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The Dark Ascension Ritual

The Dark Ascension Ritual is a centuries-old arcane practice rooted in the shadowy traditions of ancient Japan, specifically tied to secretive ninja clans like The Hand. Initially conceived to summon and bind malevolent spirits for various purposes, it has evolved over time, blending mystical elements with modern technologies and strategic alliances. From its mysterious origins in feudal Japan, where it served as a tool of power and control among rival clans, to its adaptation during periods of geopolitical upheaval and technological advancement, the ritual has persisted through secrecy and adaptation. Today, in Earth-618's complex landscape, the ritual represents a convergence of dark magic and cutting-edge science, employed by entities like AetherCorp and The Hand to harness supernatural forces for strategic and often clandestine purposes. Its evolution mirrors the shifting paradigms of power and influence, integrating ancient rituals with contemporary methodologies to navigate a world where the boundaries between magic and technology blur.


The Dark Ascension Ritual traces its origins to ancient Japan, steeped in the esoteric traditions of shadowy clans and occult practices. Its inception is shrouded in myth and whispered legends, where whispers of forbidden knowledge and the pursuit of power intertwined. Over the centuries, the ritual evolved, adapting to new influences and technologies while preserving its core intent: to summon and bind powerful entities to serve the wielders of dark magic.  

Origins in Ancient Japan (Unknown - 1600s)

  The earliest records of the Dark Ascension Ritual are obscured by time, veiled within the annals of secretive ninja clans and mystic societies in feudal Japan. These clandestine groups sought dominion over both the physical and spiritual realms, harnessing arcane forces to achieve their ambitions. Initially, the ritual centered on invoking malevolent spirits and demonic entities to enact curses, control elements, or eliminate rivals.  

Adaptation and Integration (1600s - 1800s)

  With the advent of the Edo period and the consolidation of power under the Tokugawa shogunate, the ritual underwent significant refinement and codification. Ninja clans like The Hand integrated their shadowy arts with the ritual, using it as a tool to consolidate influence and enforce their dominance. The ritual’s evolution saw the incorporation of written scrolls, precise incantations, and the establishment of ritual chambers designed to amplify spiritual energies.  

Western Influence and Modernization (1800s - Early 1900s)

  During the Meiji Restoration and subsequent modernization of Japan, Western influences permeated traditional practices. The Dark Ascension Ritual adapted to accommodate new technologies, such as photography, phonographs, and telegraphy, which facilitated communication and documentation of ritual practices across broader geographic areas. Secretive sects within the Hand expanded their reach beyond Japan, establishing covert networks that spread the ritual’s influence globally.  

World Wars and Technological Advancements (Early 1900s - Mid 1900s)

  The tumultuous upheavals of the World Wars and the rise of totalitarian regimes provided fertile ground for the ritual’s proliferation. The Hand, leveraging political instability and global conflict, expanded its influence, recruiting disillusioned soldiers, scientists, and occultists into its ranks. The ritual’s adaptation during this period saw the incorporation of mass media, psychological warfare techniques, and advanced weaponry, aligning arcane practices with modern warfare strategies.  

Corporate Integration and Globalization (Late 1900s - 2000s)

  As the world entered the digital age and corporate dominance reshaped global economies, the Dark Ascension Ritual found new patrons among wealthy industrialists and multinational corporations. AetherCorp, a nexus of technological innovation and clandestine operations, forged alliances with the Hand, integrating arcane rituals with cutting-edge scientific methodologies. The ritual’s evolution during this era saw the development of proprietary algorithms, bioinformatics, and cybernetic enhancements to amplify ritual efficacy and control.  

Contemporary Challenges and Adaptations (2010s - Present)

  In the contemporary era of Earth-618, the Dark Ascension Ritual faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. Technological advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and genetic engineering have reshaped the landscape of dark magic. The ritual’s adaptation includes the fusion of metaphysical phenomena with data analytics, biometrics, and virtual reality simulations, enabling precise targeting of ritual energies and mitigation of spiritual risks.  
Factors Influencing Change
  Several key factors have influenced the evolution of the Dark Ascension Ritual over centuries:  
  • Technological Advancements: From traditional scrolls to digital algorithms, technological innovations have refined ritual practices and expanded their reach.
  • Globalization: The ritual’s adaptation to global networks and corporate structures has facilitated its spread and integration into diverse cultural contexts.
  • Political and Economic Shifts: Periods of political upheaval and economic instability have catalyzed the ritual’s evolution, aligning dark practices with strategic agendas.
  • Ethical and Moral Considerations: Debates over the ethical use of arcane powers and the consequences of summoning entities have shaped ritual protocols and secrecy.
  Throughout its history, the Dark Ascension Ritual has remained a potent tool for those who seek power and domination, its arcane secrets guarded by the shadowy cabals of Earth-618. As technology and society continue to evolve, so too does the ritual, adapting to wield its ancient powers in a modern world fraught with uncertainty and ambition.


