Milo Matherrs Character in Earth Anomalous Prime Earth | World Anvil
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Milo Matherrs

Milo Matherrs (a.k.a. The Wolf of the Institute, The Piper)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thin and Muscular very lean and well-defined body that is maintained and groomed to perfection.

Body Features

8 pack, Defined Chest, Tattoo on his chest of Grayson's Tattoo

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo of a Grayson's Dragon tattoo on his chest

Physical quirks

Cracks his knuckles and neck obsessively whenever he can

Special abilities

Mind Manipulator

Apparel & Accessories

Often swaps between his signature leather jacket and a black t-shirt and blue jeans and other forms of popular fashion.

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Straight as a Stripper Pole


Full marks on his current Academic record


The Dragon Champion

Accomplishments & Achievements

Attained the Position of Number 2 Very Early compared to others Along with the Champion of the Dragons.   The ONLY person ever to reveal a physical characteristic about Xander that was not previously known.

Failures & Embarrassments

Defeated by Xander multiple times Publicly during the Legionnaire Games

Intellectual Characteristics

By Far the Smartest person within the Ranks of the Top 10

Morality & Philosophy

His fundamental philosophy and outlook on life is under the bases that Intellgence and Power are an unbeatable in the correct proportions If he couldn't overpower or out think them then he needs to improve himself in power or Intelligence



Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

His Respect is rarely consumed by his Desired to win

Vices & Personality flaws

Consumed by his goal to be the number 1


Well maintained As all dragons like him he keeps himself in shape, clean, and respectable.


Contacts & Relations

He is the most Influential Student at the Reign Institute when it comes to Social Circles and knowing people, If you want something or to be connected with someone Milo is the one to get it.

Hobbies & Pets

Valcor- Milo's Pet PsudoDragon

Wealth & Financial state

Multi-Millionaire from his sponsorships

A handsome youth coming in as the #2 hero at the Reign Institute, An excellent communicator with an Eye for the #1 spot. The Youngest of the Top 10 with a knack for pulling wins out of the jaws of defeat. The Smoothest talker this side of the Solar System.

Current Location
Reign Institute
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Date of Birth
October 9th 2034
New York
Current Residence
Reign Institute
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
-Your gonna have to do better than that. -The First Trick to getting to were I am is always being the Smartest Person in the room and Let me tell you, That's not you.
Known Languages
All Major Languages

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