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New Attilan

New Attilan is a thriving and unique sanctuary for superhumans in the world of Earth-618. Born out of the visionary leadership of Black Bolt and Medusa in 2020, this city represents a harmonious blend of advanced technology and organic architecture. Nestled in the Savage Lands, it stands as a symbol of hope, acceptance, and unity.   Under the reign of Red-Bolt and Queen Nia Boltagon, New Attilan has blossomed into a global power. The city's welcoming policies have attracted superhumans from all walks of life, offering them a peaceful coexistence with nature.   Morgan Boltagon, Red-Bolt's daughter, is being groomed to take the throne, honing her martial skills and strategic thinking. New Attilan's cultural life, natural beauty, and unique transportation methods, such as domesticated dinosaurs, have made it a vibrant and prosperous community.   Despite its achievements, New Attilan maintains an isolationist stance, limiting access to superhumans and steering clear of global politics. It remains a symbol of ecological harmony and unity in a world marked by division and corporate influence. New Attilan's living history reflects a sanctuary where superhumans can thrive, offering a glimpse into the possibilities of a more inclusive and accepting world.


New Attilan is a diverse and inclusive society, welcoming superhumans from all backgrounds and walks of life. Its demographics reflect this inclusivity, with a wide range of superhuman abilities and origins. Here are some key demographics within New Attilan:  
  1. Inhumans: New Attilan is home to a significant population of Inhumans, individuals who have undergone Terrigenesis and gained unique superhuman abilities. They represent a core part of the city's culture and history.
  3. Mutants: Mutants, individuals born with the X-gene that grants them various superpowers, have found a safe haven in New Attilan. The city's policy of acceptance extends to mutants, making it a diverse and inclusive community.
  5. Enhanced Humans: Beyond Inhumans and mutants, New Attilan is populated by various enhanced humans, individuals who have gained superhuman abilities through various means, such as advanced technology, scientific experiments, or mystical practices.
  7. Non-Superhuman Residents: While New Attilan primarily caters to superhumans, it also has a small population of non-superhuman residents, who contribute to the city's infrastructure and services. These individuals often have important roles in governance and support roles. Typically, these residents are required to have diplomatic immunity, seek political asylum, or be engaged to marry (or married to) a resident of New Attilan.
  9. Mixed Heritage: Given the diverse population of superhumans, mixed heritage is common in New Attilan. Relationships and marriages between individuals with different abilities or origins are celebrated, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity.
  11. Age Groups: New Attilan has a population that spans various age groups, from children attending schools to adults contributing to the city's governance and economy. Each age group plays a vital role in the city's vibrancy.
  13. Immigrants: The city attracts immigrants from various parts of the world who seek a peaceful coexistence with superhumans. These newcomers bring their own cultures, traditions, and skills to enrich the city's diversity.
  15. LGBTQ+ Community: New Attilan embraces diversity in all forms, including sexual orientation and gender identity. The LGBTQ+ community is an integral part of the city's social fabric.
  Overall, New Attilan's demographics reflect its commitment to inclusivity and acceptance, creating a dynamic and vibrant community where superhumans of all kinds can thrive.