The execution of the Dark Ascension Ritual follows a formulaic system rooted in ancient occult traditions and tailored to harness the specific energies required to summon Krahllak into the earthly realm.   Here’s an outline of how the ritual is typically executed:  
  1. Preparation Phase:  
    • Selection of Participants: The Hand selects individuals deemed suitable vessels or conduits for Krahllak’s avatar. Brianna James and her mother, Yuki Oshiro, are identified as crucial due to their unique spiritual resonance with the entity.
    • Secrecy and Seclusion: The ritual site is chosen carefully, often in a secluded, fortified location shielded from external interference. Secrecy is paramount to prevent disruptions or interventions.
  3. Setting the Ritual Space:  
    • Sacred Circle: A boundary is established around the ritual site using sacred glyphs, runes, or physical markers. This circle serves to contain and amplify the ritual’s energies while warding off unwanted spiritual entities.
    • Altar Preparation: The central altar is adorned with symbolic artifacts, candles, incense, and offerings. It becomes the focal point where spiritual energies converge and rituals components are placed.
  5. Invocation and Preparation:  
    • Opening Invocation: A designated ritual leader or high priest begins with an invocation, calling upon dark forces and invoking Krahllak’s presence. This sets the stage for the entity’s manifestation.
    • Offerings and Symbols: Blood offerings, symbolic items, and relics are placed on the altar as acts of dedication and communion with Krahllak. Each offering is imbued with significance, representing the participants’ submission and allegiance.
  7. Incantations and Ritual Actions:  
    • Chanting and Incantations: Participants, including adept sorcerers and ritualists, chant ancient incantations and perform ritual gestures. These actions synchronize with the ritual’s phases, amplifying spiritual energies and aligning participants’ intentions with the summoning process.
    • Ceremonial Acts: Specific acts, such as pouring libations, lighting fires, or ringing summoning bells, punctuate critical moments in the ritual. These acts symbolize the progression of the ritual and mark transitions between phases.
  9. Convergence of Energies:  
    • Conduit Activation: Brianna James or Yuki Oshiro, as designated vessels, undergo spiritual preparation and alignment to serve as conduits for Krahllak’s avatar. Their presence and preparedness are crucial for the ritual’s success.
    • Elevation of Spiritual Vibrations: Through collective focus and ritual actions, the participants elevate their spiritual vibrations, creating a harmonious resonance conducive to the entity’s manifestation.
  11. Manifestation and Binding:  
    • Manifestation Phase: As the ritual reaches its crescendo, Krahllak’s essence is invoked and directed towards the designated vessel. The entity’s presence begins to materialize, drawing upon the prepared vessel’s spiritual affinity.
    • Binding Ritual: Ritualists utilize binding artifacts, sigils, and incantations to tether Krahllak’s essence to the vessel. This ensures control over the entity and prevents its malevolent energies from escaping or causing harm beyond the intended scope.
  13. Closing and Containment:  
    • Closing Invocation: A concluding invocation or closing ritual is performed to seal the ritual’s effects and stabilize the summoned entity within the vessel. This phase reinforces spiritual barriers and ensures that Krahllak’s influence remains under controlled conditions.
    • Guardian Warding: Protective sigils and spiritual wards are reinforced around the ritual site and upon the vessel to safeguard against unintended consequences and spiritual backlash.
  Throughout the execution of the Dark Ascension Ritual, adherence to precise timing, intonation of incantations, and alignment of spiritual intent are paramount.

