Amanda Eleanor Chante Character in Earth Anomalous Prime Earth | World Anvil
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Amanda Eleanor Chante

Amanda Eleanor Chante (a.k.a. Goes by Manny or Nori)

Unpredictable and rowdy, Manny is attending the Reign Institute in order to learn how to control her abilities and use them to her advantage, instead of against her. She is probably too powerful for her own good.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Small build, 5" 4" but stronger than she looks.   Short, bright orange hair that never seems to be able to lie flat.   Soft blue eyes with a hint of green around the iris.   Fair/ pale skin with a splatter of freckles across her nose and cheeks.   Never seen without her phone and a pair of earbuds or headphones. Typically wears jeans and a dark green jacket. The jacket seems to have sentimental value. Carries cottonballs in her pockets

Personality Characteristics


Chaotic Good- always trying to do her best to help others out but usually ends up making a mess of things.   A total klutz- sometimes has to do with her power- sometimes not.   Loud. Very loud. She recognizes it but doesn't feel the need to change.   Not very good at making or keeping friends considering people think she's annoying as heck. Also she could accidentally light you on fire. or drown you or make you float out of the atmosphere or explode... you :)

A 16 year old girl blessed with erratic music-based superhuman abilities, she feels an obligation to become part of the worlds next uprising superheros and help save people's lives.

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Chaotic Good
Soft blue with a greenish tinge
Short and bright orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair and lightly freckled
5' 4"

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