  1. Monarchy: New Attilan is a constitutional monarchy, with a hereditary royal family at its helm. King Raynako Boltagon, also known as Red-Bolt, serves as the current ruler. His reign is marked by a more approachable and humble persona compared to his predecessors. The monarchy, while a symbol of continuity and tradition, also adapts to changing times and values.
  3. Queen Nia Boltagon (Queen Alexandra): Queen Nia Boltagon, Red-Bolt's wife, plays a significant role in advising and supporting her husband's rule. Her passion lies in humanitarian work, notably in running an orphanage for superhuman children called "Queen's Little Larvae." This orphanage embodies New Attilan's commitment to nurturing and protecting its own.
  5. Council of Elders: Complementing the monarchy is a Council of Elders, composed of experienced and respected individuals from various sectors of society. The Council acts as an advisory body to the monarch and plays a role in policy formation, ensuring a balance of perspectives and interests.
  7. Heir Apparent: Morgan Boltagon, a skilled martial artist with no superhuman powers, is the designated heir to the throne. Her training under Karnak prepares her for future leadership. Her unique position as a powerless heir underscores New Attilan's commitment to meritocracy and adaptability.
  9. Mayoral Leadership: New Attilan also has a mayoral system at the city level. Ambur Boltagon serves as the mayor of New Attilan, responsible for its day-to-day administration. This decentralized governance allows for more localized decision-making and management.
  11. Legal System: New Attilan has a comprehensive legal system that upholds its core values, including equality and protection of superhuman rights. Laws are enforced through a combination of traditional methods and superhuman abilities, ensuring a just and fair society.
  13. Inclusion and Immigration: New Attilan's commitment to inclusivity is evident in its open-door policy for superhumans. While Old Attilan remains exclusive to Inhumans, New Attilan welcomes all superhumans without exception. This policy has fostered diversity and enriched the nation's culture.
  15. Taxation and Economy: New Attilan sustains its operations through a combination of taxation and economic activity. The city's economy is diverse, with a focus on technology, trade, and agriculture. Tax revenues are used for infrastructure development, social programs, and maintaining the harmony between technology and nature.
  17. International Relations: New Attilan has adopted an isolationist stance, limiting interaction with countries that don't meet specific criteria, such as superhuman status or marriage to a superhuman. The nation prioritizes internal stability and self-sufficiency over active participation in global politics.
  19. Environmental Harmony: New Attilan's unique blend of advanced technology and natural surroundings reflects its commitment to environmental harmony. The coexistence of wildlife with urban development showcases its dedication to preserving the natural world.
  New Attilan's governance structure is designed to blend tradition with adaptability, ensuring the well-being of its citizens and the preservation of its values in a rapidly changing world.


New Attilan possesses a formidable array of defenses to ensure the safety and security of its residents and assets. These defenses are a combination of technological innovations, superhuman capabilities, and strategic measures:  
  1. Advanced Surveillance: The city is equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance systems, including cameras, sensors, and drones, to monitor its borders and key areas.
  3. Superhuman Security Force: New Attilan maintains a dedicated superhuman security force composed of Inhumans with enhanced abilities. They serve as the first line of defense against external threats.
  5. Shielding Technology: Protective energy shields can be activated to envelop the city, creating a defensive barrier against physical and energy-based attacks.
  7. Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Missile Defenses: Advanced anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems are in place to intercept and neutralize aerial threats.
  9. Inhuman Military: New Attilan maintains a highly trained and organized military force composed of Inhumans with combat abilities. They are prepared to respond to threats both within and outside the city.
  11. Intelligence Network: New Attilan's intelligence agencies gather information on potential threats and coordinate responses to security challenges.
  13. Fortifications: Critical infrastructure, such as power plants and water sources, are fortified to withstand attacks or sabotage.
  15. Natural Barriers: The Savage Lands' rugged terrain and prehistoric wildlife act as natural barriers, making it difficult for unauthorized individuals or groups to approach the city undetected.
  17. Early Warning Systems: Sensors and alarms are strategically placed to provide early warning of approaching threats.
  19. Strategic Alliances: New Attilan maintains alliances with other superhuman communities and organizations, allowing for mutual defense in times of crisis.
  21. Inhumans' Abilities: Many Inhumans within the city possess unique abilities that can be mobilized for defense, such as elemental manipulation, telekinesis, and enhanced strength.
  23. Security Drills: Regular security drills and training exercises ensure that residents and security forces are prepared for emergencies.
  25. Emergency Evacuation Plans: The city has well-established evacuation plans to safeguard residents in the event of a major threat.
  27. Covert Operations: The Red Masquerade, a female-only assassins guild, conducts covert operations to destabilize external threats and protect the city's interests.
  29. Technological Countermeasures: New Attilan's advanced technology includes countermeasures against hacking, cyberattacks, and electronic warfare.
  These defenses, combined with the city's isolationist policies, contribute to New Attilan's reputation as a well-protected and secure sanctuary for superhumans and its residents.

