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Naming Traditions

Family names

When two àlfars are getting married, they take on the name from the more wealthy and noble of the two. Their children will get their parents' name too.


Major language groups and dialects

They mostly use  Common Elvish but High Elvish can be used in books and for special occasions.

Common Etiquette rules

Physical contact between two people who don't know each other well enough is seen as too intimate, even for a simple handshake. It is also good etiquette for them to hide their tail and for people to not touch anyone's tail without consent as it is so sensitive it can become an erogenous zone.

Common Dress code

Àlfars' eyes are sometimes enhanced with red or orange make-up and their hair, often kept long, are tied in an intricate hairstyle. Their ears and antlers may be pierced or surrounded by gold or ruby earrings. Their antlers can also be engraved or surrounded by ivy and decorated with flowers. They are generally dressed in a more or less long dress with wide and drooping sleeves, often in soft colors.

Foods & Cuisine

They essentially eat parts of plants like roots, stems, leaves, fruits and vegetables, algae, etc... but also can eat mushrooms, fish, eggs and milk. However, they rarely eat meat as they can't digest it well. They are also immune to most poisons and, by extension, alcohols and drugs. As a side effect, their meals are often too spicy or poisonous for members of other species.

Common Taboos

Hurting children and pregnant women is the biggest taboo for them. They also forbid foreigners to enter their Sacred Gardens. A life-tree should never be cut down.


Beauty Ideals

They consider as beautiful androgynous and graceful people, those who have young, fine and faint features, with skin without imperfections, whatever its color. They also observe the eyes of their interlocutors: light, innocent, melancholic, or smiling eyes are a criterion of beauty while dark, mocking, deceitful or fierce eyes are seen as ugly.

Major organizations

They mostly live in Àlfheim.


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