Ester Samigina

Esther Samigina graduated from the Boston University School of Nursing in 1987. She has worked all but the first year of her nursing career at the Dorchester House Psychiatric Facility. Since 1997, she has been the head nurse and considered the deputy of the director, Dr. Dallan. Samigina married her husband Philip in 1995, and their only son Henry was born in 1999.
Nurse Esther Samigina is a curt, clever, and soft-spoken woman who appears to have it all under control. At work, she is always on task and never seems to rest. She never hesitates. She calls everyone by their full names. Patients cling to her as a surrogate mother, though she does not show emotion. No one has anything but kind things to say about her. She has no real knowledge of Delta Green, but it may appear as if she does. Samigina is broad-faced and dark-haired, has piercing green eyes, and is meticulous in her appearance. She wears scrubs during work hours. After hours she is still often found in them underneath a hoodie or a pullover. Outside of work, her hair is always bound up in a hair scrunchie. She can sometimes be seen with a backpack marked up with silver paint pen and covered in names of various rappers and musical artists.

In May 2015, she was compromised by the power of the King in Yellow, and is now one of the main conduits through which Night World has infected the Dorchester House. Her family and home have long since been compromised. Inside her backpack she keeps the Cloak of Truth.


Ester Samigina


Towards Phillip Samigina


Phillip Samigina


Towards Ester Samigina


Year of Birth


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