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This is an introduction to Earth's general geography

Earth is the only terrestrial plane as the others are reserved for immortal beings such as gods, angels, demons, etc... It can contain a few dimensions but that number is limited because this plane is quite fragile, even more so since the Holy War. It also means it cannot contain beings too powerful.   The world itself is a flat disc, with the northern hemidisc and southern hemidisc separated by the equator in the middle. The unicorn tropic and the phœnix tropic are respectively the names of the northern and southern tropics. Moreover, the sun rotates around the world so that the northern hemidisc gets more light in summer and the southern hemidisc gets more sunlinght in the winter. It means that in temperate climates, there are four seasons.   Around the world, there is a dark space where the sun, the three moons and the stars are moving. It's called the Abyss or the Void but, because of an unkown force akin to magic, nothing and no one from this plane of existence can go there. The three moons are named after the gods Tun, Gils and Skìnn.


Topography is the strong vertical variation of a solid surface, either positively, as a protrusion, or negatively, as a cavity. The topography mainly depends on the geological activity of the area in question.


In this world, there is geological activity in the form of plate tectonics. These plates form several rings which slide against each other. This creates areas of significant volcanism as well as seismic zones and collision zones that are sources of topography and resources.

Plate tectonics

Volcanic Activity


Climates are mainly distributed according to parallels, meaning the tropics and the equator, and according to topography, air streams and marine currents. They can be separated in four simplified categories: tropical climates, temperate climates, polar climates and specific climates.

On the following map, tropical climates are in green. We thus have rainforest climate, monsoon climate and savana climate in this category while the humid subtropical climate is slightly more blue. Temperate climates are mainly in blue tones. We get, from the warmer to the colder, humid temperate climate (or dry summer), oceanic climate and continental climate. Polar climates are in purple and separated in oceanic subpolar climate, oceanic polar climate, arctic continental climate and inlandis climate. At last, specific climates are desert climate (yellow) and mountain climate (brown).


The marine currents and air streams follow these routes:

Currents & Streams

Fauna & Flora

By definition, a biome is a set of ecosystems characteristic of a biogeographical area and named from the vegetation and animal species that predominate there and are adapted to it. A biome therefore constitutes all the living species - the fauna and flora - that we will be able to find in certain geographical areas of the world.

Biomes are generally distributed according to climates and topography.

In the same way, sapient species can also be distributed according to biomes but they tend to stay within precise borders following their culture and ethnicities.



  • Earth


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