Industry & Trade

New Attilan's sustainability and economic prosperity are maintained through a combination of factors that ensure the well-being of its inhabitants and the city's self-sufficiency:  
  1. Superhuman Labor Force: The city's Inhuman population plays a significant role in its workforce. Their diverse superhuman abilities are utilized in various sectors, including construction, agriculture, manufacturing, and defense.
  3. Agriculture: Within the city limits and the surrounding Savage Lands, extensive agricultural efforts are undertaken. Controlled environments and advanced farming techniques enable the cultivation of a wide variety of crops, including grains, vegetables, and fruits. Triceratops-driven plows and other prehistoric creatures assist in agricultural work.
  5. Livestock Farming: As mentioned previously, New Attilan has adapted its domesticated wildlife to serve as a source of food and resources. Triceratops, parasaurs, dodos, brontosaurus, and therizenosaurs are bred for their meat, eggs, and other products.
  7. Technological Manufacturing: The city boasts advanced technology and manufacturing capabilities. Inhumans with specialized abilities contribute to the production of high-tech gadgets, weapons, and equipment, which are both used internally and exported to interested parties.
  9. Exotic Exports: New Attilan is known for its unique wildlife and prehistoric creatures, making them valuable exports. Triceratops, pteranodons, and other creatures are sometimes sold to interested parties outside the city.
  11. Natural Resources: The Savage Lands provide access to valuable natural resources, including rare minerals and metals. These resources are extracted responsibly to support the city's manufacturing needs and generate revenue through trade.
  13. Energy Generation: The city harnesses clean and sustainable energy sources, such as solar power and advanced geothermal systems, to meet its energy demands. Excess energy can be exported to neighboring regions.
  15. Tourism: New Attilan's natural beauty, unique wildlife, and the presence of superhumans make it an attractive destination for tourists from around the world. Tourism-related activities contribute to the city's economy.
  17. Mercenary and Security Services: The city's Inhuman military and security forces sometimes offer their services as peacekeepers or protectors to other regions, generating income for the city.
  19. Trade Alliances: New Attilan maintains trade alliances with select neighboring regions or superhuman communities. These alliances facilitate the import of goods that cannot be produced within the city.
  21. Financial Services: The city offers specialized financial services to its residents and allies, including investment opportunities, asset protection, and secure banking.
  23. Education and Research: New Attilan encourages a culture of learning and innovation. The city invests in education and research, attracting scholars, scientists, and innovators who contribute to technological advancements and economic growth.
  25. Art and Culture: The city's vibrant arts and culture scene, supported by Inhuman talents, contributes to tourism and cultural exports.
  Through a combination of its unique resources, superhuman abilities, and a commitment to sustainability, New Attilan has created a self-reliant and thriving community that benefits both its residents and the world at large.


Infrastructure of New Attilan

  New Attilan boasts a harmonious blend of advanced technology and natural beauty in its infrastructure, reflecting its commitment to environmental preservation. Key elements of the city's infrastructure include:  
  1. Green Skyscrapers: Tall skyscrapers are adorned with living walls of vegetation and vines. This unique architectural feature not only adds to the city's aesthetics but also promotes air purification and biodiversity.
  3. Bio-Domes: New Attilan features massive bio-domes that house lush gardens and ecosystems. These controlled environments allow for year-round farming and provide a peaceful oasis for residents.
  5. Wildlife-Friendly Roads: Roads and highways are designed with separate lanes for domesticated wildlife, including triceratops and other creatures, allowing for safe transportation without disturbing the natural balance.
  7. Solar-Powered Infrastructure: New Attilan heavily relies on renewable energy sources, with solar panels integrated into the city's infrastructure. Solar roadways and building-integrated panels provide a sustainable source of power.
  9. Holographic Signage: Traditional billboards are replaced with holographic signage that projects advertisements and information. These holograms are energy-efficient and can be updated in real-time.
  11. Translucent Infrastructure: Many buildings feature translucent walls and roofs, allowing natural light to permeate the urban landscape. This design reduces the need for artificial lighting during the day.
  13. Waterways and Aquatic Transportation: The city incorporates waterways and canals for transportation, with amphibious vehicles and aquatic taxis providing an eco-friendly alternative to traditional cars.
  15. Biodiversity Parks: New Attilan includes numerous biodiversity parks where residents can interact with the local flora and fauna. These parks also serve as research centers for studying the unique wildlife.
  The infrastructure of New Attilan prioritizes sustainability, coexistence with nature, and the well-being of its superhuman and non-superhuman citizens. This innovative approach to city planning has resulted in a vibrant, forward-thinking urban environment.  
Entrepreneurial Ventures in New Attilan
  New Attilan's entrepreneurial spirits have contributed to a thriving and innovative economy, with a focus on technology, sustainable agriculture, and unique businesses that cater to both superhumans and the city's harmonious environment. Here are some of the key entrepreneurial ventures in New Attilan:  
  1. Tech Startups: The city is home to numerous tech startups that develop cutting-edge technologies. These companies specialize in areas such as renewable energy, holographic entertainment, and advanced medical research. They benefit from the city's open-door policy for superhuman talents.
  3. Wildlife Conservation Tourism: Entrepreneurs have capitalized on New Attilan's unique ecosystem by establishing wildlife conservation tourism ventures. Tourists from around the world visit to witness the coexistence of dinosaurs and modern technology, providing both education and entertainment.
  5. Superhuman Training Academies: With a significant superhuman population, there is a demand for training and development academies. These businesses offer classes in martial arts, power control, and other specialized skills to harness superhuman abilities effectively.
  7. Superhuman Services: Unique services catering to superhumans have emerged, including personal training, fashion boutiques specializing in adaptive clothing, and even dating agencies that help superhumans connect based on their abilities and interests.
  9. Artistic and Cultural Experiences: New Attilan's artistic community has flourished, with galleries, theaters, and performance venues offering a range of cultural experiences. These venues often blend traditional art forms with advanced technology, creating immersive exhibitions.


