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There are two kinds of fae: pixies and fairies, which you can differentiate by their wings and skin color. While they're considered the same species, they're in fact often enemies.

Fae are able to control anything through the power of words: once they know the true name of something or someone, they can control it/them.

Basic Information


While being taller than pixies, fairies are just like miniature human beings with large wings on their backs and green hair. They're often depicted as beautiful and elegantly dressed. On the opposite, pixies are often naked or poorly dressed with dirty ragged bundles of rags which they happily discard for gifts of new clothes. They have colored skin and hair, with butterfly wings and pointy ears. It is however difficult to tell the gender of a pixie.

Ecology and Habitats

Fairies are known to live under the water, in the hills, underground or in stone heaps while pixies can be found in gardens.


The fairies are feared as dangerous and powerful beings who are sometimes friendly to other species but could also be cruel or mischievous. They mostly acts as a positive individual that shows people the right path but they often just waits for an opportunity to get someone's name. Fairies are also known to have powers to change the curious aspects of nature through the power of words. They can also swap other babies with fairy children.

As for pixies, they tend to be mischievous and childlike. They like dancing and forming big groups to dance and wrestle. They're also known to be misleading. Pixies are said to have magical powers such as bestowing wealth, kindness and intelligence. By their presence, they bring blessings to those who are fond of them. Some pixies are said to steal children or lead travelers astray while some are said to reward consideration and punish neglect on the part of larger species.
200 years
Average Height
10 – 15 cm
Average Weight
200 – 450 g
Geographic Distribution


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