
Aligerattus bombus

The Howler is a medium-sized, megabat-like volucerictid with 1.2-1.5 meter pterosaur-like wings from the jungles of Skull Island. Howlers live in the lower regions of Skull Island, being far smaller than their relative the Terapusmordax obscenus, they can avoid the Psychovultures and Leafwings that have replaced the large volucerictids in the regions. Their bulbous eyes are keen, able to pierce the obscuring dark beneath the canopy where they hunt birds, smaller mammals (like Skull Island rats), large insects and lizards. A particular favorite is the Skull Island white bat, which the howlers tear from their roosts during the day or catch on the wing at dusk. Howlers are far more social than their larger relatives, with both males and females roosting together and caring for the young. Despite the attempt to avoid the new competition the species has to face, the Howlers numbers have been in steady decline since the Island’s discovery, the Skull Island research branch of the GDF has considered conservation efforts but no legislations have been passed as of yet.
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Rodentia
Family: Volucerictidae
Subfamily: Volucerictinae
Genus: Aligerattus
Species: A. bombus
Status: Alive.
Rank: Subservient.
Containment Status: Geographically Restricted.
Category: Mugai.
Temperament: Passive.
Height: 60 cm.
Wingspan: 1.2-1.5 meters.
Weight: 5 kg.


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