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Sakura Garden

The Sakura Garden, located within Central Park, holds a deep and ancient history. It is a place of natural beauty and spiritual significance, marked by the exquisite cherry blossom trees that bloom each spring. The Oshiro clan has maintained a close connection to the garden for five generations, using it for ceremonies and rituals that honor their ancestors. Hidden beneath its serene exterior lie ancestral secrets and clues linked to an enigmatic demon known as Akumado. The garden is safeguarded by concealed entrances and mystical defenses, serving as a gathering place for the Oshiro clan to celebrate family togetherness. The Yakuza's interest in the garden has brought its mysteries into the spotlight, making it a pivotal location in Emissary's quest to uncover her family's past.

Purpose / Function

The Sakura Garden's original purpose, prior to the Oshiro clan's involvement, was to serve as a serene and beautiful natural space within Central Park, New York City. It was designed to provide visitors with a peaceful environment where they could enjoy the beauty of cherry blossoms, meditate, and appreciate the transitory nature of life.   The garden was created as a symbol of the impermanence of existence, drawing inspiration from traditional Japanese gardens. Its design and purpose aligned with the concept of wabi-sabi, which embraces the beauty of imperfection and impermanence. The cherry blossom trees, with their brief but stunning bloom, were a central feature in conveying this message.   The Oshiro clan, who discovered the garden five generations ago, recognized its spiritual significance and its potential for serving as a place of reverence for their ancestors. They began to use it as a gathering place for family celebrations and spiritual rituals. Over time, they integrated their own beliefs and practices, imbuing the garden with a unique blend of Japanese and supernatural elements.   While the Sakura Garden originally existed as a place for reflection and appreciation of nature's beauty, its transformation into a sacred space by the Oshiro clan reflects their desire to maintain a connection with their Japanese heritage and incorporate their own spiritual beliefs into this serene location. Its purpose evolved to serve as a sanctuary for their family, where they could perform rituals, honor their ancestors, and protect the secrets of their unique history.


Over the course of its existence, the Sakura Garden has undergone several alterations to adapt it to the evolving needs and purposes of the Oshiro clan. These alterations were made to serve specific functions related to the clan's spiritual practices and the preservation of family secrets. Here are some of the notable alterations made to the garden:  
  1. Hidden Entrance: The garden's entrance has been concealed by a natural-looking rock formation within Central Park. Specific touches and pressures must be applied to a concealed stone to reveal the entrance. This alteration serves to keep the garden hidden from the general public and unauthorized access.
  3. Ancestral Shrine: Within the garden, the Oshiro clan constructed an ancestral shrine to honor their forebears. It features statues and plaques dedicated to important family members and ancestors. The shrine serves as a place for clan members to pay their respects and conduct spiritual ceremonies.
  5. Enigmatic Inscriptions: Various enigmatic inscriptions, symbols, and messages are hidden throughout the garden. These inscriptions hold clues to the mysteries and secrets of the Oshiro clan's history. They serve as a means of passing down knowledge to future generations and a key to unraveling the clan's complex past.
  7. Akumado's Connection: The most significant alteration made to the garden was the establishment of a connection to the enigmatic demonic entity Akumado. This connection, forged through rituals and ceremonies, serves as a means of communication and interaction with Akumado. It allows the Oshiro clan to maintain their unique powers and knowledge tied to the demon.
  9. Ceremonial Space: The garden has been designed to accommodate various ceremonies and rituals performed by the Oshiro clan. These ceremonies are central to maintaining the balance between the mortal realm and the supernatural, ensuring the protection of the clan and their secrets.
  11. Protective Wards: Hidden wards and enchantments have been placed around the garden to safeguard it from unwanted intruders and to preserve the family's connection to Akumado. These protective measures ensure the security and secrecy of the garden's mystical elements.
  These alterations reflect the Oshiro clan's commitment to preserving their unique history, blending their Japanese heritage with supernatural elements, and keeping their secrets hidden from those who might misuse them. The Sakura Garden has evolved over the generations to serve as a place of spiritual significance and family unity, while also being a repository of their most closely guarded mysteries and knowledge.


The Sakura Garden features a traditional Japanese architectural style, which reflects the cultural heritage of the Oshiro clan and their reverence for their ancestors and spirituality. The structures in the garden are constructed using traditional Japanese architectural principles and materials. Here are the key aspects of the garden's architecture:  
  • Materials: The buildings within the Sakura Garden are primarily constructed from wood, with a focus on natural and locally sourced materials. The wood used for the structures is often cedar or cypress, known for their durability and resistance to decay. These materials provide a sense of warmth and connection to nature.
  • Roofing: The roofs of the buildings are designed with sloping, curved lines, following the traditional Japanese architectural style. They are typically covered with wooden shingles made from the same materials as the walls.
  • Pagoda and Torii Gates: The garden features a pagoda, a traditional Japanese tower-like structure with multiple tiers, which is often used for spiritual and religious purposes. Additionally, there are Torii gates marking the entrances to certain sacred areas of the garden. These gates are painted in a distinctive vermilion color, symbolizing protection and transition between the sacred and the profane.
  • Traditional Decor: The buildings are adorned with traditional Japanese décor, including sliding paper doors known as "shoji" and wooden lattice screens called "kōshi." These elements allow diffused natural light to fill the interiors and create a serene ambiance. The interiors are often decorated with calligraphy, ancestral portraits, and floral arrangements.
  • Zen Garden: In addition to the architectural elements, the Sakura Garden may contain a Zen garden, a meticulously designed landscape feature that includes raked gravel or sand, rocks, and carefully placed vegetation. Zen gardens are spaces for meditation and reflection, emphasizing simplicity and balance.
  • Cherry Blossom Trees: While not architectural in nature, the cherry blossom trees themselves are a significant part of the garden's design. Their pale pink blossoms create a visually striking contrast with the wooden structures and evoke a sense of fleeting beauty and impermanence.
  The architecture of the Sakura Garden reflects the Oshiro clan's commitment to preserving their Japanese heritage and spiritual practices. It provides a serene and contemplative environment for family members to connect with their ancestry, conduct rituals, and maintain the balance between the mortal realm and the supernatural. The traditional architectural elements and natural materials harmonize with the garden's surroundings and contribute to its cultural and spiritual significance.


