suddenly from the ground.  
  3. Crystal Growth: Kriokk can accelerate the growth of crystals, using them to alter the terrain or create obstacles during battle.
  5. Geological Control Beyond his mastery over crystals, Kriokk can manipulate geological matter, including dirt, stone, and minerals. This power allows him to reshape the environment to his advantage.  
    • Terrain Manipulation: During combat, Kriokk can raise stone walls, create pits, or form rocky platforms to gain a strategic advantage.
    • Earthquakes: By channeling his energy, Kriokk can cause localized earthquakes, destabilizing foes and structures.
    • Stone Golems: Kriokk can animate stone figures to act as his guardians or soldiers in battle.
  7. Crystal Resonance Kriokk can harness the resonant frequencies of crystals for various effects. This ability is both offensive and communicative in nature.  
    • Sonic Attacks: By striking a crystal or causing it to vibrate, Kriokk can unleash powerful sonic waves that can disorient or harm enemies.
    • Communication: Kriokk can use crystal resonance to communicate over long distances, sending messages through the vibrations of crystals.
  9. Crystalline Armor In moments of extreme danger, Kriokk can encase himself in a protective crystalline armor. This armor enhances his physical strength and offers significant protection against attacks.  
    • Enhanced Durability: The armor can withstand powerful blows, energy blasts, and other forms of attack.
    • Enhanced Strength: While encased in the armor, Kriokk's physical strength is amplified, allowing him to deliver devastating blows.
    • Crystal Spikes: The armor can sprout spikes or blades for offensive capabilities.


  1. Charismatic Leadership: Kriokk has a magnetic presence that draws others to him. He's a master orator, able to sway crowds with his speeches and inspire loyalty among his followers. This charisma has allowed him to amass a significant following, both during his exile and upon his return to Lemuria.
  3. Strategic Mind: Kriokk is an adept strategist, capable of planning complex military campaigns, political maneuvers, and long-term strategies for Lemuria's growth. His ability to anticipate enemy moves and devise counter-strategies has been instrumental in his rise to power.
  5. Combat Prowess: Even without relying on his superpowers, Kriokk is a formidable combatant. He has undergone rigorous training in Lemurian martial arts and has honed his skills during his years in exile. Whether armed or unarmed, Kriokk can hold his own against multiple opponents.
  7. Diplomatic Acumen: Kriokk possesses a keen understanding of diplomacy and statecraft. He knows when to forge alliances, when to make concessions, and when to assert dominance. This ability has been crucial in navigating Lemuria's complex political landscape and maintaining relations with neighboring realms.
  9. Knowledge of Lemurian Lore: Having grown up in the royal palace, Kriokk is well-versed in Lemurian history, traditions, and rituals. This knowledge allows him to leverage the kingdom's rich heritage to solidify his rule and appeal to the populace's sense of identity.
  11. Endurance and Resilience: Years of exile and the challenges he faced during that time have forged Kriokk's resilience. He can endure physical and mental hardships, making him relentless in his pursuits and difficult to deter.
  13. Manipulation and Deception: Kriokk is adept at manipulating those around him to achieve his goals. He can read people, discerning their desires and fears, and use this knowledge to his advantage. This skill has been instrumental in consolidating his power and neutralizing potential threats.


  1. Crystal Scepter: A symbol of his rule over Lemuria, this ornate scepter is embedded with a large, multifaceted crystal at its head. Beyond its symbolic value, the scepter can amplify Kriokk's geokinetic powers, allowing him to exert control over larger areas or create more intricate crystal constructs.
  3. Lemurian Crown: A crown forged from rare metals and adorned with crystals that resonate with Kriokk's energy. It serves as a symbol of his authority and might also have protective properties, shielding him from psychic or mental attacks.
  5. Crystal Armor: While Kriokk can create crystalline armor using his powers, he also possesses a specially crafted set of armor imbued with various protective enchantments. This armor offers enhanced protection against both physical and magical attacks.
  7. The Lemurian Codex: An ancient tome containing the history, rituals, and secrets of Lemuria. Kriokk often consults this codex for guidance, especially when making significant decisions for the kingdom.
  9. Crystal Communicator: A small crystal device that allows Kriokk to communicate with his generals, advisors, and the Crystal Guard. It harnesses the resonant frequencies of crystals for long-distance communication.
  11. Geode Map: A large, intricately detailed map of Lemuria and its surroundings, carved into a flat geode. The map is not only topographical but also magical, showing ley lines, energy sources, and other points of interest that are invisible to the naked eye.
  13. Vault of Crystals: In his private chambers, Kriokk has a vault containing rare and powerful crystals from various parts of the world. Each crystal has unique properties, and Kriokk often uses them to enhance his powers or for specific rituals.
  15. Ring of Authority: A ring worn by Kriokk, signifying his status as the ruler of Lemuria. The ring is embedded with a crystal that can store energy, which Kriokk can unleash in times of need.


  1. Dual Nature: Kriokk's character is a blend of ambition and vulnerability. While he's a formidable ruler with grand visions for Lemuria, there's an underlying pain stemming from his early years of feeling overshadowed and his subsequent exile. This duality can lead to moments of unexpected compassion or sudden outbursts of rage.
  3. Exile's Impact: The years Kriokk spent in exile profoundly shaped him. Encounters, alliances, or adversaries from this period can resurface, adding layers to the storyline and challenging Kriokk's rule.
  5. Family Ties: Kriokk's relationship with his family, especially Mis'kia and his elder sibling, is complex. These relationships can be explored further, revealing past betrayals, moments of shared joy, or unresolved tensions.
  7. Vision for Deviants: Kriokk's dream isn't just about Lemuria's dominance. He envisions a world where Deviants, under his leadership, are revered and respected. This vision can lead to alliances with other Deviant communities or conflicts with those who oppose this dream.
  9. Reliance on Paraphernalia: While Kriokk is powerful, he often relies on his paraphernalia for added advantages. This reliance can be a potential weakness. If any of his items are stolen or tampered with, it could impact his abilities or decisions.
  11. Diplomatic Challenges: Kriokk's aggressive and expansionist policies might lead to diplomatic tensions with neighboring realms. These challenges can introduce new characters, alliances, or conflicts to the storyline.
Current Status
Lord of Lemuria
Piercing Gold
Bald, with a long, braided beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep crimson with black, vein-like patterns
Ruled Locations


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