Anubis Character in Earth Anomalous Prime Earth | World Anvil
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At 13 years old Anubis was involved with a thieves group which led him to Amelia Reign. One night he broke into her home and attempted to steal the possessions however he was caught by Amelia and instead of being attacked was given food and offered a home and by extension a family with Amelia. He took the opportunity and became a Hero within the Superhero group the Alliance.   Now 8 years later Anubis is the only surviving member of the Alliance, after the Betrayal of Judas the Alliance was wiped out entirely exempt of Anubis and Amelia's two children Noah and Keira. Anubis having just been married to the love of his life a week earlier crushed him watching his adopted family die. He and his wife Anastasia adopted Noah and Keira and helped the New Legion defeat the Anti-Legion and Valentine in the Battle of the Dark One's Arrival.   Now he has become a teacher and father at the Reign Institute to live up to the legacy of the Alliance and Amelia he founded the Phoniex Patrol to prevent anything like what happened to the Alliance and the world from ever happening again. He spends a majority of his time with Noah, Keira, and Annastasia.

Hotshot 23-year-old recently become a married man to Anastasia and even more recently adopted Amelia and Jests children Noah and Keira after the Alliances death in Judas's Betrayal. Doing his best to keep it together and be the dad Noah and Keira deserve and working to build the New Alliance while running his own Hero Team the Phoniex Patrol.

Current Location
Reign Institute
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Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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