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Varian Vanderbilt

(a.k.a. Hecate)

A powerful magic user in the Zatana Dorm, Varian has always considered their intellect and knowledge to be their greatest assets. Their hero name is Hecate. (Birthday: November 11, 2037)  


Early Life

Varian was born into a loving, and incredibly wealthy, family. Their birth mom, Lakrissa, always told Varian that they were a child from the gods, but Varian grew to realize that their mom may not have had the most sound viewpoint on the situation.

Growing Up

Growing up, the only friend Varian could talk to was Victor Vanderbilt, their cousin. Victor was the same age as Varian, but always surpassed Varian in both studies and magic, which Varian found infinitely frustrating. Victor had surpassed all of the tutors in their area of study by the age of nine. Because of his prodigy, Victor was excessively praised by his mother, which resulted in a severe superiority complex.
No longer able to tolerate spending time with Victor, Varian found themself alone. Luckily, when they turned 12, Lakrissa hired a new tutor for Varian. Her name was Allie Schultz. She was 16 and was attending the nearby high school. Allie was very talented, and also shared many of the same interests as Varian. However, once Allie graduated and moved onto CU campus, Varian no longer had any friends their age, and doubly refocused on their studies.

Champion University

When Varian turned 16, their moms started preparing them to lead Vanderbilt Industries. Varian wanted more than life as a company executive, but didn't feel like they could tell their moms this without hurting them.
Being recruited to Champion University was the perfect out. They pled with their moms to allow them go to CU under the guise of "widening their horizons to prepare to be a better leader." Surprisingly, they agreed, and when Varian turned 18 they packed up and left to go to Champion University.  


Varian may have grown up with the highest quality of private education and tutoring, but they had very few opportunities to form social connections with peers. Because of this, they can be awkward at times, and often come across as abrasive or a know-it-all.


In their studies, Varian found the wide variations on gender throughout different cultures fascinating, but found it rather dull to constrict themself to one form of gender. They simply exist, as a human, and do not care how people view them in regards to gender.


Varian Vanderbilt


Towards Allie Schultz


Allie Schultz

Former Tutor

Towards Varian Vanderbilt


Varian Vanderbilt


Towards Victor Vanderbilt


Victor Vanderbilt


Towards Varian Vanderbilt


they/them, he/him, she/her (especially as Hecate)
Wavy Auburn
5' 2"

This article has no secrets.


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