Raiden Character in Earth Anomalous Prime Earth | World Anvil
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Raiden was born in _____ in _______ on a farm just outside of _____. Raiden has had a very peaceful life and a good childhood.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short and skinny compared to most people today, Raiden is about average being not to big but not to small. Raiden is semi-muscular due to a life on the farm and tinkering with machinery. Raiden is almost always outside and as such has a deep tan.

Body Features

Always has a smile.

Facial Features

Raiden has a sharp face structure with soft cheekbones. Raiden has sharp, intelligent, brown eyes with branching lines of gold throughout.

Identifying Characteristics

Raiden has no special features that cause him to stand out. But if you do want to find him, all you need to look for is a smile and some goggles.

Physical quirks

Due to tinkering with gadgets, Raiden can usually be seen with cuts, scratches, or ash marks on his body. His habit of wearing gloves and goggles has made him develop a severe contrast of tan on his face and around his eyes. He also usually has disorganized hair that still seems to look normal.

Special abilities

The power of electricity, as only small, erratic outbursts currently, will be capable of many great things. All he has to do is master his abilities.

Apparel & Accessories

Raiden, due to working on a farm and junkyard, is usually found wearing gloves and goggles to protect him while he's working. Due to the habit of wearing these, he almost always wears them despite not even needing them.

Specialized Equipment

Raiden has an advanced knowledge and love of technology and hopes to create some inventions that help heroes. He already has several ideas for possible gadgets he could use.

Mental characteristics


Raiden has been attending school normally and will be attending The Reign Institute soon.


Raiden worked at a small mechanics shop in _____.

An intelligent and very friendly 16-year old that is about to be attending the Reign Institute. He is able to manipulate electricity and hopes to be a great hero someday.

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Lawful Neutral
soft, friendly brown eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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