Tiamat, god of greed

Tiamat is perhaps the most feared of the gods. A being of pure greed, she covets all. This desire has led her to attack and steal from anyone and anything. The only line she will not cross is breaking her word. If she makes a promise, signs a deal, or gives her word in any way, it will be honored. However, much like a deal with Vecna, the other party usually regrets the arrangement. She is well known for making convoluted contracts that are impossible to follow or keep. So when the other person inevitably breaks the deal, she takes everything from them.

Worship of Tiamat is outlawed in many places. If the dragon cult, as her followers are called, is allowed to take root, corruption soon follows. Her followers are the most greedy and covetous of all people, seeking to hoard wealth and power with no regard as to the effect on others.

Tiamat's most common form is that of a five headed dragon. Each head is a different color, representing each of the chromatic dragons. This form is gigantic, dwarfing all other dragons.

Tiamat views the other gods as rivals. As such she has no friends, only enemies. She bears particular hatred towards Vecna, god of secrets, as he is her most direct rival in hoarding.

The only exception is The Traveler, god of chaos. He spent many years in her company, far more than any other. The details of this time is unknown. Tiamat will not speak of it, and no one can reach The Traveler. What is known is that when he left, she had two children with her, the twin gods @Oppon. Most assume that these two are their children.



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