Components and tools

The Dark Ascension Ritual requires a carefully orchestrated assembly of components and tools steeped in dark occult practices. Here are the essential elements typically involved:  
  1. Sacred Glyphs and Symbols: Intricately drawn symbols and glyphs are inscribed around the ritual site, forming protective barriers and conduits for dark energies. These symbols are often derived from ancient texts and arcane traditions, imbued with specific meanings and powers to channel the ritual's intent.
  3. Altar of Convergence: A central altar serves as the focal point where offerings, artifacts, and ceremonial items are placed. It symbolizes the convergence of spiritual energies and acts as a nexus for invoking Krahllak's presence into the earthly plane.
  5. Candles and Braziers: Illuminated candles and braziers encircle the ritual space, casting flickering shadows and enhancing the ambiance of mysticism. Their flames represent purification and spiritual illumination, crucial for invoking and containing the dark energies involved.
  7. Sacred Incense: Aromatic incense blends, prepared according to ancient recipes, fill the air with fragrant smoke. These scents are believed to purify the ritual space, heighten spiritual awareness, and facilitate the connection between the physical and metaphysical realms.
  9. Blood Offerings: Ritualistic sacrifices, often involving blood offerings from willing participants or captives, serve as potent symbols of dedication and submission to dark forces. The blood's essence is believed to empower the ritual's efficacy and strengthen the connection to otherworldly entities like Krahllak.
  11. Elder Runes: Engraved stones or tablets inscribed with elder runes, symbols of primal power and mystic knowledge, are strategically positioned around the ritual site. These runes amplify the ritual's potency and safeguard against unforeseen disruptions or malevolent influences.
  13. Chalice of Communion: A consecrated chalice filled with a potent elixir or ceremonial wine serves as a vessel for communion with dark entities. Participants may partake in symbolic communion, affirming their allegiance and opening themselves to the energies summoned during the ritual.
  15. Binding Artifacts: Artifacts of power, such as enchanted chains, talismans, or relics imbued with protective wards, are employed to bind Krahllak's essence to the chosen vessel. These artifacts ensure control over the entity's influence and prevent its malevolent energies from spiraling out of control.
  17. Summoning Bell: A ceremonial bell, crafted from rare metals and resonating with occult vibrations, is rung at key junctures of the ritual. Its sound is believed to harmonize spiritual energies, amplify incantations, and signal pivotal moments in the ritual's progression.
  19. Guardian Sigils: Protective sigils, drawn or etched onto the ritual participants' bodies or garments, ward off malevolent spirits and safeguard against psychic intrusion. These sigils create a shield of spiritual protection, ensuring the safety of those involved in the delicate ritual proceedings.
  Through the meticulous arrangement and activation of these components and tools, the Dark Ascension Ritual unfolds as a dark symphony of arcane forces, aiming to bridge the gap between worlds and unleash Krahllak's infernal presence upon Earth-618. Each element serves a crucial role in maintaining the ritual's integrity, ensuring the controlled invocation and binding of the ancient entity's avatar to fulfill The Hand's malevolent ambitions.


The Dark Ascension Ritual is attended by a select group of high-ranking members of The Hand, individuals deeply steeped in dark occult practices and loyal to the organization's goals. Among them, the most prominent figures include:  
  1. Kenji Orii: As the leader of Clan Orii and a significant ally of the Hand, Kenji plays a pivotal role in overseeing the ritual. His expertise in mystical arts and strategic acumen make him a crucial figure in ensuring the ritual's success.
  3. High Priestess Shiori: A formidable sorceress and spiritual leader within the Hand, High Priestess Shiori presides over the ritual's arcane aspects. Her knowledge of ancient rites and ability to channel dark energies are essential for invoking Krahllak's presence.
  5. Yuki Oshiro: Brianna James's mother, Yuki, is a central figure in the ritual as one of the designated conduits for Krahllak's avatar. Her presence is crucial for the ritual's success, as she embodies the physical vessel through which Krahllak intends to manifest.
  7. Brianna James (Emissary): Brianna herself plays a dual role. Initially sought as the primary target for Krahllak's possession, her potential as an alternative vessel in case Yuki is unavailable adds a layer of complexity to the ritual.
  9. Mazoku: The skilled assassin trained by the Hand, Mazoku's role shifts from hunter to guardian during the ritual. His formidable combat skills are employed to secure the ritual site and ensure no interference disrupts the proceedings.
  11. Ancient Text Keepers: Scholars and scribes versed in ancient texts and rituals, these individuals provide crucial support by reciting incantations, maintaining protective wards, and documenting the ritual's unfolding events.
  13. Outer Circle Initiates: Lesser-ranked members of the Hand who assist in logistical and secondary mystical roles, ensuring the smooth execution of various ritual components.
  Each participant in the Dark Ascension Ritual brings specialized knowledge, abilities, or resources essential to achieving the Hand's goal of facilitating Krahllak's ascent to the earthly realm. Their coordinated efforts, guided by dark magic and unwavering dedication, aim to harness the ritual's full potential and bend supernatural forces to their will.


The Dark Ascension Ritual is meticulously timed and conducted with precise astronomical and astrological alignments, aligning with significant celestial events that enhance its efficacy. The ritual's timing is crucial and typically coincides with specific phases of the lunar cycle, when the moon is at its zenith of darkness, known as the new moon. This phase is believed to amplify the ritual's connection to the unseen realms and facilitate the crossing of boundaries between dimensions.   Furthermore, the ritual often requires alignment with specific planetary positions or celestial events, such as planetary conjunctions or rare astronomical occurrences, which are believed to open temporary gateways to otherworldly realms. The exact timing may also involve astrological considerations, such as planetary aspects or alignments that symbolize dark forces and influence the ritual's potency.   In addition to celestial alignments, the ritual might also be tied to significant dates in occult calendars or ancient mythological cycles, marking times when the boundaries between worlds are believed to be thinnest. The chosen time of day is typically during the witching hour, around midnight, when the veil between the worlds is believed to be at its weakest, facilitating easier communication with otherworldly entities and the successful manifestation of Krahllak's avatar.   By carefully orchestrating the ritual during these specific times, The Hand maximizes its chances of successfully summoning and binding Krahllak to his chosen avatar, Brianna James or her mother, Yuki Oshiro, ensuring the dark ascension unfolds according to their malevolent designs.
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