Reign Institute Organization in Earth Anomalous Prime Earth | World Anvil
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Reign Institute


The Headmaster The Teachers The Reign Champion  The Top 10 The House Champions The House Matriarchs & Patriarchs The House Members


Unlocking all of your potentiallk to do good, learn, and master yourself to help the world as a whole.

Public Agenda

To Educate the next generation fo Heroes to be the best version they can be to guide them to the future Humanity is capable of.


Trillions of Dollars, Millions of pounds of Antium, Quantum Relays, 363 square miles of campus, Etc


Built a few years after the death of the Alliance Cryptic founded the Reign Institute as a home for the next generation of heroes to help them illuminate the darkness around the world. Starting the first school year in 2023 with the first-ever class. Which raised one this generation's Champions who helped uncover and defeat the Lost and N.A.I.D. and reveal the identity of the Dark One to be their very own Homeroom teacher Kain Whitestone.    Following the Dark One's defeat, the Reign Institute has become a safe place for the Heroic youth to grow and learn with such alumni as Holland, Helios, Imperium, Valita, and many more putting the school as the number 1 School for heores and non-acendants alike as the top tier school in the solar system.

From the Ashes we Rise to Glory


  • Reign Institute
    The most prestigious school in the Solar System. Sitting at a massive 302 square miles in size and located on the Northern Hemisphere of Mars. Home to over 1.3 million students. Staffed by Heroes and home to many up and coming heroes. This map details the surrounding areas of the Reign Institute.
Founding Date
February 23rd 2023
Alternative Names
The Institute
Parent Organization

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