In New Attilan, there is a district known as the "Wanderer's Quarter," which is open to visitors and tourists. This district is designed to accommodate travelers and provide them with a taste of life in the city.  

Formal and Informal Sub-Divisions of Power

  1. Formal Governance: New Attilan has a formal governance structure led by King Raynako Boltagon (Red-Bolt) and Queen Nia Boltagon. The ruling family, along with the New Attilan Council, holds the highest formal authority in the city. The Council consists of elected representatives from various districts and communities within New Attilan.
  3. The Red Masquerade: While not a formal governing body, the Red Masquerade, led by Mae Allen, serves as a powerful and influential force within New Attilan. This female-only assassins guild operates in secrecy and plays a crucial role in maintaining the city's security and dealing with potential threats. Their actions often have a significant impact on the city's politics, although they prefer to remain in the shadows.
Districts Within New Attilan
  1. Wanderer's Quarter: This is the district open to visitors and tourists. It includes various accommodations, entertainment venues, and marketplaces catering to travelers. Here, tourists can experience the city's vibrant culture and interact with its superhuman residents.
  3. Royal District: This district is home to the ruling family, King Raynako Boltagon (Red-Bolt) and Queen Nia Boltagon. It includes the royal palace and other facilities associated with the royal family.
  5. Citadel of Silence: A district dedicated to meditation, reflection, and inner peace. It's where Inhumans and other residents go to find solace and connect with their inner selves.
  7. Marketplace of Wonders: This bustling district is filled with markets, shops, and street vendors offering a wide range of goods, from exotic foods to unique artifacts. It's a hub of commerce and social activity.
  9. Academy of Potential: This district is focused on education and training for superhumans of all ages. It includes schools, training facilities, and libraries.
  11. Residential Districts: These districts are where the majority of the city's population lives. They consist of various neighborhoods and apartment complexes, each with its unique character and community.
  13. Wildlife Haven: An area dedicated to the coexistence of superhumans and the unique wildlife of New Attilan. It features green spaces, pastures, and even specialized roads for domesticated wildlife.
  15. Royal Gardens: Lush gardens and parks where residents can relax and enjoy nature. These gardens are known for their beauty and tranquility.
  17. Industrial Sector: This district houses the city's manufacturing facilities and industrial complexes. It's where technological advancements and infrastructure development take place.
  19. New Attilan Council District: The administrative heart of the city, where the New Attilan Council conducts its meetings and manages the city's governance.
  These districts represent the diverse and vibrant aspects of life in New Attilan, catering to the needs and interests of its superhuman residents and visitors alike. Each district contributes to the overall harmony and functionality of the city.


