Kiel (Key-el) Kronin Character in Earth Anomalous Prime Earth | World Anvil
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Kiel (Key-el) Kronin

Kiel (Key-el) Kronin (a.k.a. Scorpion)

Kiel Kronin is the son of two individuals who had no powers, but had anomalous energy in them. When he was young both of his parents were murdered in his own home. He vowed that day to take revenge for his parents, and on any villains or heroes that took advantage of others.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He has a very athletic build. He is often seen running, lifting, or practicing with weapons.

Body Features

His muscles are well defined as he works them often. He's got a sharp jaw and a sharp look in his eyes.

Facial Features

Kiel has deep blue eyes that often look dark and disapproving. His hair is well cut, but as well dark. He's got a sharp jaw, but his face is always hidden behind a mask.

Identifying Characteristics

He's got a deep scar along his face that he hides underneath his mask.

Personality Characteristics


Kiels' ultimate goal is to be number one. His goal in life is to be able to stop anyone who gets in his way. He wants to prevent others from being

Vices & Personality flaws

Hot tempered

Kiel is 15 years of age. He has recently developed knew abilities and wants to train those to stop others from being taken advantage of like he has been. He will be attending the Reign Institute.

View Character Profile
Deep Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 8"
150 lb

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