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Reyna Lyon

Reyna Lyon

Being gay in space is not allowed and if you come out while you're in the Militia, you're sent off to the "other" communities on Jupiter and Saturn, excluded from traveling the universe and serving Earth United (EU).   Reyna only wants to make her mother's memory a legacy by following in her footsteps to become an officer for the EU. Everything comes crashing around her when she realizes she's falling in love with her commander, a married gay woman!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Reyna has the build of an athletic soldier with well toned muscles and curves.

Facial Features

Has a dimple in her right cheek

Special abilities

Learn more in book two, coming soon!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Reyna lost her mother when she was a teenager. Ever since, she's wanted to live up to her mother's memory to become an officer for Earth United. Her father is a trainer for the Mars Male Academy and they live a quiet life of work, drills, and studying.   Reyna attends the Junior Venus Academy at sixteen and throws herself into studying and working hard. She doesn't have much of a social life until Jordain, a girl sent from Earth comes into her life and disrupts everything by saving Reyna from a life of isolation.   Our story begins with Reyna as a cadet at the Venus Academy, after she turns eighteen.

Gender Identity

Is a cis-gendered female


Reyna discovers she's gay - which is not allowed in the Militia


5-15 / Mars Standard education 16-18 / Junior Venus Academy (for Women) 18+ Militia Venus Academy


Book One - Cadet at the Venus Academy

Mental Trauma

Her mother passed when she was a teenager and she isolated herself from people for years after.

Intellectual Characteristics

Reyna lives in her head and has a great mind for strategy but she's not great at talking to other people or dating.

Morality & Philosophy

This will come into play during all three books. Reyna will struggle with the guilt of everything she's going through and it will weigh heavily on her as she makes her decisions at the end of the story.

Personality Characteristics


Her mother's death spurs her on to be the best. Everyone says she looks and acts exactly like her mother and Reyna is half proud of this and half disappointed because she wants to be her own person but doesn't know who that is.

Likes & Dislikes

Reyna likes reading and doesn't mind working out. Reyna does not like large groups or trying to talk about 'girl stuff' in a group setting.

Vices & Personality flaws

Reyna lacks social knowledge but wants to lead people. Reyna also has a slight hero problem - where she wants to save everyone but doesn't know how to ask for help.


Family Ties

Jax Lyon - Mother Zerline Velir (Lyon/Atgodna) - Mother Emhos Velir - Sister Neeru Velir - Sibling (non-bionary) Laelgan Velir - Brother

Religious Views

Reyna is not religious - which is highly shown in book two

Social Aptitude

Extremely introverted and awkward in groups.


Chews on her lip when nervous and pats her curls down

Hobbies & Pets

We can call Wren (book two introduction) her pet...


Dan'Trell Stewart

Leader (Important)

Towards Reyna Lyon



Reyna Lyon

Mistress (Vital)

Towards Dan'Trell Stewart



Shared Secrets

Dan'Trell recruits Reyna to the Special Forces

Has dark brown curly hair that is always slightly hectic (as curls can often be). It is not uncommon for Reyna’s curls to be fraying out of the bun/pony she is wearing. Reyna has dark green eyes that might remind you of the leaves in a rainforest

View Character Profile
Lawful Good
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Venus (book one)
Dark Green
Curly brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
People are inherently selfish
Known Languages
Common Tongue (view this as English) She will learn the 'Alien' Tongue (Vaelas)

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...


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