New Attilan possesses a diverse range of assets that contribute to its prosperity and stability. These assets are both tangible and intangible, reflecting the city's unique character and strengths:  
  1. Superhuman Population: One of New Attilan's greatest assets is its significant population of superhumans. These individuals possess a wide array of powers and abilities, making them valuable contributors to the city's society, economy, and defense.
  3. Natural Resources: Located within the Savage Lands, New Attilan has access to abundant natural resources, including fertile land for agriculture, mineral deposits, and unique flora and fauna that have both scientific and economic value.
  5. Technology Hub: The city has become a hub for technological innovation. It houses research and development centers, tech startups, and cutting-edge laboratories, making it a leader in advanced technology.
  7. Harmonious Environment: New Attilan's unique coexistence with its environment is an invaluable asset. The city's ability to integrate technology with nature has not only preserved its ecosystem but also made it a center for ecological research.
  9. Cultural Diversity: The city's diverse population brings together individuals from various backgrounds and cultures. This diversity fosters creativity, cultural exchange, and a rich tapestry of traditions and celebrations.
  11. Wildlife Tourism: New Attilan's prehistoric wildlife and lush greenery have made it a popular destination for tourists interested in experiencing a harmonious coexistence of nature and technology. Tourism contributes significantly to the city's economy.
  13. Superhuman Services: The presence of various superhuman-focused businesses, from training academies to specialized services, generates income and provides employment opportunities for residents.
  15. Political Stability: New Attilan's stable government, led by the Boltagon royal family, ensures continuity and effective governance. The city's isolationist policies also contribute to its political stability.
  17. Advanced Healthcare: The city boasts advanced medical facilities and research institutions, attracting patients and researchers from around the world.
  19. Educational Institutions: New Attilan is home to prestigious educational institutions that offer a wide range of courses and training programs, attracting students and scholars.
  21. Renewable Energy: The city's reliance on renewable energy sources, particularly solar power, ensures a consistent and eco-friendly energy supply.
  23. Security Forces: New Attilan's security forces are highly skilled and equipped to protect the city from external threats, ensuring the safety of its residents.
  25. Cultural Capital: The city's cultural scene, including art galleries, theaters, and performance venues, contributes to its status as a cultural capital and a center for artistic expression.
  27. Environmental Conservation: New Attilan's commitment to environmental preservation and sustainable practices enhances its global reputation and attracts eco-conscious individuals and organizations.
  These assets collectively make New Attilan a thriving and unique city, with a strong foundation for continued growth and prosperity.

Guilds and Factions

In New Attilan, several influential factions and groups play significant roles in the city's governance, society, and culture. These factions are often instrumental in shaping policies, maintaining order, and addressing the needs of the diverse population. Here are some of the key factions within New Attilan:  
  1. The Boltagon Royal Family: The ruling family of New Attilan, led by King Raynako Boltagon (Red-bolt) and Queen Nia Boltagon (Queen Alexandra). They hold a central position in the city's governance and provide guidance to various aspects of life in New Attilan.
  3. The Attilan Council: This council consists of representatives from different Inhuman communities within New Attilan. They convene to discuss and make decisions on matters affecting the entire population, including policies, infrastructure development, and resource allocation.
  5. The Red Masquerade: Led by Mae Allen, this secretive organization operates as an intelligence and covert operations agency for New Attilan. It's responsible for ensuring the security and safety of the city by any means necessary, often operating in the shadows.
  7. The Superhuman Academy: This institution is dedicated to training young Inhumans to control and develop their powers responsibly. It plays a crucial role in shaping the city's future by preparing the next generation of superhumans to contribute positively to society.
  9. The New Attilan Security Forces: This includes the city's military and law enforcement agencies. They are responsible for maintaining peace and security within New Attilan's borders and protecting it from external threats.
  11. The Economic Guild: Comprising entrepreneurs, business leaders, and trade experts, this faction focuses on economic development, trade agreements, and resource management. They help ensure the city's economic prosperity and trade relations with other regions.
  13. The Red Serpent Guard: A specialized military unit, the Red Serpent Guard is tasked with safeguarding the city's interests beyond its borders. They may be deployed for peacekeeping missions, reconnaissance, or defense against external threats.
  15. The Red Moon Priests: This faction is dedicated to the preservation of Inhuman culture, rituals, and spirituality. They oversee ceremonies, cultural events, and maintain the connection between Inhumans and their ancient heritage.
  17. The Environmental Stewards: Comprising botanists, ecologists, and environmental experts, this faction focuses on maintaining the delicate balance between the city's technological advancements and its natural environment, ensuring that the coexistence of superhuman abilities and nature remains harmonious.
  19. The Foreign Affairs Bureau: Responsible for managing diplomatic relations with external nations and superhuman communities, this faction helps maintain New Attilan's isolationist policy while ensuring peaceful coexistence.
  21. The Red Masquerade Academy: This educational institution trains individuals in espionage, covert operations, and intelligence gathering. It serves as the training ground for future members of the Red Masquerade.
  23. The Orphanage - "Queen's Little Larvae": Managed by Queen Nia Boltagon, this faction provides care and support to orphaned superhuman children. It's a testament to New Attilan's commitment to nurturing its youth.
  These factions work together, albeit sometimes with differing interests and methods, to ensure the well-being, security, and prosperity of New Attilan and its inhabitants. Each faction contributes to the city's unique character and the balance it strikes between isolationism and global engagement.


