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CU Homecoming

Happens every year during M.O.J.O season around late September. Each dorm competes against one another in a variety of competitions to see which dorm gets the Champion Trophy. There are 5 events throughout the week and each dorm will compete to win each event. The 5 events are; Making a parade float, a battle royale, community event, campus event, and Rookie of the Year.   Parade float- Self explanatory, each dorm makes a parade float for ther homecoming parade, and anything goes. They have to approve the idea for their float to their headmaster before creating it, but besides that they're free to make whatever they want. A panel of Alumni judges will judge the floats every year.   Battle Royale- Each dorm picks one student to represent them, typically an upperclasman, and all 6 students fight in a battle royale style competitition where the last person standing is the victor.   Community Event- Each dorm will pick a community driven event, and whoever's event impacts the community the most will be the winner of that challenge.   Campus Event- Each dorm will host an event for all the other students and faculty, even some alumni come watch the shows. The campus event can be whatever the students decide, as long as its approved by their headmaster.   Rookie of the Year- Each dorm will pick up to 5 students to compete in a variety of activities that are changed each year.   Whichever dorm wins the majority of the contests gets the Champion Trophy for the year, and wins bragging rights until the CU Hero Festival. However, all of this is just a precursor to the main event, where the M.O.J.O. teams for both CU and Prime Academy compete to see who wins.   During homecoming week, each dorm will nominate a king and queen, and the school will vote for a king and queen collectively. The winners will be revealed right before the homecoming M.O.J.O. games. After the games, there is a homecoming dance that is decorated by one of the dorms each year. It rotates, so each dorm only has to decorate it once every 6 years.


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