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They are your regular humans except there are a few different sub-species.

First, albes look like albinos, with white hair, white skin and blue to red eyes. Thus, they're very sensitive to sunlight and tend to live in cold climates. However, they have a better night vision, even though they're not nyctalope.

Pyrres have white skin, red hair and blue or green eyes. They're also a bit sensitive to sunlight but they can live in any climate they want and they're often better at magic than others.

Flaves comes in all colors. They can be blond, brunette or redhead; have white, olive, caramel or dark chocolate skin; have brown, blue or green eyes. They are the largest group of humans.

Note : Redhead flaves and pyrres are not the same : pyrres' hair is scarlet, not ginger.

At last, melans have black skin, hair and eyes, as if they had melanism. They're very tolerant of sunlight and warm climates but they're almost blind at night.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans are infants until 1 year old, toddlers from 1 to 3 and finish their early childhood at 8. They're teens from 11 to 18 and become sexually mature around 15. They begin to grow old between 50 and 65 years old.
75 years
Average Height
1.62 – 1.75 m
Average Weight
60 – 70 kg
Geographic Distribution
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