The Birth of New Attilan (2020)

  The origins of New Attilan can be traced back to the year 2020, a pivotal time in the history of superhumans. It was a year marked by global uncertainty and a growing divide between humans and those with superhuman abilities. Faced with increasing discrimination and threats, superhumans needed a safe haven where they could live in peace.   In the midst of this turmoil, Black Bolt, the powerful Inhuman king, made a momentous decision. He envisioned a sanctuary where all superhumans, regardless of their origins, could find refuge. With the help of Medusa, his queen, and the support of the Inhuman royal family, Black Bolt embarked on a daring endeavor to create New Attilan.   The construction of New Attilan was a colossal undertaking. Nestled within the lush jungle of the Savage Lands, it was designed to harmonize with nature rather than dominate it. Advanced technology and organic architecture merged to create a city that was both breathtakingly modern and environmentally sustainable.  

The Royal Succession (2035)

  In 2035, as the city of New Attilan continued to thrive, Black Bolt and Medusa made a historic announcement. They were stepping down from their roles as king and queen, passing the mantle to their son, Raynako Boltagon, and his wife, Queen Nia Boltagon. The transition of power was a symbol of continuity and a new era for New Attilan.  

Raynako Boltagon's Reign (2036-Present)

  Raynako Boltagon, now known as Red-Bolt, officially ascended to the throne during a grand coronation ceremony in 2036. Unlike his predecessors, Red-Bolt brought a more laid-back and humble persona to his rule. He sported a beard, a departure from the tradition of clean-shaven kings, which raised eyebrows but also reflected his commitment to change and adaptation.   Under Red-Bolt's leadership, New Attilan took a more active role on the world stage. He worked diligently to have New Attilan recognized as a global power, contributing to international efforts for peace and cooperation among superhumans and humans alike.  

Preparing the Heir (2038-2040)

  In 2038, the young and talented Morgan Boltagon, Red-Bolt's daughter, was named heir to the throne. Her journey to become the future ruler of New Attilan began under the guidance of Karnak, a master of strategy and combat. Morgan's training focused on honing her martial arts skills and teaching her to find the weaknesses of any opponent, a skill that would prove invaluable in her future role.   As Morgan's training progressed, the city of New Attilan continued to flourish. Ambur Boltagon, another of Red-Bolt's children, took on the role of mayor, while Rynda Boltagon, with her inherited powers, assumed the position of head of safety. New Attilan became a beacon of hope and acceptance for superhumans from all walks of life, welcoming them without exception.  

A Flourishing New Attilan (2040-Present)

  By the year 2040, New Attilan had become a thriving metropolis. Its unique blend of advanced technology and symbiotic living had attracted residents from all corners of the world. The city's pastures with artificial solar lighting provided grazing grounds for local fauna, while dedicated roads allowed domesticated dinosaurs like triceratops to serve as alternative means of transportation.   In the seas surrounding New Attilan, mosasaurs and plesiosaurs had been tamed, serving as organic naval units. The city's architecture seamlessly blended with the natural world, creating an environment where vines, trees, and plants grew on high-tech skyscrapers, giving the city its distinctive appearance.   New Attilan had also cultivated a rich cultural life, with the Inhuman Cultural Center preserving the history and traditions of the Inhuman people. The Aviary District offered breathtaking birdwatching opportunities, and the bustling Terravine Bazaar provided a taste of the city's vibrant marketplace.  