Sakura Garden, despite its serene and spiritual nature, is not without its defenses. While its primary purpose is to serve as a place of reflection and connection with ancestral heritage, the Oshiro clan has implemented certain security measures to protect the garden and its secrets. Here are some of the defenses in place:  
  • Concealed Entrance: Access to the Sakura Garden is discreetly hidden by a natural-looking rock formation within Central Park. The entrance is concealed in such a way that it blends seamlessly with the park's surroundings. Only those who know the specific combination of touches and pressures required can reveal the hidden entrance.
  • Guardians: The Oshiro clan may have individuals or guardians stationed at or near the entrance, responsible for ensuring that only authorized family members and individuals gain access. These guardians are trained to recognize and verify those seeking entry.
  • Hidden Security Measures: The garden may be equipped with subtle security measures that are hidden within its architectural and natural elements. These could include concealed sensors or alarms to alert the guardians in case of unauthorized access.
  • Magical Protections: Given the supernatural aspects of the garden's history, there may be mystical or magical safeguards in place. These could include protective spells or enchantments to deter intruders or protect certain areas within the garden.
  • Security Through Secrecy: One of the most effective defenses is the Sakura Garden's secrecy. As a closely guarded family secret, its very existence is known only to trusted family members. This secrecy acts as a natural deterrent to outsiders who may be unaware of its location or significance.
  • Ancestral Guidance: It's possible that the spirits of the garden's ancestors play a protective role. They may guide or aid those who seek to protect the garden and its secrets.
  • Physical Barriers: While not overtly defensive, the garden's walled enclave within Central Park serves as a physical barrier to deter casual or accidental visitors.
  The defenses in place are intended to protect the sacred and spiritual aspects of the garden, as well as the secrets it holds. Only those with a legitimate connection to the Oshiro clan and a deep understanding of the garden's significance are granted access. The Sakura Garden's defenses are a testament to the clan's commitment to preserving its heritage and spiritual practices.


Ancient Origins

In the heart of what would become Central Park, a place of natural beauty and spiritual significance is born. Ancient peoples recognize the unique energy and tranquility of this area, dedicating it to the worship of nature and ancestral spirits. Cherry blossom trees are planted, marking the beginning of what will become the Sakura Garden.  

Oshiro Clan's Involvement

Five generations ago, the Oshiro clan becomes intertwined with the Sakura Garden's history. Recognizing its spiritual importance, they establish their family's connection to the garden. Ceremonies and rituals are performed to honor their ancestors and maintain the balance between the mortal realm and the supernatural.  

Ancestral Wisdom

The Oshiro clan's involvement deepens, and they unearth ancient secrets hidden within the garden. Clues and messages from their ancestors reveal the presence of an enigmatic demonic entity, Akumado. The Oshiro clan becomes the custodian of this knowledge, passing it down through generations.  

Protection and Secrecy

The garden's spiritual and supernatural significance prompts the Oshiro clan to implement defenses. A concealed entrance is created, and guardians are stationed to ensure that only authorized individuals enter. Hidden security measures, both physical and mystical, are put in place to safeguard the garden and its secrets.  

Family Gatherings

The Sakura Garden becomes a gathering place for the Oshiro clan. They assemble beneath the cherry blossoms to celebrate and share moments of togetherness. It's a place where laughter, stories, and food are exchanged with love and affection, strengthening family bonds.  

Passing Down Tradition

The Oshiro clan's commitment to the Sakura Garden continues to the present day. Knowledge is passed from one generation to the next, ensuring the preservation of the family's spiritual practices and the secrets hidden within the garden. The garden remains a place of reverence and connection to ancestral heritage.  

The Yakuza's Interest

Recent events involving the Yakuza and the pursuit of Takashi Oshiro have brought the Sakura Garden's secrets into the spotlight. Emissary, the latest guardian of the family's heritage, is on a quest to uncover the mysteries within the garden and understand its connection to the Yakuza's interest.   The Sakura Garden's history is a tapestry of spiritual significance, family tradition, and the ongoing quest to protect its secrets. It serves as a place of reflection, reverence, and connection for the Oshiro clan, while also holding the key to unraveling the mysteries of their past.
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