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Karandeep Kaur

Karandeep (Kara) Kaur (a.k.a. Morpho)

Kara is determined, spunky, charismatic, and a peace-loving person.   She loves to get involved in extracurricular activities, such as assisting Houston with his inventions and potion making, tending Jenelle’s garden, and acting on stage at the Glendale Global Theatre. Most recently she has been cast in the role of Lady MacBeth.   Despite being strongly against violence, she is more than willing to fight if her friends are ever in danger, even if it means risking her life. When Jenelle and Rick are incapacitated Kara briefly joins the Butterflies. The girls in the gang all grow to admire Kara and her devotion to her friends, eventually earning her name Morpho. The name is based on both Kara's ability to create camouflage and after a species of butterfly.   Of the group, Kara is closest to Asher. She loves his fun loving attitude and often assists in his practical jokes. She admires his ability to be free and unapologetic for who he is, a trait she one day hopes to acquire.   When the Countess of Elba comes to Glendale, Kara is commissioned to create several costumes for her and her associates. While Kara questions some of the costumes, she assumes they are meant for future productions at the Glendale Global Theatre. When Kara finally meets the illustrious Countess at a masquerade, the Countess suggests casting Kara in the lead role in an upcoming opera. While Kara is hesitant, the Countess promises to hire voice and acting coaches to ensure Kara is well prepared for opening night. Always up for a new challenge, Kara gladly accepts.   As Kara practices, she becomes incredibly frustrated as she struggles with the notes. Her coaches grow increasingly impatient with her and increasingly suggest finding a replacement for her.   One night while Kara weeps

Physical Description

General Physical Condition


Body Features

Nothing distinguishable

Facial Features

Nothing distinguishable

Identifying Characteristics

Nothing distinguishable

Physical quirks


Special abilities

  1. Expert Seemstress: Can create camoflauge and costumes to help her teammates complete covert missions.
  2. Martial ArtsShastar Vidya

Apparel & Accessories

Kara creates camouflage and costumes for the Knights of the White Lotus

Specialized Equipment

Rifle, Bagh NakhaKatar (dagger), Kevlar Armour

Mental characteristics

Personal history

  • Kara grew up in a conservative community with not a lot of contact with other children.
  • She relishes learning about new cultures, in large part because she had no previous exposures to people outside her community.
  • She is a skilled seamstress and has many rich and powerful clients

Gender Identity

Cisgender Female




Kara was homeschooled by her mother and acquired an Avalon GED.


  • Seamstress - Freelance
  • Actress - Glendale Global Theatre

Accomplishments & Achievements

Cast in a professional role as Lady MacBeth. The director of the Global Theatre has recognized Kara's long overlooked talent. Coaching her through her stage fright, he hopes to one day help launch her professional acting career.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her stage fright has cost her several roles in what otherwise could have been a promising career in acting.

Mental Trauma

Because of her mother's overbearing and overprotective nature, Kara is utterly unprepared for a life outside her community. As a result, her sunny disposition is often a cover for her debilitating insecurities. She often doubts and blames herself when things go wrong. While she is an extremely talented actress, she suffers from terrible stage fright. This often leads to her getting sick before performances, or forgetting her lines on stage. This has resulted in numerous instances where her understudy was promoted to take her place, and a general stunt in the growth of her acting career.

Intellectual Characteristics

Is curious and inquisitive. She is always looking to learn something new or acquire a new skill.

Morality & Philosophy

Possessed of a strong core, Kara strongly believes that good always prevails and that eventually evil deeds will find punishment.


Kara is fairly conservative and keeps her private life to herself. She does not judge others, but prefers to maintain a fairly "vanilla" lifestyle.

Personality Characteristics


Kara is a kind soul who believes in divine justice and that good should always prevail over evil. She is highly motivated to help others and make the world a better place. She is known for ever willingness to help in tasks, even in situations where the task requires strength/knowledge/experience beyond her current means. She is always up for learning something new, or acquiring a new talent.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Warm, charismatic personality
  • Skilled Seamstress
  • Avid Gardener
  • Apprentice Mechanic and Chemist (Apprenticing to Houston)
  • Talented Actress
Weaknesses: Crippling performance fears and anxieties

Likes & Dislikes

  1. Helping others
  2. Sewing 
  3. Gardening
  4. Attending drag shows
  1. Rude behaviour and bullying
  2. Fighting
  3. Geese

Virtues & Personality perks

Kara is a devout pacifist

Vices & Personality flaws

Kara is extremely reluctant to go into battle. She often hesitates, which can give her enemies an advantage.

Personality Quirks

When forced to join the Knights of the White Lotus in battle, Kara is a bundle of nerves and often pukes before the battle begins.


Always well groomed and fastidious with her hygienic regiment


Contacts & Relations

  1. KaraRick and Layla are distant cousins
  2. Briefly joins the Butterflies

Family Ties

Parents: Manjot Singh and Ranjeeta Kaur   Kara is initially resentful of how her mother sought to shut her off from the world. As she becomes more aware of the issues her community faces in Glendale, Kara quickly starts to recognize the racist systems in place to oppress minorities in Glendale and the entire island of Avalon. The pair reconcile and Kara expresses her gratitude and voices her admiration of the strength her mother has shown by protecting her family over the years.

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Kara comes from a very conservative family. Her mother often frets about the dangerous influences beyond Glendale’s tiny Sikh community. As a result, Kara was exposed to few children growing up, which makes her overly zealous to make new friends and generally naive to the ill-intent of some of the people she tries to befriend. One example is her understudy Sibella. Kara is completely under the impression that the pair are the best of friends, when in reality Sibella hates and resents Kara and secretly tries to sabotage her performances at every opportunity.


No specific mannerisms.

Hobbies & Pets



She is peppy and upbeat.


Ricardo Sá Cully

Distant Cousin (Important)

Towards Karandeep Kaur



Karandeep Kaur

Distant Cousin (Important)

Towards Ricardo Sá Cully




  1. KaraRick and Layla are descendants of Margalit Radha (a Yemeni Jew) and Gilberto Sá (a Paradesi Jew) of Cochin, Portuguese India
  2. KaraRick and Layla are descendants of Abraão and Raquel Sá, two Portuguese Jews from Gao, Portuguese India, who were transported back to Lisbon, Portugal and burnt at the stake by the Portuguese Inquisition in 1557.

Shared Secrets

Kara, Rick and Layla are descendants of the Abravanel family who is rumoured to be descendants of King David of Israel

Wealth & Financial state

Middle Class

Karandeep was raised in solitude by her strict mother until she was 15. As a result, Karandeep is quiet, cautious, and prefers to stay in the background. She is a distant relative of Rick.

View Character Profile
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
September 3, 1994
Circumstances of Birth
There was nothing unremarkable about Kara's birth. She was a wanted and much loved pregnancy/child.
Kochi, India
Current Residence
Glendale, Avalon
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A lady never tells
Quotes & Catchphrases
  1. "Repeat after me: I can do this"
  2. "Go team!"
  3. "That's the spirit!"
  4. "I wish I was as fabulous as Asher"
  5. "Oh [he/she/they] probably don't understand. You know, white people..."
Known Languages
English, Punjabi
Character Prototype

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