Diplomatic Isolation (2042-Present)

  Despite its prosperity, New Attilan and Attilan maintained an isolationist stance in international affairs. Access to the city required superhuman status or a connection to a superhuman, and the ruling family rarely attended global summits. They purposefully stayed out of the corporate politics that had come to dominate the world, focusing on their own mission of providing sanctuary and a peaceful existence for superhumans.   As New Attilan celebrated its accomplishments and looked towards the future, it remained a symbol of hope, unity, and ecological harmony in a world where such ideals were increasingly rare.   This is the living history of New Attilan, a city that thrives in a world where superhuman abilities have redefined what is possible, where nature and technology coexist, and where the legacy of the Inhuman royal family continues to shape its destiny.

Points of interest

New Attilan, with its unique blend of advanced technology and natural beauty, offers a wide range of points of interest for residents and visitors alike. Here are some notable places to explore within the city:  
  1. Royal Palace: The heart of New Attilan, the Royal Palace is an architectural marvel that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding jungle. It serves as the residence of the ruling Boltagon family and a symbol of the city's harmonious coexistence with nature.
  3. The Vine-Top Walkway: A winding pathway that takes visitors high into the jungle canopy. This walkway offers breathtaking views of the city below and provides a unique perspective on the city's lush greenery and wildlife.
  5. The Symbio Gardens: A sprawling botanical garden that showcases the city's commitment to symbiotic living. Here, visitors can explore a vast array of plant life, some of which are unique to New Attilan. The gardens also host educational programs on ecology and conservation.
  7. The Aviary District: Home to various exotic bird species, the Aviary District features massive enclosures that allow these colorful creatures to fly freely. It's a favorite spot for birdwatching and relaxation.
  9. The Ancient Grove: A preserved section of the jungle where ancient trees and plant life have been left untouched. It's a place of reflection and meditation, often used for cultural ceremonies.
  11. The Terravine Bazaar: A bustling marketplace where residents and visitors can purchase organic produce, handcrafted goods, and artisanal products. The market's design incorporates natural elements and hanging gardens.
  13. The Amphibious Aquarium: An aquatic wonderland where visitors can observe prehistoric marine creatures like mosasaurs and plesiosaurs in large, open tanks. It also features educational exhibits on marine life and conservation.
  15. The Inhuman Cultural Center: A museum and cultural hub that celebrates the history, art, and traditions of the Inhuman people. It houses a vast collection of artifacts, artworks, and holographic displays that tell the story of Attilan's heritage.
  17. The Aerial Gardens: Suspended gardens and parks that hover above the city on the aerial highways. These serene spaces provide a unique opportunity for relaxation and enjoying panoramic views of New Attilan.
  19. The Great Redwood Hall: A grand assembly hall that hosts important gatherings and ceremonies. It's known for its stunning architecture and the towering redwood trees that grow within its walls.
  21. Queens' Little Larvae: An orphanage for superhuman children run by Queen Nia Boltagon (Queen Alexandra). It's a place of love, care, and education for young Inhumans who may not have a family of their own.
  23. The Pasture District: Beyond the urban jungle, visitors can explore vast pastures where domesticated dinosaurs like triceratops graze. There are also riding trails for those who wish to experience the thrill of riding these gentle giants.
  25. The Red Masquerade Headquarters: The secretive headquarters of the all-female assassins guild, the Red Masquerade. While not open to the public, its presence is known, and it adds an element of intrigue to the city.
  These points of interest showcase New Attilan's commitment to ecological harmony, cultural preservation, and the celebration of superhuman abilities. Whether you're interested in nature, culture, or adventure, New Attilan offers a unique and enriching experience for all who visit.


