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High Priestess


After entering the Aldaluìn Order in her childhood, she has to follow a basic training under a Leaf so that she knows how to take care of a life-tree and perform the basic rituals from the Order. After being chosen by the current High Priestess, she has to follow a Root and a Bark to learn how to fight and defend herself. Finally, she acquire skills in administration and leadership from an Elder before following the High Priestess herself.


The High Priestess must be a pure elven maiden with a special link to Faëryn. She has to be beautiful and healthy, born in a honorable family, with a very good reputation herself.


The next High Priestess is chosen in her teens by the current one when the latter begins to age. After her training, even if she didn't reach adulthood yet, she perform a semi-public ceremony where she ritually kills her predecessor. The corpse then has to be fed to the life-trees in the Garden.


She has to manage and guard the Sacred Gardens of Faëryn and protect her Order's members.


She takes care of life-trees and manage the Aldaluìn Order. She has to perform rituals, including danses, during ceremonies and she is a honorary member of Àlfheim's Great Council.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The only way to be dismissed from being a high priestess is death, which means if she ever strays from her duties or she doesn't fit the requirements anymore, she is either killed or have to kill herself.
Religious, Special
In effect
Form of Address
Your Grace
Alternative Naming
The Maiden, The Sap
Equates to
Pope of the Light
Source of Authority
Length of Term
For life
First Holder
Current Holders
Past Holders
Related Locations


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