Tourists who visit New Attilan are typically drawn to the city for its unique blend of advanced technology and natural beauty, as well as its reputation as a haven for superhumans. Here's a breakdown of the types of tourists who come to New Attilan and what they're eager to experience:  
  1. Superhuman Enthusiasts: Many tourists are fascinated by superhumans and their abilities. They come to New Attilan hoping to witness superhuman displays of power, attend training sessions at the Superhuman Academy, and possibly even meet some of the city's famous residents.
  3. Nature Lovers: New Attilan's harmonious coexistence with nature appeals to eco-tourists. They come to explore the lush jungles, tree-covered skyscrapers, and pastures with artificial solar lighting. Tourists may take guided tours through the city's unique ecosystems or embark on safaris to observe the diverse wildlife.
  5. Cultural Enthusiasts: Visitors interested in Inhuman culture and traditions are eager to attend Red Moon Priest ceremonies, learn about Inhuman history in the city's museums, and experience the vibrant festivals that celebrate Inhuman heritage.
  7. Thrill-Seekers: Adventurous tourists may be drawn to New Attilan's unique forms of transportation, such as riding triceratops-drawn wagons or navigating the city's aerial highways. They seek excitement in exploring a city that seamlessly blends technology and nature.
  9. Educational Travelers: Families and students interested in superhuman education and training opportunities visit the Superhuman Academy. They may enroll in short courses or simply tour the facilities to gain insight into how superhumans are trained.
  11. Wellness Retreat Seekers: Some tourists come to New Attilan for relaxation and wellness. They may indulge in spa treatments offered in the city's lush gardens or practice meditation in the tranquil natural settings.
  13. Food and Dining Enthusiasts: Foodies are eager to sample the unique cuisine of New Attilan, which includes dishes prepared with ingredients from both the city's high-tech farms and its domesticated wildlife. Restaurants serving traditional Inhuman recipes and modern fusion cuisine are popular among tourists.
  15. Cultural Exchange Groups: New Attilan occasionally hosts diplomatic and cultural exchange groups from other nations and superhuman communities. These groups visit to strengthen ties, share cultural practices, and foster mutual understanding.
  Tourists visiting New Attilan have a range of accommodations to choose from. Some stay in high-tech hotels and resorts within the city, while others opt for eco-friendly lodges that immerse them in the natural surroundings. The city's tourism industry caters to a diverse range of preferences, ensuring that visitors have a memorable and enriching experience during their stay.


New Attilan's architectural style is a unique blend of advanced technology and harmonious integration with nature. The city is renowned for its striking, eco-friendly designs that seamlessly incorporate lush vegetation into the urban landscape. Here are some key features of New Attilan's architectural style:  
  • Symbiotic Architecture: New Attilan's buildings are designed to coexist with nature rather than dominate it. The city's skyscrapers are adorned with vertical gardens, allowing vines, trees, and plants to grow on their exteriors. These green facades not only provide aesthetic beauty but also contribute to air purification and natural insulation.
  • High-Tech Materials: The construction of New Attilan relies on advanced, sustainable materials. Nanotech-enhanced alloys, self-repairing materials, and solar-absorbing surfaces are commonly used. These materials ensure the city's buildings are durable, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly.
  • Organic Integration: Rather than clear-cutting natural landscapes, New Attilan's architects incorporate existing trees and terrain into their designs. Some buildings appear to emerge from the jungle canopy, while others are built around ancient trees. This organic integration is a hallmark of the city's architectural philosophy.
  • Aerial Highways: To minimize ground-level congestion and enhance transportation, New Attilan features intricate networks of aerial highways. These suspended roadways connect various parts of the city and are lined with greenery and hanging gardens.
  • Sustainable Practices: The city's architecture emphasizes sustainability. Buildings often have integrated rainwater collection systems, solar panels, and waste recycling facilities. Rooftop gardens and solar farms further enhance the city's green initiatives.
  • Cultural Elements: Traditional Inhuman architecture influences some structures in New Attilan. Temples and ceremonial sites may feature intricate carvings, mosaics, and murals depicting Inhuman history and mythology. These cultural elements serve as a bridge between the city's modernity and its heritage.
  • Natural Building Materials: In the rural areas of New Attilan, where the city transitions into pastures and wildlife habitats, traditional building materials like bamboo and thatch may be used. These structures blend seamlessly with the natural environment.
  • Illumination: At night, New Attilan's architecture comes to life with the soft glow of bioluminescent plants and innovative lighting systems. The city maintains a serene, otherworldly atmosphere even after dark.
  • Adornments: New Attilan's residents adorn their homes and public spaces with living sculptures, art installations made from natural materials, and holographic displays that blend technology with nature. These adornments reflect the city's commitment to aesthetic harmony.
  The architectural style of New Attilan is a testament to its commitment to environmental preservation and the unique fusion of Inhuman culture with cutting-edge technology. It provides an awe-inspiring backdrop for both residents and visitors, making the city a remarkable blend of the natural and the futuristic.
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